
The head of the jade woman, Zhou Huimin, the husband has cheated many times, and the goddess does not divorce what the hell is it

author:Fat cake
The head of the jade woman, Zhou Huimin, the husband has cheated many times, and the goddess does not divorce what the hell is it

Zhou Huimin, a beautiful and spiritual woman, is not only an excellent actress, but also a female singer who can open a world tour, her paintings won the "New Era award for visual arts", and her hobby American billiards once represented the competition to win the third place in the women's group.

Pure as jade, temperament like orchid, Zhou Huimin was also named the head of the jade girl, such a goddess is the dream lover of grandparents, fathers, and grandchildren. The audience felt that no one could deserve Zhou Huimin, but Zhou Huimin's marriage was a chicken feather.

Zhou Huimin's husband Ni Zhen has cheated many times, the most outrageous thing is that he was just exposed to cheating, Zhou Huimin proposed to break up, but a week later the two received a marriage license, which simply shocked everyone.

After marriage, the husband also reported many scandals and cheating news, but surprisingly, the two did not divorce, and it is still unclear what Zhou Huimin is trying to do.

The head of the jade woman, Zhou Huimin, the husband has cheated many times, and the goddess does not divorce what the hell is it

△ Zhou Huimin

Chow Wai Man was born in Hong Kong in 1967, and before she was born, her father died, and she was the widow.

In 1985, he participated in the Rookie Singing Contest and in 1986, he participated in the "RTHK Amateur DJ Competition" and won the second place.

Although Zhou Huimin debuted in a singing competition, many people only remember her role. I didn't think that the goddess was an all-rounder.

Zhou Huimin's typhoon is very good, her energy seems to never run out, after joining TVB, she also served as a host of music programs. Her work can be called an otaku killer, which has won "gold records" and has also received platinum sales.

However, such an excellent goddess announced her withdrawal from the entertainment industry in 1997, and although there was a comeback later, there were not many works.

The head of the jade woman, Zhou Huimin, the husband has cheated many times, and the goddess does not divorce what the hell is it

△ Zhou Huimin's husband Ni Zhen

Ni Zhen was born in Hong Kong in 1964 with his ancestral home in Ningbo, Zhejiang. Ni Zhen's family is not very rich, but it is a real scholar, his father is the author of the Wesley series of novels, the same level as Jin Yong, are famous talents in Hong Kong, and even Ni Zhen's aunt is a famous emotional novelist.

Ni Zhen grew up in such a family, and he was also a talent. Ni Zhen himself has hosted radio programs and founded magazines, and the once popular "Yes!" was founded by Ni Zhen and his friends.

The head of the jade woman, Zhou Huimin, the husband has cheated many times, and the goddess does not divorce what the hell is it

△ Zhou Huimin and Ni Zhen's love and hate entanglement

In 1986, Zhou Huimin, who had just debuted, fell in love with the band's lead singer Chen Dezhang, at this time Zhou Huimin was only 19 years old, and it was not long before the two broke up.

In 1989, Zhou Huimin was 22 years old, and met Ni Zhen on a show, and Ni Zhen felt that Zhou Huimin's temperament was too outstanding, so he stalked Zhou Huimin.

Where has Zhou Huimin seen the love field master, not to mention that Zhou Huimin at this time is not famous enough, and Ni Zhen is already a somewhat famous talent, the two are together, and in 1993, the two broke up. Three years later, in 1996 the two were reunited.

In 1997, Zhou Huimin announced her withdrawal from the entertainment industry, that is, she went to Canada with Ni Zhen to live.

When she was in Canada, Zhou Huimin had almost no career, and she lived in simplicity and rarely went out. It wasn't until 2004 that the two returned to Hong Kong.

On December 7, 2008, some media photographed Ni Zhen kissing a girl in a bar, and as soon as the news came out, Zhou Huimin issued a statement in the media, and the two officially broke up.

Before everyone could be happy for Zhou Huimin, a week later, Ni Zhen announced that she had registered a marriage with Zhou Huimin. The two were in love for 19 years and finally married.

The head of the jade woman, Zhou Huimin, the husband has cheated many times, and the goddess does not divorce what the hell is it

This relationship has been entangled for many years, and finally cultivated into a positive result, but unfortunately there are not many people who are optimistic, because Ni Zhen has been derailed many times, and there are often lace news after marriage, and female stars who have scandals with Ni Zhen can get together for a few tables of mahjong.

Before Ni Zhen and Zhou Huimin, Ni Zhen and Li Jiaxin also had a relationship experience. Li Jiaxin was very beautiful when he was a student, and was also discovered by star scouts to join the entertainment circle, Ni Zhen was met when Li Jiaxin was shooting advertisements, and later Ni Zhen wrote hundreds of love letters to pursue Li Jiaxin.

Ni Zhen also pursued Li Jiaxin as he wished, and in 1988, Li Jiaxin won the "Miss Hong Kong" title, which was followed by more and more workload, and the two broke up shortly after.

When Ni Zhen and Zhou Huimin had not yet broken up in 1993, Ni Zhen had his eyes on another Miss Hong Kong, Chen Farong, which was also not good, maybe Ni Zhen was too talented, and Chen Farong was willing to bear the risk of being scolded with Ni Zhen.

Zhou Huimin chose to break up with Ni Zhen, but unfortunately she was reunited later.

There are many rumors of Ni Zhen's cheating, some of which have been exposed to cause splashes, and some of which have not been exploded, but it can be determined that Ni Zhen has many cheating experiences after marrying Zhou Huimin before and after marriage, and Zhou Huimin herself knows it.

According to rumors, Zhou Huimin and Ni Zhen have not had children, because Zhou Huimin has had multiple births for Ni Zhen. The author was furious.

The head of the jade woman, Zhou Huimin, the husband has cheated many times, and the goddess does not divorce what the hell is it

Why didn't Zhou Huimin break up with Ni Zhen? This problem may be that many people have thought, Zhou Huimin can find a better boy, even if it is divorced, no one likes it, but Zhou Huimin would rather be injured many times than be separated from Ni Zhen.

Probably for several reasons, Zhou Huimin's father died before she went out, which made Zhou Huimin sensitive, very unconfident, and very eager to have a family of her own.

The second reason is that Ni Zhen is indeed talented, his appearance is also said to be in the past, and he is a master of the love field, and Zhou Huimin is easy to fall into.

The third reason, Zhou Huimin and Ni Zhen entangled for too long, in today's words, she may have been PUA by Ni Zhen, feel that Ni Zhen must be, Zhou Huimin may also be a love brain.

The last reason is that Zhou Huimin has paid too much on Ni Zhen, and she has aborted for him to quit the circle and abort for him, which makes Zhou Huimin unable to leave him.

Maybe Zhou Huimin and Ni Zhen are willing to fight one wish, and only Zhou Huimin herself knows the cold and warm. It is a pity that Zhou Huimin retired from the circle too early, otherwise her achievements must be very high.

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