
Jia Jingwen posted a thank you to her 3 daughters: each child is a ferryman for their parents

author:Mom and Dad read intensively
Jia Jingwen posted a thank you to her 3 daughters: each child is a ferryman for their parents

Intensive Reading Mom: Children are like a mirror, they can reflect the shortcomings of our adults, they are our important mentors in life.

Author:Fu Rong (Parents Intensive Reading Author)

Jia Jingwen posted on Teachers' Day in Taiwan: Thank you to my three little life mentors, because of you, I really learned a lot.

Love is eternal patience and kindness, it seems to be more suitable for you, please continue to teach, let me become a better mommy yo.

Jia Jingwen posted a thank you to her 3 daughters: each child is a ferryman for their parents

As we all know, after the failure of Jia Jingwen's marriage with Sun Zhihao, she left a daughter Wutong Sister, in order to compete for the custody of her daughter, Jia Jingwen put down her property and put down her face.

Today's Wutong Sister has a deep affection for her mother, in addition to the sweet interaction with her mother on weekdays, she will send blessings and gifts in time on Mother's Day and Jia Jingwen's birthday every year.

Once, Jia Jingwen and Wu Tongmei watched the movie alone, and took a group photo with their mother, smiling.

Mother's Day has not yet arrived, Wutong Sister has prepared a popular perfume set gift for her mother early, even the perfume set cover is customized, it is a group photo of Wutong Sister and Jia Jingwen, which makes Jia Jingwen moved.

Jia Jingwen once said: Being a mother has made me learn a lot, learn to love, learn to tolerate, learn to endure, learn to respect, learn to ...

And Sycamore Sister will also send her blessings on her mother's birthday and thank her mother for "Thank you for taking such good care of me and teaching me so many things."

Jia Jingwen posted a thank you to her 3 daughters: each child is a ferryman for their parents

Between the words, I deeply felt the love between mother and daughter, and learned love and patience from my daughter, which is really a happy family.

An author once said, "If you don't be a parent, you don't know your parents." A lot of times, we hear such a sentence, but what I want to say is that not being a parent, not knowing that the child is a mentor to the parent. ”

Why are children the life coaches of their parents?

Because when we have children, we will involuntarily have a strong sense of responsibility in our hearts, and we hope that we can become good parents of children.

But what do you have to do to be a good parent?

We provide children with good material living conditions, in the parenting will encounter a variety of strange problems, and how to solve these headaches is the parents need to work hard to learn, in the learning process to find a suitable parenting method for themselves.

And on another level, this is also an important life inspiration that children give to their parents.

Jia Jingwen posted a thank you to her 3 daughters: each child is a ferryman for their parents
Jia Jingwen posted a thank you to her 3 daughters: each child is a ferryman for their parents

It is the child who teaches parents what love is

A netizen introduced herself as a single mother, living alone with her son, she has always hated her ex-husband who let her lose the perfect marriage, so the mood will often fall into the past marriage quagmire, can not extricate herself.

Until she saw an essay written by her son, she understood that there is still important love in the world.

She shares her son's essay "My Mom":

My mom, not perfect at all, doesn't eat well and won't give me origami airplanes.

My mom was lazy and sometimes got up later than I did.

My mom would lose her temper and when I didn't do my homework well, she criticized me.

But I still love my mom, she's the best mom in the world.

Jia Jingwen posted a thank you to her 3 daughters: each child is a ferryman for their parents

After reading his son's composition, netizens involuntarily burst into tears.

Because she is the mother of her son, and his son loves her very much.

Although she will lose her temper with her son, although she will not make a meal for her son, and will not spend a lot of time with him, these are not important in his heart, it is all because she has an identity: "mother".

The love of the Son is unconditional.

The son loved her and would watch TV quietly alone when she got up late, not disturbing her sleep.

Her son loved her and would call her often when she was working the night shift to get her home early.

The son loves her and will burrow into her arms and give her warmth when there is lightning and thunder.

She bluntly said that because of her son's various behaviors, she learned to let go of the hatred in her heart, began to reconcile with herself, and learned to love herself and others.

She gradually slowed down her rush to move forward, learned to adjust her anxious mentality, learned to smile happily at herself, laugh at others, worked hard, went hiking with her son on weekends, and went to the Science and Technology Management Museum.

When she found that she was no longer attached to some of the obsessions in her heart, her whole person became relaxed, and even her son praised her: Mom, I found that you have recently become happy.

There is a saying that the child is the angel sent by Heaven to save his parents.

Many times, adults forget that there is still true love in the world, but children can touch you and let you see that there is still love in the world.

Jia Jingwen posted a thank you to her 3 daughters: each child is a ferryman for their parents
Jia Jingwen posted a thank you to her 3 daughters: each child is a ferryman for their parents

It is the child who teaches parents tolerance

My girlfriend shared with me an incident that happened to her 6-year-old daughter and made her feel tolerant.

Growing up in a single-parent family and an only daughter, her girlfriend was often bullied by other children in her childhood, and shouted at her: "You are a baby without a father." ”

Whenever she heard those words, her heart felt like it was being torn apart, and this pain had haunted her for many years.

Until last week, her daughter said that there was a boy in the class who wanted to invite her to play at home, and the boy had a younger sister at home.

That day, when the girlfriend and the boy's mother were chatting in the living room, they heard a fierce scream from the room, and the girlfriend immediately rushed in.

After entering, the girlfriend was frightened, only to see her daughter holding her messy hair in both hands and crying.

Jia Jingwen posted a thank you to her 3 daughters: each child is a ferryman for their parents

Next to her was the boy's sister, clutching the hair that had been pulled from her daughter's head.

After asking the reason for the incident, he learned that the boy had given one of his favorite cars to her daughter to play, and the boy never allowed his sister to play.

So when the boy's sister saw it, she angrily pulled off her daughter's hair.

When the girlfriend saw her daughter, her heart was broken.

She hurried home with her daughter, but two days later, she told her again that the boy had asked her daughter to play at their house.

The girlfriend was surprised that the boy and his daughter had forgotten things quickly, and were ready to prevent their daughter from visiting the boy.

Seeing her daughter's expectant eyes, she suppressed her thoughts and asked her daughter, "Do you really want to go?" Forgot what happened earlier? Not angry anymore? ”

The daughter replied happily, "I want to go!" The events of that day were over, I wasn't angry anymore, I went to their house today, and I knew how to get along with his sister. ”

This remark of the daughter made the girlfriend suddenly wake up, this is tolerance.

The girlfriend bluntly said that she had been hurt, and she had been immersed in the shadow of the pain and could not let go, and the 6-year-old daughter did not forget to be hurt, and tolerance was what the girlfriend wanted to learn.

The tolerant person makes others happy and himself happy; the mean person makes others miserable and feels bad himself.

Children are like a mirror, they can reflect the shortcomings of our adults, they are our important mentors in life.

Jia Jingwen posted a thank you to her 3 daughters: each child is a ferryman for their parents
Jia Jingwen posted a thank you to her 3 daughters: each child is a ferryman for their parents

It is the child who teaches parents patience

PiroFerucci, author of the book "The Child Is a Philosopher", says:

"I needed to be patient with my two children, and I knew that before I had them, but it wasn't until I was so engrossed in the role of father that I realized I needed a lot of patience."

I believe that this is our common destiny, and once we have a family, we have to face this situation countless times.

For example, going over and over the same thing, constantly being interrupted, adjusting themselves to the rhythm of their children, accepting disorder and chaos, abandoning our plans, etc., will make every parent feel that their patience is more or less challenged.

The famous actor Chen Qiaoen once revealed in the show:

When she was young, her mother often called her slap, which made her very stressed, and she lived in fear in her childhood, especially when she was alone with her mother, she didn't know what to say, and she was afraid that if she said something wrong, she would lead to her mother's scolding.

Jia Jingwen posted a thank you to her 3 daughters: each child is a ferryman for their parents

And her mother said in an interview: As a mother, she will never deliberately be bad to her child, and often scolding her child is a wrong behavior, and parents understand these truths.

But sometimes I just lost patience and didn't want to reason with my child well, so I chose the most stupid way to scold my child.

This way has caused indelible damage to Chen Qiaoen, even if her career is successful, but in real life, her personality is lonely and not good at communicating with people.

It can be seen from here that if parents do not know how to control their emotions, do not know how to regulate their own pressure, and choose to vent their emotions to their families, then they are bound to cause terrible shadows to their children.

Therefore, through raising children, parents will understand the necessary value of patience in the midst of thousands of difficulties, and they can also temper their parents' patience through various difficulties in parenting, so that their patience can be greatly improved.

Jia Jingwen posted a thank you to her 3 daughters: each child is a ferryman for their parents
Jia Jingwen posted a thank you to her 3 daughters: each child is a ferryman for their parents

I have to say that children are the life mentors of their parents.

It is they who teach parents tolerance, and the tolerant make others happy and themselves happy.

It is they who teach their parents what love is, and love can dissolve all uncontrollable attachments.

It was they who taught parents to be patient when they encounter difficulties, and patience is the only way to solve difficulties.

I am reminded of a poem by Tagore: "He loves the sun, he loves to look at his mother's face; he has not learned to hate dirt but to desire gold; hold him in your heart and bless him!" ”

Every child is a ferryman for their parents and deserves to be treated gently by their parents.

Jia Jingwen posted a thank you to her 3 daughters: each child is a ferryman for their parents

About the author: Fu Rong, parents intensive reading columnist, the copyright of this article belongs to Fushu, unauthorized, may not be reproduced, infringement will be investigated

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