
Dry mouth in spring, eat more "sprouts", there are unexpected benefits

author:Li Aiqin, nutritionist

"Spring climate is dry, windy and rainy, spring wind blows green willow branches, blows away beautiful flowers at the same time, but also blows dry people's skin." Spring is easy to appear dry skin, dry lips and angular cheilitis, etc., so the daily diet should pay more attention to supplementing various vitamins, eat more vegetables and fruits, drink more water, it is recommended to eat more of the following two types of vegetables, has a good preventive effect:

Dry mouth in spring, eat more "sprouts", there are unexpected benefits

1. Sprout vegetables

Soybean sprouts

Soybean sprouts are sprouts produced with soybeans, rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids, soybean oligosaccharides, dietary fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, as well as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other minerals, and contain a certain amount of carotene, in addition to the nutrients contained in soybeans, there is more vitamin C content (dried beans do not contain).

Bean sprouts taste delicious, and the rich vitamins and minerals contained in them are good ingredients for nourishing, moisturizing, clearing heat and detoxification.

Dry mouth in spring, eat more "sprouts", there are unexpected benefits

Mung bean sprouts

Mung bean sprouts are mung bean sprouts, mung bean sprouts protein, energy, fat are lower than soybean sprouts, but the water is higher than soy beans, so bean sprouts are easier to digest, Chinese medicine believes that mung bean sprouts have the effect of clearing heat, detoxification, diuretic and dehumidifying, suitable for dry mouth thirst, urine red heat.

Black bean sprouts

Black bean sprouts are sprouts produced by black beans. Protein, fat, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber are comparable to soybean sprouts, but the content of vitamin C, carotene, and calcium is higher than that of soybean sprouts. The dietary fiber content is rich, up to 1.7mg per 100 grams, which is beneficial to promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis and defecation.

Dry mouth in spring, eat more "sprouts", there are unexpected benefits

Pea seedlings

Pea seedlings are the young stems and leaves of vegetable peas as a kind of green leafy vegetables for consumption, also known as "pea tip" and "dragon whisker seedlings" have higher nutritional value, the protein content is higher than the above three sprouts, and the content of vitamin A, carotene and vitaminS1 and B2 is significantly higher than the above three sprouts.

Pea sprouts are fragrant and refreshing to eat, tender and lubricated, and the rich carotene content is conducive to maintaining the integrity of the mucosal layer of the skin.

Second, young shoots


Lettuce, also known as lettuce, green shoots, rich in water, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, etc., water content of 95.5%, is a good spring thirst to moisten the throat of food, and lettuce cool and laxative, contains aromatic help to stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes, enhance appetite.

Dry mouth in spring, eat more "sprouts", there are unexpected benefits

Spring shoots

Spring shoots are rich in water, dietary fiber, potassium, and contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, especially the dietary fiber content of 2.8/100g, is a very refreshing spring thirst-quenching vegetables.

bamboo shoots

Bamboo shoots are rich in water, protein, dietary fiber, B vitamins, potassium, etc., is a good ingredient for refreshing breath in spring and replenishing water, bamboo shoots can also make bamboo shoots drinks, juice to drink.

【Nutritionist reminder】 The above vegetables are best in the cooking method of light and less salt, the best way is to eat or with the minced meat together with the soup, less seasoning, try to maintain its light and refreshing taste, bean sprouts can not be overnight, buy the best day to eat, if you need to save, you can put it into a plastic bag sealed, put into the refrigerator refrigeration, but not more than two days.


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