
【Fangshan News】Watching the sunrise clouds, bathing in natural oxygen bar, the unique mountain scenery is unforgettable

author:Fangshan, Beijing

October 20, 2021 Fangshan News

News hotspots

--- fangshan district "take the case as a lesson, use the case to promote reform" warning education conference.

This morning, our district held a warning education conference in the form of a video conference on "taking cases as a lesson and using cases to promote reform," thoroughly implemented the various arrangements made by the party Central Committee and the municipal party committee for comprehensively and strictly administering the party and the spirit of the warning education conference for leading cadres throughout the city; through analyzing typical cases, we should give play to the role of "taking cases as a lesson and using cases to promote reform," conduct warning education for leading cadres throughout the region, and redeploy the next step of deepening the building of a sound party style and a clean administration and the anti-corruption work in our region. Chen Qing, secretary of the district party committee; Yang Bo, deputy secretary of the district party committee and acting mayor of the district; Liu Bing, secretary of the party leading group and director of the standing committee of the district people's congress; and Wei Guangxun, secretary of the party group and chairman of the district CPPCC committee, attended the meeting at the main venue of our district.

--- leaders of Wulanchabu City in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region visited our region for inspection.

Yesterday afternoon, Sui Weijun, secretary of the Wulanchabu City CPC Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, went to our region for an inspection, and Yang Bo, deputy secretary of the district party committee and acting mayor of the district, participated in the inspection.

--- watching the sunrise clouds, bathing in natural oxygen bars, and the unique mountain scenery is unforgettable.

【Fangshan News】Watching the sunrise clouds, bathing in natural oxygen bar, the unique mountain scenery is unforgettable

The Huatai Scenic Area of Dongcun in Puwa Township has complete vegetation and fresh air. In recent years, after a series of development and construction, it has basically formed a comprehensive tourism and leisure place integrating sightseeing, leisure, fitness and picking. Today's "Ecological Pleasant, Beautiful Fangshan" column takes you into the Huatai Scenic Area of Dongcun in Puwa Township to see the beautiful scenery of the mountains and wilderness there.

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