
Hugo, who created the best result in the Brazilian Table Tennis Olympics, is actually a Rubik's Cube master


雨果·卡尔德拉诺,巴西乒乓球运动员‬,现排名‬世界‬前十‬。 曾获得‬拉丁美洲‬乒乓球‬锦标赛‬男单‬冠军‬,被视为‬巴西‬乒乓球‬的希望‬之星‬。 在东京奥运会‬中‬,闯进了‬男子单打的‬八强‬,创造了‬巴西‬选手‬在‬乒乓球‬项目上‬的‬历史‬最好‬成绩‬。

Hugo, who created the best result in the Brazilian Table Tennis Olympics, is actually a Rubik's Cube master

In addition to table tennis, Hugo also has super strength in many sports. He was a major player in the city volleyball team and won the long jump championship. In addition to being good at these sports, Hugo has a special hobby, which is Rubik's Cube.

Hugo, who created the best result in the Brazilian Table Tennis Olympics, is actually a Rubik's Cube master

It can be said that Hugo is a full-fledged Rubik's Cube master, it is understood that Hugo restored a third-order Rubik's Cube, it only takes less than ten seconds, it can be said that this is also a very good result in the field of Rubik's Cube.

Hugo, who created the best result in the Brazilian Table Tennis Olympics, is actually a Rubik's Cube master

At the same time, Hugo is also good at many types of Rubik's Cubes, and videos of him restoring the Thirteenth Order Rubik's Cube can be found on the Internet.

Hugo, who created the best result in the Brazilian Table Tennis Olympics, is actually a Rubik's Cube master

He said playing Rubik's Cube would allow him to stay focused better during his table tennis practice. Finally, I also wish the all-round Hugo greater achievements in table tennis.

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