
NetEase acquires Grasshopper Studios, the Japanese developer of Heroes No More

author:Video game fan monkey

Kusanagi Studios, which was once led by Tsuyoshi Suda and produced games such as "Heroes No Longer" and "Killer 7", officially announced that it has joined NetEase and become the new Japanese game studio under NetEase Games. Kusanagi Studio CEO Tsuyoshi Suda also posted a very scene-appropriate celebration picture on his social account.

NetEase acquires Grasshopper Studios, the Japanese developer of Heroes No More

According to the announcement of Grasshopper Studio on its official website, Grasshopper Studio has reached a share transfer agreement with NetEase as early as May 31 this year and become a subsidiary of NetEase Games. Grasshopper Studios will continue to maintain the quality of its games, and with the support of NetEase, launch 3 larger-scale Grasshopper Studio style games in the next 10 years.

NetEase acquires Grasshopper Studios, the Japanese developer of Heroes No More

On his social media account, Tsuyoshi Suda said that Grasshopper Studio has transferred from gungHo Online Entertainment, which has been in debt for 8 years, to NetEase. At the same time, NetEase will provide suggestions for the studio's business planning, provide sufficient funds for the development of the game, and provide personnel support in the art and quality assurance of game development. Grasshopper Studios continues to be responsible for the creation and production of the game, maintaining the consistent "Grasshopper" style.

NetEase acquires Grasshopper Studios, the Japanese developer of Heroes No More
NetEase acquires Grasshopper Studios, the Japanese developer of Heroes No More

NetEase also said in the announcement that it is honored to become a partner of Grasshopper Studio in the future, providing a free creative environment and sufficient resources for Grasshopper Studio.

NetEase acquires Grasshopper Studios, the Japanese developer of Heroes No More

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