
The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 failed: the disappearing British and American reinforcements, the powerless Soviet Warsaw Uprising, the conditions for the increasingly mature Warsaw Uprising, the original intention of the Warsaw Uprising was not anti-Soviet unrealistic uprising plan naïve and tenacious Warsaw Uprising Army disappeared British and American reinforcements with weak hearts

author:Literature and history are prosperous
The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 failed: the disappearing British and American reinforcements, the powerless Soviet Warsaw Uprising, the conditions for the increasingly mature Warsaw Uprising, the original intention of the Warsaw Uprising was not anti-Soviet unrealistic uprising plan naïve and tenacious Warsaw Uprising Army disappeared British and American reinforcements with weak hearts

The Polish film "Blood Warsaw" has aroused heated discussion in international public opinion. The film celebrates the heroic and indomitable spirit of resistance of the Warsaw people, and also blames the inaction of the Soviet army during the uprising.

After the release of the film, the Western media took the opportunity to hype and attack the Soviet Union and Russia, which made many people who did not know the truth believe that the main reason for the failure of the Warsaw Uprising was the Soviet Union.

If we do not seriously understand and discuss the course of the Warsaw Uprising, perhaps we will forever be trapped in the carefully set public opinion of the Western media.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the conditions for the warsaw uprising to be launched are increasingly ripe</h1>

Poland fell into the clutches of Nazi Germany in 1939, and after the fall, tenacious Poles began a revolt.

With british support, a Polish government-in-exile was formed in London. At the call of the government-in-exile, the Polish resistance movement had a relatively unified command structure.

The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 failed: the disappearing British and American reinforcements, the powerless Soviet Warsaw Uprising, the conditions for the increasingly mature Warsaw Uprising, the original intention of the Warsaw Uprising was not anti-Soviet unrealistic uprising plan naïve and tenacious Warsaw Uprising Army disappeared British and American reinforcements with weak hearts

With a unified command, the underground resistance movement in Poland developed rapidly. The Polish partisans were reorganized into the Polish National Army, which acquired a large number of weapons and ammunition through British assistance, excavation of weapons and equipment left behind by the former Polish Defence Forces, and self-manufacture.

By the beginning of 1944, the Polish National Army had 400,000 troops. For the insurrection, these troops were enough to cause great trouble for the Germans.

Beginning in 1943, Germany suffered repeated defeats on the Soviet front. In order to save the situation, a large number of German troops in Poland were transferred to the Soviet Union, which made German control of Poland much more relaxed.

As the news of the defeat of the Germans continued to spread, the enthusiasm of the Poles for resistance grew. In June 1944, the Soviets launched the famous Operation Bagration.

The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 failed: the disappearing British and American reinforcements, the powerless Soviet Warsaw Uprising, the conditions for the increasingly mature Warsaw Uprising, the original intention of the Warsaw Uprising was not anti-Soviet unrealistic uprising plan naïve and tenacious Warsaw Uprising Army disappeared British and American reinforcements with weak hearts

In this decisive battle, the elite German Army Group Center was annihilated. The rest of the Germans collapsed and were forced to retreat into Poland. The Soviets had reached the east bank of the Vistula River, when the Soviet commanders could already see Warsaw through the telescope.

After the defeat, the morale of the German army was very low. After the devastating blow to Army Group Center, the German Front Command wanted to abandon Poland on its own initiative in order to avoid continued soviet attacks.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the Warsaw Uprising was originally intended to be anti-Soviet, not anti-German</h1>

As the Soviets rose to prominence, it was only a matter of time before Nazi Germany collapsed. The most disturbing thing about the Soviet victory was not the Germans, but the British and Americans and the Poles.

At that time, britain, the United States and the Soviet Union had begun to plan the post-war world pattern, and for the sake of the balance of power on the European continent, the British had always been very disgusted with the Soviet Union's entry into Eastern Europe.

The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 failed: the disappearing British and American reinforcements, the powerless Soviet Warsaw Uprising, the conditions for the increasingly mature Warsaw Uprising, the original intention of the Warsaw Uprising was not anti-Soviet unrealistic uprising plan naïve and tenacious Warsaw Uprising Army disappeared British and American reinforcements with weak hearts

Because britain and the Soviet union were allies, the British, although ostensibly agreeing with the Soviet Union's dominance over Eastern Europe, secretly supported the Poles' claim to independence.

The Roosevelt administration was not really concerned about the situation in Poland, and the United States was more concerned about France and southern Europe, and the United States government was very worried that Yugoslavia and the Soviet Red Army would enter Greece and pose a threat to Italy.

In order to contain the momentum of the Soviet Union's westward expansion, the United States welcomed an anti-Soviet government. Due to the blood feud with Russia in history, polish people have always had hatred for Russia.

Coupled with the fact that the Polish government-in-exile was heavily influenced by the West, its hostility toward the Soviet Union was far deeper than that of the aggressor Germany. So as the Soviets approached Warsaw, the Polish government-in-exile was very nervous about it.

Shortly after the end of operation Bagration, the commander of the Polish National Army, Takomorowski, sent an urgent telegram to London saying: "If the National Army continues to do nothing, most Poles will support the Communists." "

In the view of the Polish government-in-exile, if the Soviet army were to liberate Warsaw first, then the Polish government-in-exile would lose the initiative, and Poland would be controlled by the Soviets, thus losing the possibility of independent independence.

The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 failed: the disappearing British and American reinforcements, the powerless Soviet Warsaw Uprising, the conditions for the increasingly mature Warsaw Uprising, the original intention of the Warsaw Uprising was not anti-Soviet unrealistic uprising plan naïve and tenacious Warsaw Uprising Army disappeared British and American reinforcements with weak hearts

With the consent of the Polish government-in-exile, the Polish National Army began planning an uprising in June 1944. In discussing the plan of the uprising, Komolovsky, in order to guard against the possibility of Soviet intervention, rejected the plan to launch a nationwide uprising, because he did not want the Red Army to "pick up a bargain".

During the planning of the Warsaw Uprising, the Polish Nationalist Army did not inform the Red Army at all, but only revealed the news of the uprising to the British government.

When the British government learned of the Warsaw Uprising, it immediately stated that Britain would fully cooperate with the actions of the Polish army, and that the Royal Air Force would provide air fire support to the rebels, and also promised to provide airdrops to the Polish rebels.

The U.S. government also issued a commitment after learning of the uprising plan, and the U.S. government said that if the uprising occurred, the U.S. military would send airborne troops to Warsaw.

The promises of Britain and the United States have never been reliable, and credulous trust in Anglo-American promises will pay a heavy price, and Chinese have a deep feeling about this.

The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 failed: the disappearing British and American reinforcements, the powerless Soviet Warsaw Uprising, the conditions for the increasingly mature Warsaw Uprising, the original intention of the Warsaw Uprising was not anti-Soviet unrealistic uprising plan naïve and tenacious Warsaw Uprising Army disappeared British and American reinforcements with weak hearts

In 1942, the Chinese Expeditionary Force entered Burma to assist the British army in combat, and after the Chinese Expeditionary Force came to Burma, it found that the British army that should have fought together had long fled, and it turned out that the British army took Chinese as a reserve army.

The British army's treachery led to the Chinese Expeditionary Force falling under siege by the Japanese army, the Chinese Expeditionary Force was forced to retreat into the Savage Mountain, and nearly 50,000 Chinese soldiers were buried in Burma.

Chinese should never forget what happened to the Chinese Expeditionary Force, nor should it forget the treachery of the British. And two years later, in 1944, poles would also feel how hypocritical and hollow the Anglo-American promise was.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > unrealistic uprising plan</h1>

The commitments of Britain and the United States encouraged the Polish government-in-exile throughout, which fueled the blind confidence of the Polish government-in-exile.

The uprising was meant to take control of Poland from the Soviet Union, to prevent the Soviet Union from getting the news, and to prevent the Polish Communist Party from participating in the uprising to steal credit, the leaders of the National Army refused to involve the leaders of the Polish Communist Party in matters related to the uprising.

The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 failed: the disappearing British and American reinforcements, the powerless Soviet Warsaw Uprising, the conditions for the increasingly mature Warsaw Uprising, the original intention of the Warsaw Uprising was not anti-Soviet unrealistic uprising plan naïve and tenacious Warsaw Uprising Army disappeared British and American reinforcements with weak hearts

The generals of the Polish Nationalist Army naively believed that as long as the gun sounded, the German army would have no intention of fighting and would collapse at the touch of a touch. So when the Polish generals made their plans, they were not prepared for the difficulties they might encounter.

The failure to disrupt the main traffic around Warsaw was a sign of the blind confidence of the Poles. The Generals of the Polish Nationalist Army naively believed that the Germans would soon retreat after the outbreak of the uprising.

In order not to prevent the Germans from resisting because they had no way out, so as not to cause unnecessary losses, no Poles did not destroy the German bridge and railway to Warsaw beforehand.

This naïve idea of pre-setting victory was quickly buffeted by reality, and it was through these railways and bridges that the Germans reinforced after the uprising.

The Poles' underestimation of the Combat Effectiveness of the German Army, their blind confidence in their own strength, their excessive trust in British commitments, their one-sided hatred of the Communist Party and their paranoid national sentiment blinded the leaders of the Polish National Army.

It also made the Warsaw Uprising lose this important foreign aid of the Soviet Red Army, and it can be said that the Warsaw Uprising was doomed to failure at the planning stage.

In July 1944, the opposition within the German army carried out the famous "Valkyrie Project". The opposition wanted to end the war by assassinating Hitler, which, although unsuccessful, caused a great shock within Nazi Germany.

The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 failed: the disappearing British and American reinforcements, the powerless Soviet Warsaw Uprising, the conditions for the increasingly mature Warsaw Uprising, the original intention of the Warsaw Uprising was not anti-Soviet unrealistic uprising plan naïve and tenacious Warsaw Uprising Army disappeared British and American reinforcements with weak hearts

Hitler used this to purge the opposition within the German army, putting everyone in Germany at risk. The assassination of Hitler excited the leaders of the Polish Nationalist Army, and Kotamorovsky and other generals believed that the Germans had completely collapsed.

This is the best time to start an uprising. A week after hitler's assassination, Kotamorovsky ordered the Warsaw Uprising on August 1, 1944.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > naïve and tenacious Warsaw rebel army</h1>

On the afternoon of 1 August, the Polish Nationalist Army suddenly attacked German soldiers, barricades, government agencies and barracks in the streets of Warsaw. For a time, gunfire broke out in the city.

Although the Germans were a little caught off guard by the surprise attack on the Poles in the afternoon, they quickly stabilized their positions by shrinking their forces. On the evening of 1 August, the Germans announced by radio that the entire city of Warsaw would be under indefinite martial law.

The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 failed: the disappearing British and American reinforcements, the powerless Soviet Warsaw Uprising, the conditions for the increasingly mature Warsaw Uprising, the original intention of the Warsaw Uprising was not anti-Soviet unrealistic uprising plan naïve and tenacious Warsaw Uprising Army disappeared British and American reinforcements with weak hearts

In the days leading up to the uprising, the Polish Nationalist Army was on a fierce offensive, occupying most of Warsaw for a time. Although the Polish Nationalists won partial victories, the Germans still controlled tall buildings such as the Governor's Palace and the Municipal Government, relying on strong fortifications, and the Germans continued to inflict casualties on the Polish Nationalists.

The battle lasted until August 5, when a large number of German reinforcements arrived in Warsaw. Soon, the Germans entered a counter-offensive.

Although the Polish National Army was the main force of the rebel army in warsaw, the rebel army as a whole was scattered.

Although the rebel army was large in number, it did not have a unified operational objective. This gave the Germans time to break through, and soon the rebels were in a state of encirclement.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > disappeared Anglo-American reinforcements</h1>

After the uprising, the British government changed its previous positivity. Only a small part of the Air Force was sent to support, and since the Luftwaffe held air supremacy in the Polish region, the British government quickly withdrew its air force in order not to suffer losses.

Only the Rafaciel's Polish squadron and other volunteers were sent to support. After seeing the insurrection lose, the U.S. government found various reasons to refuse to honor the promise of airborne troops.

The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 failed: the disappearing British and American reinforcements, the powerless Soviet Warsaw Uprising, the conditions for the increasingly mature Warsaw Uprising, the original intention of the Warsaw Uprising was not anti-Soviet unrealistic uprising plan naïve and tenacious Warsaw Uprising Army disappeared British and American reinforcements with weak hearts

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > weak Soviet army</h1>

Two days before the uprising, representatives of the Polish government-in-exile came to Moscow. Stalin also summoned members of the government-in-exile after the uprising.

Ironically, the representatives of the government-in-exile knew nothing about how to aid the war in Warsaw, but kept demanding the legitimacy of the Polish government-in-exile.

Upon learning of the uprising, the Red Army launched an offensive against the Warsaw area, but made no progress. At that time, although the Soviet army was victorious, it was actually the end of the crossbow.

The long battle made the Soviet soldiers very tired, and the long supply lines prevented the Soviets from obtaining enough supplies. In addition to the above reasons, the main strategic objective of the Soviet army at that time had shifted to the German army in southeastern Germany and the Czech republic.

The Soviet army in Poland was only for the purpose of leading the way, not the absolute main force of the Soviet army, which was the objective reason for the inability of the Soviet Union to launch a strong offensive during the Warsaw Uprising.

The heroic Poles stubbornly resisted for nearly two months, and after paying the price of nearly 200,000 deaths, the Poles finally surrendered, and the uprising ended in failure.

The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 failed: the disappearing British and American reinforcements, the powerless Soviet Warsaw Uprising, the conditions for the increasingly mature Warsaw Uprising, the original intention of the Warsaw Uprising was not anti-Soviet unrealistic uprising plan naïve and tenacious Warsaw Uprising Army disappeared British and American reinforcements with weak hearts

In hindsight, the Soviet army was in Poland at that time, and if the uprising was to succeed smoothly, the best plan for the Poles was to contact the Soviet army first, so that the large troops of the Soviet army would first launch an attack on the outer line, attracting the attention of the German heavy army group, and leaving the defense of warsaw and other big cities empty.

Then revolts were launched in other parts of Poland, leaving the German army in all directions without focus and without end to eye. Finally, the main force of the concentrated rebel army launched an uprising in Warsaw.

In order to get Germany into the chaos of multi-front warfare, the German army that was fighting everywhere had no time to take care of the uprising in Warsaw, if the best plan was followed, the time for the liberation of Poland would be half a year earlier, and Warsaw could be smoothly controlled by the Poles, and the Soviet Union could not completely control Poland after the war.

The Warsaw Uprising was initiated by Polish political forces with the support of Britain and the United States, which promised the Poles but did not give any substantial support, which was the external cause of the failure of the uprising.

The root cause of the failure of the uprising was that the Poles were too confident and too much to hate the Soviet Union. National affairs are always interests first, and those that conform to interests are correct, and setting feelings and political tendencies in advance on major national affairs will naturally exclude options that benefit the country, which is very naïve and ridiculous in international politics.

Text/Wen Shi Wangwang

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