
Di Xiachen | The dilemma between Liu Shipei before and after entering the duan square curtain

From 1909, when he openly defected to Duanfang to his death in 1911, the transformation of the scribe Liu Shipei during this period left many mysteries for future generations: why did he turn from a fierce platoon revolutionary to the Qing court, and was it sincere? Have you ever regretted such a choice? How is his relationship with The End? Unfortunately, during this period, Liu Shipei buried his head in the pile of old papers, cut off most of his former friends, and rarely wrote that he openly revealed his own handwriting. In fact, at this time, he was "full of depression and subliminal chanting", and placed his inner frustration, repentance, ambition, and hope in obscure poems, including rare self-descriptions and precious historical materials.

Di Xiachen | The dilemma between Liu Shipei before and after entering the duan square curtain

From "Throwing Forest Birds" to "Swallowing Hook Fish": Before and After Surrendering to Duanfang Liu Shipei's early poems have a pair of images of "throwing forest birds" and "swallowing hook fish". "Hidden Poems" (1902) Yun: "It is better to throw forest birds than to swallow hooked fish." Jun watch the birds throw into the forest, the north mountain is more elm. Swim fish are happy to swallow the hook, when will you return to the lake? The metaphor of "throwing forest birds" to defect to the revolution, and the metaphor of "swallowing hook fish" was attached to the Qing court. At this time, Liu Shipei's future way out is still unclear, but he is secretly determined to revolution in his heart and is unwilling to swallow the hook and be deceived. However, judging from his later life choices, he was repeatedly reduced to "swallowing hook fish". The reason for this is also sometimes revealed in his poems. In the poem "From the Beginning of the Jiaoshan Mountain of the Northern Journey of the Shangshu of The Zaozhai Shang Shu", he euphemistically implied that he followed Duan Fang out of helplessness: "The fish is wet, and the hungry phoenix is in the cave? "The rutted fish, I only hope that someone can moisten it with moisture." How can a hungry phoenix be imprisoned in a cave? At that time, Liu Shipei's situation was like a "fish in the rut", dying. There is nowhere but "swallowing the hook". Combined with the historical data, the truth is also true. Mr. Wan Shiguo's newly discovered "1912 Liu Shipei's Letter to Zhang Taiyan" (published in the Asia Daily on June 4, 1912) is the only text so far that Liu Shipei has publicly described his life difficulties and traces, and has explained many unknown historical facts. When talking about the reasons for defecting to Duanfang, he said: "The husband died for eight years, lost his life, and the public knew it; the family was in Boxi, and the public saw it." Gu Nairen has little gravity, is small in his words, has limited karma, and lures official gold. The first is given, and the last is threatened, and its sin is also one. "Heng Bao" is sealed, and the body is like Shanghai. Xi Qing's narration could not lead to self-determination, and he was deceived by Zhao Chunlin and Hong Shuxuan's sweet words, trapped in the shadows, and did not look at the age of three, and his second crime was also. In the letter, he sincerely apologized to Zhang Taiyan for the past misunderstanding, and changed the reason for changing the court: his family was in Tokyo, and the expenses were extremely high. Eight years in exile with no fixed income. In addition to the mother's need for support, she also needs to bear the use of the two orphans of the family's great aunt and Liu Shicang, and often cannot make ends meet. It was precisely because of this that the idea was to lure the end party into contributing. Unexpectedly, he was clever, but he was held hostage. After the "Heng Bao" was sealed, he returned to Shanghai alone to meet With Deng Shi and Yang Tianji, but was tricked by Zhao Chunlin, Hong Shuxuan and others to become Duanfang's staff. It can be seen from this that the setback of political ideals, economic embarrassment, and the deliberate solicitation of Duan Fang have caused Liu Shipei to become a "fish that swallows hooks". After defecting to Duanfang, Liu Shipei did not become a real "secret agent". The Japanese scholar Tomita Sheng once pointed out various doubts about Liu Shipei's "secret agent theory." He studied a series of reports in the December 1908 Asahi Shimbun Chronicle about the "truth about the poisoned tea incident" and pointed out that these news stories negated the "secret agent theory" that was prevalent at that time. The "Prison of Zhang Gong" was the only secret agent known about Liu Shipei in his lifetime, accusing Liu Shipei of informing Duan Fang of the revolutionary Zhang Gong's conspiracy to revolt and causing his arrest. In fact, it was not Zhang Gong who was arrested at that time, but an innocent international student, who was later released. In fact, Zhang Gong had already been arrested around the Anqing Uprising (July 1907), and Liu Shipei only defected to Duanfang after 1908. In 1912, Liu Shipei also told Zhang Taiyan that he was snubbed by Duanfang, basically stayed at home, and never participated in politics. Not only did he not do anything to hurt the revolutionary party, but he also "proved Duan Zhao's innocence and urged Wu Kun to make a quick rise" and tried to secretly help his former revolutionary friends. It can be seen from this that his surrender to the Duanfang is only a stopgap measure, not a genuine rebellion against the revolution. However, once this step is taken, it is also indefensible, and there is no face to face the previous friend. Therefore, in the "Autumn Huai" after this, he has called himself a "lost person", but "Xi Yu has no return", even if he regrets it, he cannot turn back. In "Six Hundred and Eighty-Eight Rhymes of the Ugly Chronicle", he also implied that he was confused in the past and full of remorse by "the water is lost, and the dust is only self-destructive". After changing the court, Liu Shipei did not completely abandon his existing political ideals, which are also often revealed in his poems. In the poem "Shu Huai One Hundred and Forty Rhymes to Show the Unity of Shu" (written after 1912), he still remembers the original proposition and laments the lack of a foundation for realizing world unity in China: "The people are troubled from the beginning, and they do not return to the government and pure. "Ordinary people are too confused to be enlightened, so it is difficult to return to the ideal political system. The same poem also reveals the pursuit of "equality" and the praise of laborers, such as "Philosophers and Noble Things, Pi Mei Competing Workers" Yan Philosophers have always been committed to making all things equal, while some people are like concubines who compete for favors, using various improper means to obtain favors; the song of the author of "Lao Ge Can Da Jun" Yun Lao is more beautiful than the music of Da Jun. These are all remnants of anarchist ideas. All kinds of indications show that turning to the end of the party is only a helpless choice for Liu Shipei to be forced by the situation. In early November 1909, DuanFang was impeached by Li Hongzhang's grandson and Yushi Li Guojie for organizing the relocation of the Tomb of Empress Dowager Cixi. After his dismissal, Duanfang was idle in Beijing until May 1911, when he was reappointed as the Minister of Railways by the Qing court. Liu Shipei originally planned to go to Yunnan at the behest of Li Guangjiong, but because of the lack of funds on the way, "the re-establishment of the end of the party forced to lead the westward journey." Liu Shipei's route into Sichuan was slightly different from that of Duanfang: Duanfang left Beijing on June 29, 1911, arrived in Hankou on July 4, Yichang on September 13, Arrived in Kuizhou on October 3, then returned to Yichang, went to Wanxian on October 5, stayed in Kuizhou on October 11, arrived in Zizhou on November 13, and was killed in Zizhou on November 17. Liu Shipei and his mother Li shi arrived in Shanghai from Tianjin, his mother was escorted back to Yangzhou, and Liu Shipei and his wife went to Sichuan with Duanfang. He Zhen remained in Hankou, and Liu Shipei entered the river alone with Duan Fang. Liu Shipei traveled south from Tianjin, passing through Taishan in Shandong, Yanling in Henan, Jiangling in Hubei, Diandui and Linshui County. Along the way, he was uprooted and displaced, saying to himself that "Prozac is a disaster, looking up to the annals of history, and being widowed and widowed." According to the Duanfang Family Ding report, Duanfang's situation in Sichuan for more than two months was that he ate along the way, there were no vegetables to eat, and only white rice and pickles for each meal. The house where the dwelling along the way is the house where the pig dung is raised, and the house where Chincha is also attached. This is true through february and March. The description in Liu Shipei's poem also confirms this situation. During his travels, he "lost his yang and lost his eyes, and the wind and frost" ate a black soup made of bamboo ("Qiantang Yu Bamboo Root"), and lived in the ruins of witches with locusts jumping and vipers on the roof beams ("Wu Xu Worm, Liang Qi Viper Zhen Zhen"). Passing through Lushan Mountain during the trip, there is no time to swim, only to look at the boat. "There is yu yan in the scenery, and the experience is always poignant." The famous mountains and rivers did not bring him comfort, but added to the fear in his heart. Looking back on this trip afterwards, Liu Shipei sighed infinitely: "The expected water stone will be transformed into Yong Dulin." Although he has experienced all kinds of troubles, the ambition in his chest has never been lost. I can only hope that this stone of water will one day become the jade of Yongdu. On November 17, 1911, Duan Fang was killed, and Liu Shipei was detained in Zizhou, Sichuan province as an accomplice. After Duan Fang's death, the displaced Liu Shipei was disheartened and realized that he would soon die. He sighed, "Self-divided with Chao Chun, He Xin Mu Da Chun!" "Since we know that our lifespan is as short as the hibiscus that is falling in the twilight, why should we envy the great Tsubaki who is sixteen thousand years old for a year?" Cornered, he "overflowed with tears", and tears spilled out like the legendary tear-filled fish people. "Negative stone shu cen silent, Huaisha v. Chu Xin." He originally wanted to emulate Qu Yuan's negative stone to alleviate the silence in his heart, and before throwing water, he used "Huaisha" to pour out chu guo's sadness. The only thing that made him unable to let go was the regret that he had not succeeded in his studies: "Absolute learning is a lowly person, how many degrees has it been written?" "The study of the "Left Transmission" is a lonely biography, which is despised by today's people, when will the remnants of the family tradition be picked up again? It is precisely because he still has this idea of continuing to study in his heart, Liu Shipei did not choose this residual life. Fortunately, there are friends in the world who understand the precious knowledge of his knowledge and extend a helping hand to him. "I want to turn the stone, but I have no return": Liu Shipei in the Duanfang Curtain Duanfang's political career has had great ups and downs, and his fate has been uncertain, and Liu Shipei has also been displaced and has mixed feelings. He had thought about fleeing, and he had resisted, but in fact he could not fly with his wings. In early 1909, when Liu Shipei first joined Duanfang, Duanfang served as the Governor of Liangjiang and the Minister of Nanyang. After life was stable, Liu Shipei welcomed his sister Liu Shishuo and nephew Mei Hesun to live together for two months. According to Mei Hesun's recollection: "The uncle went to Nanjing and lived in the Daxing Palace. There is a small garden next to the house. ...... Uncles do not often join the department and still write at home. I saw that he still did not trim the edges, and he was willing to cut his hair after months. Although the clothes are much older, even the new clothes are also ink-stained cigarette ashes. However, there were several servants, all of whom were neat and gorgeous, and when they went out, they were also very bright. At that time, the Nanjing officialdom came to visit the gurudwara, did not receive them lightly, and the daily desk invitations were bundled, and very few people came. In Nanjing, he gained a brief period of peace and stability, in stark contrast to his previous period of east-west and impoverishment. Liu Shipei, who had just entered the Duanfang Curtain, had no worries about food and clothing, had plenty of time to write, and was in a good mood. He also exudes a rare ease and clarity in his poems. In the spring of 1909, the "Spring Tour to the North of Jinling City (己酉)" contained two sentences: "And the scenery and entertainment, the purpose of "taking the stage"" were used in Cao Zhi's "Stage Endowment", which has the meaning of singing merit and praise. The whole poem is bright and the rhythm is brisk, and the pleasure in his heart jumps out of the paper. In July of the same year, Duan Fang was transferred to the position of governor directly under the direct subordination, and Liu Shipei accompanied him north. In the poem "From the Beginning of the Journey to Jiaoshan mountain in the north of the Shuozhai Shangshu", he has mixed feelings and is full of worries about the future. The parting made him feel a lot of emotions, sadness and joy. He compares himself to a rutted phoenix, a hungry phoenix. "The fish is wet, and the hungry phoenix is hiding?" The Rutted Fish only hopes that someone can moisten it with moisture; how can the hungry phoenix imprison it in the cave? The emotions of wandering and involuntary surged into my heart again, and my heart was full of reluctance and sorrow. For more than a year since Duan Fang was dismissed, Liu Shipei has also been wandering in Beijing, Tianjin and other places. For him, who had great ambitions, the situation at that time was in a dilemma and was particularly painful. At this time, there were not many friends who were still in contact with Liu Shipei, and the care from his old friends Chen Duxiu, Zhu Zhenzhuang, and Chen Zhiyi made him feel a thousand emotions and answered with poetry. When he was frustrated, he received a letter from Chen Duxiu. In the poem "The Book of Dechen Zhongfu", he admits that "Ishizhi is marked, and the strange is against the dust." "In the past, because I was determined to be detached from handsomeness, I often had evil and irregular behavior, and I was not bound by the world. However, things are unpredictable, and in the blink of an eye, there have been earth-shaking changes. Nowadays, a person who is "limping and idle, and the clams are thousands of hills and hills", walking alone on the rugged mountain road, it is extremely difficult. He confessed to Chen Duxiu that he had come to this step because he was cornered. Although there is talent, it cannot be used, and only this road may still have hope. The future is long and the direction is uncertain, and the world is unpredictable, and doing so may also be able to persuade those in power to use another way to achieve their ambitions. Although the content of Chen Duxiu's letter is unknown, his concerns and admonitions made Liu Shipei, who was deeply in trouble, grateful. In the eighth month of the lunar calendar in 1910, Liu Shipei was idle in Beijing and sent his old friend Zhu Zhenzhuang from Beijing to Wuchang, where he gave him the poem "Send Zhu Zhenzhuang". He complained that although he had defected to the end, he could not exert his fists and feet, and his ambitions were difficult to achieve. The present situation is as unfree as a caged bird. He sighed, "If you want to cultivate from Chuan, worry about Luo Zhang." Andedou and Ji, transformed into silver Han Liang. "I wanted to take a smooth road, but it was an incredibly difficult road. Where can we get the bucket and the mi, turn it into a bridge between the milky way, and build a way out? In the summer of 1911, Liu Shipei was reunited with Chen Fu in Shanghai, and with great emotion, he wrote a poem "Shanghai Sends Chen Pei to Hangzhou". He and Chen Went sick "moved wood to the same line in the past, and the nest branch is now a different forest", which used to be the same wood, but now it has become a branch of a different forest. She is like an abandoned woman in the "Book of Poetry: Nakaya Youli", who can only weep alone when she is unladylike when she encounters people; and she is like a small boat with Yang Wooden, sinking and floating. He said sincerely to Chen, "Isn't Huang Bao zhen?" Ge Qi is difficult to put on. The expected water stone was transformed into Yong Dulin. "It's not that I want to do this, it's really the situation. Up to now, I have lost my remorse, but I am still unwilling to give up the great ambition of the heavens and the earth. In the three years that Liu Shipei followed DuanFang, most of the time was spent in regret and frustration, which can be described as "I want to turn the stone, but there is no return", I want to turn back to the shore, but there is no chance. In the end-square curtain, he was not reused. For Liu Shipei, who has great ambitions, this kind of pain of idleness and waiting is even more unbearable. He resents Duanfang's deception of him, and in many poems he compares himself to a woman who has been betrayed by her lover. For example, in the "Four Songs of Hengjiang Words", he proposes to be a young girl waiting for the return of her lover, waiting for a long time, drifting with confusion: "Folding branches for Lang Jin, wanting to fold without boat crossing.". In "Eight Songs of the Great Levee Song", he lamented in the tone of a woman that he was "firm in his heart and transformed into a king's car wood". Li Bai also has "The Great Levee Song" to write about the pain of lovers' missing appointments, and Liu Shipei's poem also implies this meaning. The sense of deception revealed in the poem is also evidenced by historical data. In 1912, Liu Shipei told Zhang Taiyan that he was "trapped in the shadows, three years old and not in sight", and in the process of entering the river with DuanFang, he also "closed the quiet room and forbade himself to walk alone", and was tortured to the end. Huang Kan once described Duanfang's means of "absorbing" Liu Shipei in "Shen Shushi and Duanfang's Book Inscription", saying that Liu Shipei was shy to listen to Wang Gongquan's words and pretended to surrender to Duanfang to obtain his support. Duan Fang, on the grounds that he had to see Liu Shipei in person, tricked him into the Governor's Office but did not see him for a long time. Liu Shipei's close friend Guo Xiangsheng also recalled this history: "The Dragon Boat Bridge first attracted Uncle Shen, Xu Yi si pin Jingtang, and later Bao Zhi prefect." However, according to the official document "Tongwu General Governor Yan Xishan Submitted to Sponsor Liu Shipei of Jingxue Tongru": "Here are the former provinces to supplement the prefect Liu Shipei, Jiangsu Yizheng County, by the people who choose Zhi County and sponsor the prefect." Duan Fang's initial promise to Liu Shipei that the treatment of "Four Pins" was not fulfilled, and what was given was actually the false title of "Supplementary Prefect" (from Sipin). To take another example, Liu Shipei worshiped Duan Fang as a teacher, which was a bit of a sense of humor, and Liu's learning was not below Duan Fang. However, Duan Fang preferred to make small things bigger, "It is said that Liu Shipei worshiped Duan Fang as a teacher, and the scene was very grand: not only was Duan Fang invited hundreds of officials to come to the ceremony in court clothes beforehand, but at that time, Liu Shipei was even more ordered to bow down to Duan Fang in front of the guests at the scene, which was evident in his caution." In terms of political means, Liu Shipei is obviously not an opponent of Duanfang. He originally wanted to use the end side, but was used by the end side, which can be described as smart but clever. As Zhang Taiyan said, "Show magnanimity on the outside, and guess thieves on the inside." Unable to turn back, but also unable to get rid of the end of the side, Liu Shipei, who was at both ends of the first rat, could only turn regret into poetry and sigh emptyly. In "The Song of Princess Wusun", he compares himself to Liu Xijun, the Han princess of the Wusun Kingdom, who is far away from the country, and looks at the scenery of the northern land of "wolves looking at the spring flowers and snow, and the dragon piles autumn grass and yanghui are thin", marrying far away and not being able to return, and his heart is sad. In "Autumn Thoughts", he "hated Nanlai Yan and returned to the south", envious of Nanlai Yan's ability to return to his hometown, but he could only empty the Jinmen Gate. He originally wanted to use the power of Duan Fang to realize his ideal of heaven and earth, but he never thought that in the ups and downs of the eunuch sea and the great changes of the times, this step of accidentally taking the wrong step not only made him lose his freedom and reputation, but also almost became a funeral product of the Qing court. After returning to China at the end of 1908, Liu Shipei's life went from peak to low. In the early years, he changed from a Hanxue Ying to a "bird throwing forest" in the revolutionary camp out of his heart' wishes, but became a "hook-swallowing fish" not for the sake of glory and wealth, but for the purpose of realizing his own wishes with the help of the power of Duanfang. Behind the change of court is not only Liu Shipei's business spirit, the factors of urgency and short-term profits, but also affected by the political environment, economic conditions and the contest between the two sides. After following Duan Fang, although he had to make a scene and make some superficial remarks, he was only perfunctory, and there was no evil deed that could be sat down. In the Duanfang curtain, he not only did not get the opportunity to spread his wings, but even the retreat path was cut off, for which he regretted it and cut off his liver and intestines. Nevertheless, he retained the purity and conservatism of a reader, unwilling to defend himself publicly, and only revealed his true heart in poetry and letters to his close friends. Defining this experience as "apostasy" and viewing it as a stain on Liu Shipei's life and despising his academic articles is not necessary. To a certain extent, this experience laid the foundation for his "bird throwing forest" career in Sichuan for nearly two years. To be sure, he was not without gains in the Duanfang curtain: he was given valuable time to devote himself to scholarship, to proofread ancient books, to examine the golden stones, and to give full play to his talents in research; he met Bo Xihe and the Dunhuang testaments he had robbed, becoming the first scholar to study this batch of precious Dunhuang materials; he was attached to poetry, and the second collection of poems, Zuo'an Collection, was also compiled and printed in the world in 1910; his ideals were also realized in part of Duanfang's many "firsts": the establishment of the first modern public library in Jiangsu. For the first time, Chinese publicly-funded women studied abroad. Behind these "firsts" of Duanfang, Liu Shipei's efforts are also condensed. (The author is an assistant researcher at the Institute of Literature, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)

Author: Di Xiachen

Editor: Ren Siyun

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