
No feeding! Tanglangshan's new Internet celebrity hides danger

author:Innovation Nanshan
No feeding! Tanglangshan's new Internet celebrity hides danger


Macaques of Tanglang Mountain

Become a "new star"

No feeding! Tanglangshan's new Internet celebrity hides danger

However, the number of tourists has increased

Occasionally, macaques can hurt people

Although the park management keeps reminding that "feeding is prohibited"

However, there are still many citizens who tease and play with monkeys without permission

How to clarify the boundary between humans and monkeys,

Live in harmony with them?

No feeding! Tanglangshan's new Internet celebrity hides danger

Recently, the interim progress report of the "Research on the Population Survey and Activity Behavior of Macaques in Tanglang Mountain Country Park" jointly carried out by the Shenzhen Park Management Center and the School of Life Sciences of Sun Yat-sen University was released, pointing out that the feeding behavior itself is a kind of wrong training for macaques. The behavior of some tourists who were attacked by macaques gave food to the monkeys to relieve their anger caused the monkeys to have the wrong perception that the tourists could get food, which only made the injury more serious.

No feeding! Tanglangshan's new Internet celebrity hides danger
No feeding! Tanglangshan's new Internet celebrity hides danger

Native "Aboriginal"

Today, macaques have become a distinctive calling card of Tanglang Mountain Country Park. Every holiday, many tourists come to watch the monkeys and enjoy the monkeys, and stage the picture of harmonious coexistence between humans and monkeys. Open some online platforms to query, about Tanglang Mountain's "monkey watching route", "monkey watching guide", "take a baby to see macaques" and other content reading is high, and coming here to see "monkey brother" has almost become a check-in project for citizens and tourists.

No feeding! Tanglangshan's new Internet celebrity hides danger

▲ Many beautiful moments of the macaques were recorded

No feeding! Tanglangshan's new Internet celebrity hides danger
No feeding! Tanglangshan's new Internet celebrity hides danger

▲Tourists are civilized monkey watching

Wu Chengfeng, a postdoctoral researcher at Sun Yat-sen University's School of Life Sciences, said that macaques are not only the "aborigines" native to Tanglang Mountain Country Park, but also an irreplaceable and important part of the park's ecosystem.

In 2023, the "Research on Macaque Population and Activity Behavior in Tanglang Mountain Country Park" project will be launched to monitor the macaque population. According to the interim progress report of the project, there is only one group of monkeys in Tong Lang Shan Country Park at this stage, with a total of about 20 monkeys, which is the same species as the macaques on Neilingding Island.

Do not feed macaques as pets

However, in addition to the monkeys, there are also people who treat macaques as pets and bring food to feed them to express their "love" for monkeys.

"Feeding the monkeys in close proximity is extremely dangerous! Don't feed, don't look closely, monkeys bite, but some people just don't listen. Ouyang Zengpeng, the security captain of Tanglang Mountain Country Park, told reporters: "During the holidays, the number of people entering the park in the park exceeds 10,000 a day, and many people use food to lure the monkeys on the mountains and trees, and all of a sudden passers-by surround them. ”

No feeding! Tanglangshan's new Internet celebrity hides danger

▲Tourists feed wild macaques

According to the park's statistics, in the past two years, macaques have injured people with the increase in the number of people feeding, and the injured tourists are mainly children and women, some people are scratched when feeding, and some onlookers are too close to be attacked.

"It is possible for an adult female macaque to be around 15 years old and bite off a person's finger directly." Wu Chengfeng said that feeding will greatly increase the risk of other tourists being attacked, exacerbate human-monkey conflicts, and bring the risk of contracting germs and viruses.

No feeding! Tanglangshan's new Internet celebrity hides danger

▲The carrier rate of monkey herpesvirus in wild macaques reached 44.6%, and the figure shows the basic structure of monkey herpes virus

The results of the project show that the overall vegetation resources of Tanglang Mountain are very rich, and there are sufficient natural foods for wild macaques to eat. However, the macaques here are seriously affected by human feeding, with an average of nearly 70% of the food from human sources, and their weight is higher than that of the macaques on Neilingding Island, with overnutrition and a reduced activity radius. It is reported that in 2023, the population reproduction rate of macaques in Tanglang Mountain Country Park has reached 80%, with obesity trends and precocious puberty.

The researchers urged that feeding wild macaques is not a good deed, and that they should be viewed while keeping a distance of more than 2 meters, respecting their nature and living environment.

No feeding! Tanglangshan's new Internet celebrity hides danger

"Macaques get close to people just for food, and without food, macaques have no interest in ordinary people." The researchers stressed that they should not look directly into the eyes of macaques, as eye contact is a basic provocation for them.

No feeding! Tanglangshan's new Internet celebrity hides danger

Here, Xiaochuang once again calls on everyone to stay away from wild macaques when playing in the park for their own safety, do not try to approach and feed them, we can appreciate the cuteness of wild macaques, but also respect their nature and living environment

Diffusion, as you know!

No feeding! Tanglangshan's new Internet celebrity hides danger

Source | Shekou News Shenzhen Business Daily

Image source | Shenzhen Micro Time

Edit | Guo Jiafeng Editor-in-charge| Yang Yihui

Audit | Liang Yashu and Lu Dongbo

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