
Why did Yang Xiu, a person who knew Cao Cao best, die?

author:Deng Haichun

Wei Shu and Wu divided the world, of which Cao Cao was the most powerful, he not only defeated Yuan Shao at the Battle of Guandu, but also took the four prefectures of Ji, He, You, and Qing, but also used this to unify the land north of the Yellow River and become the largest and strongest prince. At the same time, Cao Cao's men were also full of talents, such as Xun Yu, the so-called "Talent of Wang Zuo", the poison warrior Jia Xu, and the "Brave Crown Benyu" Cheng Yu, and so on; Wu had five sons who could compete with the five tiger generals: Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Zhang Jaw, Yu Ban, and Le Jin, and there were also the fierce generals Cao Ren, Cao Chun, Xiahou Huan, and Xiahou Yuan. Why did Cao Cao, who had been in love with Cai, kill yang Xiu and put yang Xiu to death? Is Yang Xiu's death inevitable?

Why did Yang Xiu, a person who knew Cao Cao best, die?

1. Generations of hairpins, erudite and versatile

Yang Xiu, born in the family of the Generations of Miao, Tianzu Yang Bao is a well-known hermit, starting from Gaozu Yang Zhen, "from zhen to Biao, the fourth taiwei". Yang Xiu is not only from the Zhong Ming Ding Food Family, but also a studious and talented person, "Jian'an Zhong, Ju Xiao Lian, except Lang Zhong, Xiang Xiang asked the chief book of Cao Cao", thus Yang Xiu began his career path. "At that time, the military state was troublesome, and the general manager of the cultivation knew both the outside and the inside, and everything was satisfactory", at that time, Cao Cao's military state was troublesome, and Yang Xiu was responsible for internal and external affairs, all of which were in line with Cao Cao's wishes, and even Cao Cao praised Yang Xiu's erudition and versatility many times.

Why did Yang Xiu, a person who knew Cao Cao best, die?

"Since Prince Wei has descended and fought to make friends", Yang Xiu was young and famous, and he was erudite and talented, not only some of Cao Cao's men were vying to seduce him, but even Cao Pi, the prince of Wei, had to make friends with him, which showed how hot Yang Xiu was, but this also harmed him. Yang Xiu was talented, so Cao Cao also trusted him, otherwise he would not have appointed him as the main bo of "always knowing the outside and the inside", it is obvious that Yang Xiu, who was not afraid of tigers in the newborn calf, did not understand people's feelings very well, at that time Yang Xiu was the chief bookkeeper, just in time for the craftsmen to build the gate of the Xiangguo Mansion, just after building the rafters of the rafters, Cao Cao personally came to inspect. After reading it, he asked someone to write a "live" word on the door and left. No one else knew that Cao ChengXiang's inscription was for consensual purposes, and only after Yang Xiu read it, he immediately asked someone to tear down the door. After it was built, Cao Cao was overjoyed, and everyone asked why, and Yang Xiu replied: "The word 'live' and 'wide' in the door." Wang Zheng suspected that Men Daiya. Cao Cao was suspicious and admired Yang Xiuzhi's talent, but at the same time, he was also secretly wary of this talent who could see through himself.

Why did Yang Xiu, a person who knew Cao Cao best, die?

2. The struggle for the wife is guilty of his guilt

"Pi Fu is not guilty, carry his guilt", one of the reasons for Yang Xiu's death is: he is pregnant with the talent of eight buckets. One day, Saibei sent a box of shortbread to Cao Cao, and Cao Cao personally wrote "Yihe Crisp" on the box and put it on the desk. After Yang Xiu saw this box of puff pastry, he actually shared food with everyone, and Cao Cao asked him why, and Yang Xiu replied: "The ming book on the box is 'one person and one bite of crisp', how dare you disobey the order of the prime minister?" Although laughs, but the heart is evil. Cao Cao was suspicious, because he once tried to assassinate Dong Zhuo when he was asleep with the Seven Star Sword, but fled without success. When he was in a high position of power, Cao Cao was afraid that some of his bodyguards would want to assassinate him while he was asleep, so he said to those who served him: "I am good at killing people in my dreams; when I am asleep, ru and so on should not come near him." "

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One day, Cao Cao wanted to test his subordinates, pretending to be asleep and falling to the ground, a close minister rushed forward to try to re-cover the quilt, but Cao Cao suddenly got up, pulled out his sword to kill the close minister, and continued to sleep, half-shaking, pretending to be shocked: "Who killed my close attendant?" The crowd answered truthfully, and Cao Cao wept bitterly and ordered the burial of this close minister, so that everyone in the world thought that Cao Cao could indeed kill people in his dreams, and only the wise Yang Xiu saw through it and said, "Xiang Xiang is not in a dream, but Jun is in a dream!" When Cao Cao learned of this, Cao Cao became more and more disgusted with Yang Xiu.

Why did Yang Xiu, a person who knew Cao Cao best, die?

Cao Cao was getting older and weaker, so he began to consider the matter of establishing a concubine, and if it were not for the early death of his eldest son Cao Ang, Cao Cao would not have tangled between Cao Pi and Cao Zhi. Cao Cao favored Cao Zhi, because Cao Zhi was brilliant, not only far surpassing his brother Cao Pi in poetry, "reciting poems, discussing words and giving hundreds of thousands of words, good to the text"; and in the world, he had a fatherly style, "simple sex, no rule of prestige." The costumes of the horse are not gorgeous", so compared to Cao Pi, Cao Zhi is quite popular with Cao Cao.

However, Cao Zhi's advisers and henchmen around cao Zhi worried Cao Cao, at that time, Cao Zhi was surrounded by Ding Yi, Ding Shu, and Yang Xiu, compared to politicians and military experts, Cao Zhi was more inclined to poets and writers, so he had more appetite for Yang Xiu, and even when Cao Cao tested Cao Zhi's talent, Yang Xiu taught him how to deal with it. But if you ask a question, plant it is to answer it according to the article. Every time I asked about the affairs of the military state, I planted the answer like a stream. Unexpectedly, his son Shanwen suddenly opened up, Cao Cao was happy and suspicious, and his brother Cao Pi was not willing to be taken of the throne, secretly bought Cao Zhi's bodyguards, and after informing Cao Cao of the situation, he finally attracted Cao Cao's killing heart.

Why did Yang Xiu, a person who knew Cao Cao best, die?

3. If you let go of the wilderness, you will eventually die

Just when Cao Cao's march was blocked by Ma Chao and was in a dilemma, there was a group of officials entering the chicken soup, Cao Cao felt nostalgic when he saw the chicken ribs in the bowl, just when Xiahou Huan entered the account, asking for night slogans, Cao Cao casually said: "Chicken ribs! Chicken! Therefore, Xiahou Huan ordered all the officials to call them "chicken ribs". Unexpectedly, after Yang Xiu heard this, he actually asked the accompanying soldiers to pack their bags and prepare to return. Xiahou Huan asked him why, and Yang Xiu replied, "With tonight's order, I know that the King of Wei will soon return to the army." Chicken ribs, eat no meat, discarded taste. It is useless to retreat from the fear of laughter, so it is better to return early: the king of Wei will be a teacher in the future. Yang Xiu's maneuver made the whole army no longer think of making progress, and everyone was ready to make plans. Cao Cao was distraught and inspected the military camp, but he did not expect that all the generals were ready to pack, and immediately summoned Xiahou Huan to ask him why, and Xiahou Huan replied: "The ancestors of Yang De knew the intention of the king to return." Cao Cao then summoned Yang Xiu, and Yang Xiu was right with the meaning of chicken ribs, and Cao Cao was furious and said, "How dare Ru make up words and confuse the hearts of our army!" Yang Xiu, who had committed several violations of Cao Cao's taboo, was finally beheaded and died.

Why did Yang Xiu, a person who knew Cao Cao best, die?

Yang Xiu's death can be said to be inevitable, and one of the reasons is that he was involved in a fierce struggle to seize the wife. Although Cao Cao wanted to establish Cao Zhi basically benefited from Yang Xiu, the Ding brothers, etc., but they were always just a group of literati and inkers, and Cao Pi's subordinates Sima Yi, Chen Qun and other conspirators were obviously insufficient, so the biggest reason for Yang Xiu's death was that he stood in the wrong line; second, Yang Xiu's political stance was different from Cao Cao's, Yang Xiu inherited the family legacy, was an uncompromising Confucianist, retro faction, and his origin also made Cao Cao jealous, and Cao Cao was a tough reformer, so since there was such a person who saw through himself everywhere, And the person who did not conspire with him was there, so Cao Cao had to kill him.

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