
Demystifying the multi-faceted Choi Yong-so: How did the "Lone eagle" become a "prisoner of money"?

author:Football Newspaper

Reporter Jia Yanfeng reported

Choi Yong-so's entry into the main Suning has been settled, so far he has also watched two Jiangsu Suning games at home and away, the result is one win and one loss, I believe he has a preliminary impression of the current team, and then it depends on how he transforms this team.

At present, the most concerned issues are as follows: Choi Long-so's coaching philosophy, the characteristics of his tactical system, whether his personality is easy to get along with, and what kind of changes he can really bring to this team.

More importantly, Suning is now also a gathering of big names at home and abroad, and whether he can manage these big names is also the basis that can really determine whether his tactics can be implemented.

Demystifying the multi-faceted Choi Yong-so: How did the "Lone eagle" become a "prisoner of money"?

Character traits of the "Eagle"

Choi Yong-so has a nickname when he plays football called "Eagle". After he became a coach, the nickname was also inherited. What are the characteristics of the eagle's character? Whenever a storm comes, many animals are busy finding a safe haven, and eagles are not, eagles like to meet the challenge of the storm with their proud flight in the strong winds before the storm.

When Choi Yong-so plays football, in the face of difficulties and strong enemies, he is always the first to rush in front, the stronger the opponent, the more desperate he is, when playing in Japan, he once single-handedly protected the team from relegation, and at the same time, his keen sense of smell for shooting opportunities in front of the goal is like an eagle catching prey.

In addition, the eagle also has a kind of arrogance and coldness, Choi Yong-so's personality also has such elements, more importantly, his appearance, especially his eyes are very similar to the eagle, so Koreans call him "eagle".

Demystifying the multi-faceted Choi Yong-so: How did the "Lone eagle" become a "prisoner of money"?

Different people evaluate Choi Long-so's personality characteristics differently. Kang Joon-ho, a scout during the LG period in Anyang, his evaluation of Choi Yong-so's personality is "dangerous", and he thinks that Choi Long-so, who does not smile, is really "too cool" and makes people feel that it is not easy to approach; Choi Jin-ho of Seongnam FC feels that Choi Long-so's cool style is a rare "charm".

Cho Young-seng, a former technical member of the Korean Football Association, believes that Choi Yong-so is not as cold as he seems on the surface, on the contrary, under his cool appearance, he is a "multi-blood" personality: enthusiastic, sensitive, responsive, and compassionate; Chun Jae-hong, an ordinary club employee who once helped him, feels that Choi Yong-so is very "moralistic".

And Choi Yong-so's soccer coach in high school, Park Sang-in, said that "Choi Yong-soo's unusual dedication to football." Hiddink, the head coach who brought him, once gave Choi Yong-so admonition: "We must change our impatient personality." ”

When he was young, Choi Yong-so was extremely introverted and always out of place, so his high school coach Park Sang-in did not educate him, allowing him to unite his teammates and mingle with everyone, and Choi Yong-so almost quit practicing for this. But as the days went on, Coach Park discovered that Choi Yong-so had his own rules of communication. He is not friends with anyone, but once he becomes a real friend, he often gets good reviews.

Demystifying the multi-faceted Choi Yong-so: How did the "Lone eagle" become a "prisoner of money"?

To enter Choi Yong-so's inner world, it takes time and his sense of identity. And once you get acquainted with him, you will feel that he is actually very humorous, very good at joking, if you are very familiar, you can also listen to him tell some "meat paragraphs".

"Choi Yong-so spends money very calculatingly when he is a player, and his life is very simple, but he is willing to help his younger generations who earn less than himself and buy them some clothes and food. The amount of alcohol is average, but as soon as you drink shochu, you are willing to hum the most popular songs. "That's what the coach of yesteryear gave him.

Choi Yong-so often said that there is no natural star, and this sentence is inspired by his own experience. Although he was tall and flexible when he was young, he lacked physical strength and speed, and he was not so prominent among his peers. Therefore, he often practiced on his own, strengthened his physical training, and polished himself by doing shooting exercises all night.

Choi Long-so's achievements today stem from his strong spirit of "tenacity" and "self-discipline". This also affected his management of players in the future, he required players to be diligent, he said that no matter how talented players, without diligence and self-discipline, they can not succeed.

Demystifying the multi-faceted Choi Yong-so: How did the "Lone eagle" become a "prisoner of money"?

South Koreans are worried about him

"When I first heard the offer given to me by Jiangsu Suning Club, I also doubted that I had heard it wrong. In fact, what attracted me most was not exactly their offer, but their luxurious squad and the boldness of their investment in football, which attracted me, which aroused my strong desire to challenge abroad, and it was difficult not to be moved at the thought of being a coach of big-name players like Teixeira and Ramirez. ”

This is what Choi Yong-so said in an interview with the South Korean media.

In addition, Choi Yong-so also said that he did not know what the future would be in China, but he was mentally prepared, knowing that the difficulty of coaching in China was definitely several times greater than in South Korea, but since he had made a choice, he would not regret it, and he must find a way to broaden his coaching field and strive to make a career overseas.

Before saying goodbye to Seoul, Choi Yong-so accepted a lot of media interviews, expressed a lot of sad emotions, the reluctance to cultivate seoul for so many years, the reluctance of the fans to give him support, and he put down the AFC Champions League, and now Seoul, which has achieved good results, has gone overseas, more or less feel a little too psychological to go, after all, changing coaches in the middle, for Seoul to adapt to a new coach may also take time, and may also pay the price of achievements, and these, he can't manage all of them.

Demystifying the multi-faceted Choi Yong-so: How did the "Lone eagle" become a "prisoner of money"?

To this end, some South Korean fans also sneered at him, believing that he was completely captured by China's "money", and that the words that he would not give up Seoul for money last year were all deceitful, and he did not leave at that time, but the temptation was not enough. Choi Yong-so didn't explain the satire, saying only repeatedly that one day he would return to The Korean football scene, after all, that was his home.

For Choi Yong-so to come to China to coach, and with such a high salary, the Korean media is a little shocked. They compared Choi Yong-so's annual salary and bonus with the average annual salary of Premier League club coaches, according to the survey, the average annual salary of Premier League coaches in the 2016 season is about 2 million pounds, and Choi Long-so's $3 million plus signing fees and bonuses of $5 million figures, obviously exceed the average income of Premier League coaches.

Therefore, the Korean media said that Choi Yong-so was the first Korean coach to enter the world-class coach income level. But at the same time, they are also a little worried, Choi Yong-so's coaching career is all in South Korea, and it can even be said that it is all in Seoul, so can he adapt to the complicated external life?

Demystifying the multi-faceted Choi Yong-so: How did the "Lone eagle" become a "prisoner of money"?

Choi Yong-so retired from Theon LG and after retiring he worked as an assistant coach at the club. In the 2011 season, Choi Yong-so took over the team halfway through, and after the 2012 season, he led the team to win the league championship, thus winning the K-League Best Coach title; in the 2013 season, he entered the AFC Champions League final, giving up the AFC Champions League championship with two draws, but won the title of Asian Coach of the Year, all of which was won in Seoul.

When Choi Yong-so was coaching in South Korea, he had absolute authority at the club, because there was absolute support from investors, so could he get these support in Jiangsu? This is all that Koreans are worried about.

Choi Yong-so has his tough and arrogant side in being a coach, for example, when he competed with Lippi for the AFC Champions League title, he once provoked this: "The arrogant Lippi may be pecked by a chicken cub like me, this is football!" ”

Demystifying the multi-faceted Choi Yong-so: How did the "Lone eagle" become a "prisoner of money"?

He is very strict in managing players, and some people even describe him as using the concept of "prison management" to manage the Seoul team, which does not know whether the Chinese players can adapt, and South Koreans have drawn these question marks.

No matter how much confusion and question marks there are in the outside world, Choi Long-so himself is already determined to break through.

Big names and three defenders?

Test a coach's abilities, focusing on several aspects: management, tactical concepts, and on-the-spot command. Some people may think that the tactical concept and training level are the first, but in fact, whether a coach's tactical concept can be accepted by the players, his management level is also very important.

Suning Club as a whole, retaining a lot of the traditions of the Jiangsu Sainty era, as far as the Chinese players are concerned, the players as a whole have strong discipline and self-discipline, the relationship between the players is relatively simple, and the inside and outside of the field are relatively harmonious.

Demystifying the multi-faceted Choi Yong-so: How did the "Lone eagle" become a "prisoner of money"?

But now Suning and The Shuntian era is still different, that is, there are more big-name foreign aides like Teixeira and Ramirez in the team, and their play is of great significance to the entire tactical system, so whether Choi Long-so can manage and make good use of such big-name foreign aid is very important for improving combat effectiveness and achievements.

The South Korean media is very concerned about how Choi Yong-so gets along with big-name players like Suning, and directly left the problem to him after his last game in charge. Choi Yong-so replied:

"The world's biggest names like this are generally very professional, so they all have a strong self-management ability, and I, don't treat them with a particularly tough approach, really want to conquer these players, have a spiritual interaction with them, really conquer them from the mind to better manage them."

Choi Yong-so listed his years in Seoul, with many different foreign aides, including many big-name players like Dee Jan, who he is most proud of when De Young, Molina and Andilson performed particularly well under his command, making great contributions to the good results of the competition in Seoul and abroad.

Demystifying the multi-faceted Choi Yong-so: How did the "Lone eagle" become a "prisoner of money"?

Even Adriano, who is nicknamed "bad boy" this season, will soon become a "good boy" in people's eyes when he is tuned. Choi Long-so is very confident, he has the ability to conquer foreign aid, and he has the means to make foreign aid reborn, but he will not say too much detail to the outside world.

Choi Yong-so's tactical philosophy, he is actually a coach who is ideal for football tactics, his concept is similar to Sainty's previous coach Gao Hongbo, very advocating the 352 technical flow play, and insisting on refusing to give up for many years, very persistent, so whether he can readjust Suning's formation to 352, it is difficult to say.

In addition, the reporter counted all the players used in the five and a half seasons from 2011 to 2016, the most expensive ones, and the most frequently used by him, and found a pattern, that is, his reliance on two full-backs and forwards is very strong.

Demystifying the multi-faceted Choi Yong-so: How did the "Lone eagle" become a "prisoner of money"?

Since the Korean league is not as big as China, it is very good if the internal players in the team are worth more than 1 million euros, and generally Choi Yong-so will have 5-6 players worth more than 1 million in a year, and the three positions of these players are forward, forward and two full-backs.

Everyone knows that the 352 formation is very demanding for the two full-backs who can attack and retreat, but at present, it seems that it is difficult to find players of this level in Suning's tactical system, even if Teixeira can play on the side, but his offensive line defense is a weakness.

In addition, if you must play three guards, the existence of Ren Hang is actually very important, but now it seems that Ren Hang can't stay, so if Choi Yong-so wants to copy the tactics he used during his coaching in Seoul, he will face a lot of problems. Of course, the reporter also interviewed some professionals in the Korean football circle, who believe that Choi Yong-so should have a certain adaptability, and if the current personnel do not match, Choi Long-so may not be hard.

Demystifying the multi-faceted Choi Yong-so: How did the "Lone eagle" become a "prisoner of money"?

Petrescu's on-the-spot command style has left a deep impression on people, known as "emojis", he always gives people a feeling of madness and impatience, and this point, Choi Long-so can be better. Choi Yong-so has a calm that does not match his age, since he was a child, but he is also very resolute and decisive in changing people, and he even did the half-time change of goalkeeper, and also ensured that the team finally won.

Choi Yong-so belongs to the kind of resolute executors who use people not based on fame, but according to status, because There are indeed many Korean players to choose from, but in China, I don't know if his style can continue to be executed.

In addition to the above points, in fact, Choi Yong-so still needs to accept a new challenge in China, that is, the challenge of the format. Because the format of the Korean League is actually different from our Chinese Super League, South Korea is generally divided into regular season and play-offs, because the K League has 12 teams, and the regular season ranking is divided into the top six and the bottom six. The top six are in the championship group, while the last six are in the relegation group, and the play-off format determines who can compete for the title and who is relegated.

Demystifying the multi-faceted Choi Yong-so: How did the "Lone eagle" become a "prisoner of money"?

The format of the K League protects the AFC Champions League team to a certain extent, in the process of playing the AFC Champions League, as long as it does not slip too far in the championship group, that is, do not fall out of the top six, then in the play-offs, there may be a chance to turn over and get the AFC Champions League place in the second year. However, the Chinese Super League format is to play one less game and has no chance to turn over, so whether Choi Long-so can adapt to this also needs time to test.

(Editor: Su Yang)

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