
In the dispute between the King of Qin and the Crown Prince, Li Yuan himself was difficult to protect, and how high were Li Shimin's means?

author:Nangong seeking joy

On July 2, 626, the summer trees were green and the sun shone on Chang'an.

Inside the Taiji Palace, Li Yuan, the founder of the Tang Dynasty, was drinking tea and reading newspapers as usual, enjoying this luxury. Suddenly, a rush of footsteps tore the tranquility apart.

Before the Guards could report it, Li Shimin, the King of Qin, had already appeared in front of Li Yuan in front of Li Yuan, who was a fierce general in front of li shimin, the gate god master, who was already wearing armor and holding a sword.

Li Yuan was shocked and asked: Who is evil among today's chaos? Why is the secretary here?

Wei Chigong, who saw only his fleshy face, calmly replied: The rebels, Crown Prince Li Jiancheng, and Li Yuanji, the King of Qi, have been reprimanded outside the Xuanwu Gate, and the last general, the King of Qin, has come here to defend His Majesty.

In the dispute between the King of Qin and the Crown Prince, Li Yuan himself was difficult to protect, and how high were Li Shimin's means?

Looking at Wei Chigong's bloodied armor and cold eyes, Li Yuan, who had a keen sense of political smell, had already seen the situation clearly. He thought to himself: Where is the protection, it is clearly the kidnapping ticket.

Li Yuan was a wise man, and he knew li Shimin's ferocity. Say nothing, whoever has the knife in his hand has the final say.

What a tiger without a dog! Li Shimin and Li Yuan, the perfect performance of these two mature politicians, not only took into account the faces of both sides, but also stabilized the current situation. High, really high!

At this time, Li Shimin was racing his high horse, showing a victorious smile, everything was going well, and he had successfully controlled the situation.

In the dispute between the King of Qin and the Crown Prince, Li Yuan himself was difficult to protect, and how high were Li Shimin's means?

In Li Shimin's heart, Li Yuan must live, and he must live well, exerting his residual heat as a retired veteran cadre and serving as a step for him to legitimately ascend the throne.

In order to plan this coup d'état, Li Shimin did his homework, and bloodshed was naturally an indispensable subject.

In order to fight for power and seize the throne, the killing of brothers and fathers has never been broken in history. But history is a little girl dressed up by successful people, and what you see is only what they want you to see.

Judging from this incident, the reason why Li Shimin did not let Li Yuan bleed is mainly because Li Yuan not only posed no threat to Li Shimin's troubles, but also helped him.

Like a marionette, Li Yuan, as the most authoritative spokesman, helped Li Shimin remove obstacles, clean up the mess, and provide a reasonable transition for Li Shimin to ascend to the throne.

In the dispute between the King of Qin and the Crown Prince, Li Yuan himself was difficult to protect, and how high were Li Shimin's means?

If Li Shimin, like his cousin Yang Guang, was furious and directly took advantage of the coup d'état to kill his father and ascend to the throne, then the later history would be a bit difficult to compile, could it be said that the prince and the king of Qi colluded with Gaozu Li Yuan to plot rebellion, and was served by the kind and resourceful King of Qin?

Li Shimin has great talent, not only because of his outstanding ability, but also because he is good at packaging and publicity, paying attention to external influence.

Two months later, the transition was almost over, and Li Yuan retired honorably from the emperor's term.

A few minutes before retirement, Li Yuan lay on the steps of the main hall and did a few push-ups, he thought while doing it, 60 years old retirement is really a bit early, the old man's physique can still play the residual heat for a few more years, but unfortunately the son is not allowed ah!

In the dispute between the King of Qin and the Crown Prince, Li Yuan himself was difficult to protect, and how high were Li Shimin's means?

As a generation of founding emperors, but had to act against his will, neither for the struggle to sacrifice the son's name, nor to save the life of his grandson, in his later years, although Li Yuan can live without worry, but the inside is miserable, there is nowhere to say.

For a veteran hedonist, sadness is only temporary, and paper drunkenness is the whole of life.

After early retirement, Li Yuan was full of energy, and in order to pass the time, he gave birth to children one by one. This has stumped Li Shimin, who is said to have spent half his life worrying about the placement of his brothers, sisters and nephews.

The problem of the placement of those princes and grandchildren was not completely resolved until the time of Wu Zetian. Because Wu Houyi was not happy, they all "clicked". Therefore, it is better than fierce, Li Shimin is not as good as Wu Zetian.

In the dispute between the King of Qin and the Crown Prince, Li Yuan himself was difficult to protect, and how high were Li Shimin's means?

There are specializations in the art industry, and if so, Li Shimin is good at nesting and horizontal. Although Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji are very good brothers, they are far inferior to Li Shimin than they are fierce.

Li Shimin was a young man with outstanding martial arts skills, and made great military achievements for the unification of the Tang Dynasty, because he could not be sealed, at the age of 23, he was specially awarded the title of "General of Heavenly Strategy", and his status was respected, only under the emperor and the prince.

Admiral Tiance will be able to recruit talents on his own as officials in the government, the so-called "Xu self-imposed official subordinates". Therefore, the courtiers in the Qin Dynasty were like rain and the fierce generals were like clouds, and they followed Li Shimin to fight in all directions, but the Qin King's orders were obedient, known as the "Qin King's Party", which was enough to compete with the "Princelings" in the Eastern Palace.

Li Jiancheng is also not a vegetarian, he is the first prince of the Tang Dynasty, he is a corporal, staying in the rear, Wenzhi martial arts has left a strong mark for the creation of the foundation of the Tang Dynasty. Fortunately, he was the eldest son of a concubine, and even if he did not work so hard, he was also the son of destiny, the first heir to the throne; unfortunately, his younger brother was named Li Shimin, a ruthless character who dared to change his fate against heaven.

In the dispute between the King of Qin and the Crown Prince, Li Yuan himself was difficult to protect, and how high were Li Shimin's means?

Objective evaluation, Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin are outstanding, a construction base, a new territory, are the hope and glory of Datang.

I would like to say that the true images of Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin are similar to Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son Zhu Biao and fourth son Zhu Di, Zhu Biao is generous and benevolent, good at governing the country and the people; Zhu Di is brave and good at war, suitable for opening up territory and expanding the territory, only to blame Tang Gaozu for not having Ming Taizu's shrewd and courageous children who could not stop the restlessness.

There is a man who has seen through all this long ago, and he is telling the truth. His name was Wei Zheng, and he was a migrant worker with a modern consciousness, and many people memorized his "Ten Thoughts of Emperor Taizong" when they went to school.

Wei Zheng did his best for every leader he had served, and originally he was the brain trust of the crown prince Li Jiancheng, and he had already seen Li Shimin's ambitions.

Wei Zheng once said to the crown prince: The king of Qin is getting higher and higher, and he is afraid of change, so it is advisable to get rid of it as soon as possible.

In the dispute between the King of Qin and the Crown Prince, Li Yuan himself was difficult to protect, and how high were Li Shimin's means?

However, Li Jiancheng, concerned about his brotherly feelings, rejected Wei Zheng's proposal by one vote. Wan did not expect that Li Shimin preemptively attacked and came to a counterattack inside the Xuanwu Gate.

As if that wasn't enough, those who were killed would also be nailed to history's pillar of shame. The book says: "Jiancheng and Yuanji are actually two murderers." China's foreign structure is not tolerated by man and god. ”

Under the Nine Springs, if Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji could write poetry, they would definitely learn from Cao Zhi to his brother to write a "Seven-Step Poem": boiling beans and burning bean stalks, beans shouting in the pot; they are all a father, why do you want to kill me?

As the saying goes: the most ruthless imperial family. Since you have enjoyed luxury, you must also be able to afford to kill. Only after laughing until the end can you become an elegant and beautiful man with that rich and glorious.

In the dispute between the King of Qin and the Crown Prince, Li Yuan himself was difficult to protect, and how high were Li Shimin's means?

The hero went to the luxury of the end, only to see the green mountains falling in the light. The number of kings and kings is fixed, and there is no longer a hero.

Dusk falls and the birds return home. Ten thousand and one places are miserable, and there is silence in all corners.

A touch of passing water, a hook of residual sun, a bowl of spirits. The world has changed, how many emperors and generals have been rotated, the sand has been folded, the three thousand powders have been lost, and the rest of the sighs have been spared.

Only those talents who gallop in the wind, those beautiful people who lean on the lintel alone, are crazy, drunk, and fascinating. The hazy eyes faintly saw the drunken dancing neon clothes, and the madness of the Heavenly Son who did not come to the ship.

In the dispute between the King of Qin and the Crown Prince, Li Yuan himself was difficult to protect, and how high were Li Shimin's means?

Some people compete for fame and profit, drill camp all their lives, and leave a little bit of sorrow; some people have a sword heart and courage, and when they spit out their embroidery mouths, they are half a sheng Tang Dynasty.

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