
"China New Rap" Fifth Issue Jason Wang Weeden Stopped the Top 15 Unload the pressure and continue to move forward

author:Sunny hour book
"China New Rap" Fifth Issue Jason Wang Weeden Stopped the Top 15 Unload the pressure and continue to move forward

On the evening of August 11, the fifth issue of "China New Rap" was broadcast,

The 15-in-12 format made the game enter a white-hot stage.

Brutal formats, harsh producers, and

Brother rivals of extraordinary strength,

Every player is under tremendous pressure.

Since the launch of the program, it has attracted much attention and aroused heated discussion among netizens

Jason Wang Weeden, tragically eliminated and missed the top 12

Although it stopped in the round of 15 in the competition of "China New Rap"

But on the road of music Jason always

With enthusiasm and love, we bravely move forward

"China New Rap" Fifth Issue Jason Wang Weeden Stopped the Top 15 Unload the pressure and continue to move forward

PACT/Lexie/Jason Wang Vuitton

Three-person entry song "Brain Gold"

Hot dog "Little Brother" is controversial in the face of pressure that never stops

Taihe Music Group service artist Jason Wang Weiden has attracted heated discussion from netizens since the beginning of the show. From the 60s promotion tournament to the 1v1 battle, there are constantly doubts about "the strongest nail household" and "relationship household", but more is the support and encouragement of friends and fans who love him. The hot dog MCHOTDOG stood up on Weibo: "Your goodness has not been felt by everyone. ”

Whether he will be able to successfully qualify is always unknown before the start of the competition, Jason with expectations and doubts step by step, very much love RAP and especially familiar with HIP HOP culture, he strives to present his best works in front of the public. In the face of the doubts issued by netizens, Jason has never retreated; in the face of losing the game and eliminating, he is even more calm.

It has to be said that Jason shows a true hip-hop spirit.

It doesn't matter if you win or lose Enjoying the process experience is life

The 5-in-4 knockout round in the team pushed the tension of the event to a climax, and as the competition intensified, the players were even more fierce. PACT (PACT) / Liu Baixin Lexie / Jason Wang Weiden trio of their entry song "Brain Gold", rigid and soft, strong rhythm, different explosion scene, the contestant directly shouted "This is powerful!" "But the game was full of ups and downs, and in the end Jason was eliminated to the round of 15.

When the producer announced the candidates for the stop, Jason was not sad and happy, and said that he liked the days with the players, saying that this was the happiest time in his two decades of rapping, and sent blessings and encouragement to his teammates who worked together. In the interview with the star producer McHotdog, as Jason's friend, he also said that Jason has been under a lot of pressure, and the end of the game has instead asked him to remove the big stone pressed on his chest.

Experience is life, winning or losing is not important.

"China New Rap" Fifth Issue Jason Wang Weeden Stopped the Top 15 Unload the pressure and continue to move forward

There are nine times out of ten imperfections in life,

It is important to stick to your original intentions.

For Jason,

The stop of the competition does not mean the end of the musical journey.

The competition experience of "China's New Rap"

It also allows him to turn pressure into motivation,

Continue to pursue and explore the music and life he loves.

I believe that in the near future, Jason will have more and better excellent works to present to the public.

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