
Novel: The motherly love of the crazy mother, the mother-child relationship in this life is too shallow, and the next life will continue the mother-child love and miserable fate of being bullied by God to give a little sweet mother-child separation disaster is not a one-way ending

author:Wu Li

When I was young, I didn't know when a crazy woman came to our village. Dressed scruffily and her speech was not clear, she was asked why she would always laugh silly and make a sound of "forehead, forehead, forehead. Worst of all, she also suffered from a very severe large neck disease, a sarcoma the size of a grapefruit that grew around her neck. Let us children who have never seen the world look at it and be afraid.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > miserable fate</h1>

This crazy woman, what her last name is, how old she is, and where she came from, none of us know. Suddenly, one day it appeared before our eyes. All of us call her the Epileptic Woman (our dialect, meaning mad woman!). Later, when I heard the adults, I learned that she had been bought and spent 6,000 yuan. The son of an uncle in the village was old and disabled, and he could not find a wife, so he paid for the epileptic mother-in-law.

This uncle's family is also two mothers and sons dependent on each other, the uncle is almost seventy or eighty years old, the son is a disability, none of them have the ability to work. The two men were living on government handouts. But still unwilling, I want to find a wife to leave a queen for the family! The epileptic woman came to this house for only one purpose, and that was to have a son.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > bullied</h1>

Therefore, in the eyes of the two mothers and sons of the in-laws, the epileptic mother-in-law is just a tool, let alone to help her cure her disease. According to her neighbors, she usually can't even eat. Every day during the day, I walk around the village and giggle when I see people. Some people in the village looked at her pitifully and would ask her to come to the house to eat from time to time. There is that kind of good person, deliberately teasing her, your mother-in-law is not good to you? How did your husband treat you? Then the face of the epileptic woman will immediately pull down. The mouth grunted and said a bunch of things we couldn't understand. Maybe it's an accusation.

Even more pitiful, her mother-in-law would force her to sleep with her husband. There are a few pippi around who will deliberately bully and tease her! She sometimes goes crazy and hits people with sticks! But most of the time I don't know anything about being at the mercy of people!

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > a little bit of sweetness from God</h1>

Later, it was God's pity for her, and after a while, she was really pregnant! Although the village still said that they didn't know who the child was, they finally gave birth to a boy safely! Her mother-in-law was overjoyed and broke the news everywhere, saying that she had a grandchild and that there was someone to follow!

Mother's love for this thing may really be innate, although the upside-down mother-in-law is crazy, but she is extremely kind to her son, holding it in her arms every day. I also learned to cook, grow vegetables, and take care of housework! Even the clothes on the body are not as sloppy as before, everyone says that after giving birth to a child, the upside-down mother-in-law is not so crazy, the mental state is good, and the son is always smiling and squinting when he goes out to play! Maybe the appearance of her son is the only sweetness in her life!

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the separation of mother and child</h1>

It didn't take long for this happy day, and the cruel fate once again took a hand on her. Because she gave birth to a son, her purpose of coming to this family was also achieved, and the already poor family had no reason to leave her! So her mother-in-law found a new family for her, it is said that she is also a bachelor, too old, but also want to find a wife to have children, so the two hit it off, 5,000 yuan, her mother-in-law will give her to others.

The day she left, she was still in the dark, and someone gave her a little money to go with her to buy food for her son, so she believed! Later, I learned that this side did not want her. On the same day, the upside-down mother-in-law went crazy, and no one could stop him, and ran all the way back. But the mother-in-law here is also a cruel heart, and when she sees her return, she immediately beat her out and forbids her to come again!

In desperation, she was still taken back to her new home! The new home over there was slightly better, but it didn't treat her badly, and she also spent money to help her have surgery to cure her big neck disease, and she probably knew that life was better over there, so she obediently stayed.

But she didn't forget her son at all, and every three or five minutes she ran to see her son, even if the people here scolded her, chased her, and beat her, they were not moved! When I was a child, I always saw one or two orange apples carrying her, hurrying by, and someone greeted her: Upside down, go see your son? At this time, she will smile very happily and reply: Hmmm, hmmm...

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > disaster is not a one-way street</h1>

Just like that, after a few years, her son also grew into a clever little boy, also naughty and ignorant! Many people in the village are still saying that his grandmother is getting older, it is estimated that he will not live long, and his father is useless! What can I do if I leave such a child? O iniquity!

But after a long time, there was no need to worry about what to do! One afternoon, the boy went out to play with his friends, but he accidentally fell into the pond, and when the other adults rushed over and picked him up, he had drowned!

When his mad mother learned of the news and ran over, her beloved son lay on the ground and could no longer move! The mad mother cried like crazy, and she knelt down to pull others, meaning to ask others to save her son. No one moved, and everyone knew it was useless! After venting for a long time, the crazy mother suddenly remembered something, put down the son she was holding in her arms, and rushed to the back room with an arrow, and it was a crazy beating at her son's grandmother and father. As if to kill them to avenge his son, it was only after four or five big men suppressed her! She was blaming them for not taking good care of her son!

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > outcome</h1>

After the death of her son, the crazy mother never appeared again! Her ex-mother-in-law couldn't stand the blow of losing her grandson and died soon after, and her ex-husband was still surviving! Later, after a long time, the village once again discussed the crazy mother, but unfortunately it was her death. Fate did not take her son enough, and let her finally die of illness!

I hope she is going to reunite with her son, this life is too bitter, the next life must be a good birth, and her son to continue the mother-child relationship!

Novel: The motherly love of the crazy mother, the mother-child relationship in this life is too shallow, and the next life will continue the mother-child love and miserable fate of being bullied by God to give a little sweet mother-child separation disaster is not a one-way ending

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