
Julius Caesar was kidnapped, and the pirates demanded a ransom of 200 million, and Caesar was furious when he heard it: I am worth five hundred million

author:Literature and history monster

Chilicia is located on the Peninsula of Asia Minor in present-day southeastern Turkey, to the north of Cyprus and to the west of Pompelia. To the north is the Taurus Mountains, which are located right on the passage of the Mediterranean Sea, so it was once a very prosperous area of trade in the Roman Empire. However, during the Roman Republic, in addition to the beautiful scenery and prosperous trade, it was also rich in pirates. Of course, the abundance of sea pirates alone is not enough to make the Chiriqia pirates famous in the world, and it can be famous mainly for two things.

Julius Caesar was kidnapped, and the pirates demanded a ransom of 200 million, and Caesar was furious when he heard it: I am worth five hundred million

The first occurred in the autumn of 72 BC, when spartacus rebels assembled on the Brution Peninsula in Italy, planning to cross the Strait of Messina on the ship of the Chiricha pirates to Sicily. Unexpectedly, this group of pirates did not keep their promises, and did not provide ships, and the plan of the Spartacus rebel army to build a raft to cross the sea by itself failed to materialize. Crassus took the opportunity to dig a large trench with sea access at both ends behind the rebels, at the narrowest point of the land, to block their retreat to Italy.

Julius Caesar was kidnapped, and the pirates demanded a ransom of 200 million, and Caesar was furious when he heard it: I am worth five hundred million

After a fierce battle, Spartacus, although breaking through the barrier, lost two-thirds. The second thing that happened before this incident, it was 75 BC, a 25-year-old young man, planning to travel from Rome to Rhodes. Unexpectedly, he was kidnapped by a group of pirates in Chiriqia, who saw that he was dressed in extraordinary clothes and demanded 20 tarrants as a ransom. These 20 tarrants are equivalent to 200 million in modern times, so the sky-high price, what is even more unexpected is that the young man was angry when he heard it.

Julius Caesar was kidnapped, and the pirates demanded a ransom of 200 million, and Caesar was furious when he heard it: I am worth five hundred million

Then he laughed at them for not knowing who they had caught, and said that I was worth more than 20 tarrants, and you should ask for 50 tarrants. Good fellow, directly up three hundred million, why does he say that he is worth at least 50 Tarrants? Not to mention that this man really has this capital, 50 Tarrants are less, because he is julians often call Julius Caesar the Great. Julius Caesar, whose full name was Gaius Julius Caesar, was born on July 13, 100 BC, into an aristocratic family, typical of the second generation of officials.

Julius Caesar was kidnapped, and the pirates demanded a ransom of 200 million, and Caesar was furious when he heard it: I am worth five hundred million

His mother came from the O'Aureli Kota family, his maternal grandfather Aurelius Kota served as consul, and his father also held positions such as treasurer and justice. It can be said that the birth is very noble, from childhood to eat, wear, live and travel, that use is the best. Thanks to his family, Caesar received a good upbringing and was both literate and martial. As a teenager, he published "The Exploits of Hercules" and the tragedy "Oedipus", proficient in horseback riding, swordplay, etc., and his physique was very strong.

If it were not for the large number of robbers and the presence of the sea, it would not be certain who would teach whom. Caesar was on his way to Rhode Island, mainly to Apollonios, the son of Miron and the Master of Eloquence, when he encountered a group of pirates on the way. Although Caesar left Rome to live in the East because he refused to divorce Cornelia, the daughter of Qinna, he did not lose his aristocratic status. No wonder he was angry in the eyes of the pirates, who were only worth 20 tarrants and demanded that the pirates ask for 50 tarrants.

Julius Caesar was kidnapped, and the pirates demanded a ransom of 200 million, and Caesar was furious when he heard it: I am worth five hundred million

However, with Caesar's identity and personality, the pirates kidnapped him, and he obviously would not give up. During the 38 days of waiting for the ransom, Caesar had to be with the pirates, and in fact he gave a warning. Jokes that they must be sent to the cross after their release, and the pirates did the things that robbed the house, such cruel words are not less listened to. Naturally, he didn't care, thinking that he would talk about it, but Caesar said the truth in a joke.

When the ransom money arrived and he was released, he immediately went to organize a fleet. Capture all the pirates who kidnapped him, and by this time the pirates were too late to cry, and Caesar still crucified them. Perhaps during those 38 days, the pirates treated Caesar well, and to alleviate his suffering, Caesar first cut their throats before sending them to the cross. A year after the abduction, in 74 BC, Caesar returned to Rome.

Julius Caesar was kidnapped, and the pirates demanded a ransom of 200 million, and Caesar was furious when he heard it: I am worth five hundred million

He succeeded Aurelius Kota as a priest and rose through the ranks with superior talents. From commander to chief justice to consul, prosecutor, dictator and other positions, he conquered Gaul and attacked Germania and Britain in the eight years after becoming governor of Gaul. In 49 BC, he defeated Pompey and combined power to formulate the Julian calendar. On March 15, 44 BC, Caesar was assassinated by members of the Senate at the age of 56, and his adopted son Octavian defeated Antony and founded the Roman Empire.

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