
On the forty-nine-day journey to hell, he regained his mud tire body

author:There is a fish in the rivers and lakes

I don't know if you have ever had a near-death experience, it feels like the soul floats out of the body, the eyes are chaotic, and every fragment of memory before you die flashes like a marquee.

On the forty-nine-day journey to hell, he regained his mud tire body

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There are not many records of near-death experiences, because most of the people who have experienced them have not been able to come back alive to write us a detailed guide, and we can only constantly explore the boundary between life and death from the memories of the few lucky ones.


There was an old man named Tang Ping, who was admitted to the Jinshi in the ugly year, so we called him Old Tang.

Old Tang had a serious illness, and when he was dying, he suddenly felt a heat coming from the soles of his feet, and this heat slowly flowed up the calf, and when he reached the thigh, Old Tang felt that his calf was half dead, cold and cold, and there was no feeling; gradually this heat came down the thigh to the stomach, and he felt that the stomach was also dead; and then slowly rose to the heart socket, the heart is the most difficult place for a person to die, so the heat has been hovering in the heart socket.

On the forty-nine-day journey to hell, he regained his mud tire body


At this time, Lao Tang only felt like a marquee in his head, and the things that happened from childhood to adulthood came to mind one by one, and there were even some trivial things that he had not remembered for a long time. These things came to mind with this heat, like a tidal wave.

If he remembers a good thing that the old soup has done, then he will feel a cool and peaceful and incomparably comfortable heart; if he remembers a bad thing, then his heart will feel chagrin and irritability, like boiling oil in a pot, such pain, it is really difficult to describe words.

On the forty-nine-day journey to hell, he regained his mud tire body

Especially when I remember when I was seven or eight years old. At that time, the old man was a naughty child, and he would often climb up to the tree to dig a bird's nest, and if he caught a young bird, he would directly kill it, and take pleasure in it. As soon as I thought about this, it was as if there was a hot blood churning and rippling in my heart, and I waited for a meal before I calmed down.

When everything in his life passed through his heart one by one, and the turbulent tide finally receded, Lao Tang only felt that the heat in his heart entered his head from his throat and then steamed out from the top of his head, like the smoke on the roof of his childhood home. After a few hours like this, Lao Tang's soul was completely stripped from his body, forgot the shell, and drifted away.

On the forty-nine-day journey to hell, he regained his mud tire body


His soul drifted farther and farther away, forgetting where he belonged, not knowing where to go, and wandering on the road outside the city. Suddenly, a giant walked ahead, more than ten meters high. The giant reached out, and the old soup was put into his sleeve.

There was not only one ghost in the sleeve of Lao Tang, there were quite a few, they were shoulder to shoulder, feet on the face, grinning with their teeth. Because the sleeves were too crowded, and the air was particularly cloudy, it was unbearable to hold back, and Lao Tang remembered the Buddha who saved the suffering and ordinary sentient beings. He should still be a sentient being, so he closed his eyes and recited "Amitabha Buddha."

On the forty-nine-day journey to hell, he regained his mud tire body

Don't say, this is really useful, Lao Tang only read the Buddha three or four times, and the Buddha let him fall out of his sleeve. The giant saw it, fished it with a big hand, and put Lao Tang back on his sleeve, and Lao Tang closed his eyes and began to chant Buddha. Just like this back and forth, you dropped me to pick up, tossed three times, the giant ran out of patience, he left the old soup dashing and left.


Old Tang Leng was in place, just gone? How many times do you keep me? Good guy tell me where to go next? Lao Tang pondered for a while, didn't he all say that the Western Elysium, the impression was that the Buddha seemed to be in the West, so let's just go west.

On the forty-nine-day journey to hell, he regained his mud tire body

Not long after leaving, Lao Tang saw a monk sitting on the side of the road, meditating. He hurriedly went forward to worship and asked, "Master, please hurry to reincarnate, how are you going to go?" ”

The old monk replied, "All the books of life and death of those who read books are under the control of Emperor Wenchang and the disciplined Kong Sage, and you need to go to the two to cancel their names before you can leave hades and reincarnate." ”

Old Tang asked for the location of the two saints and began to hurry again.


Old Tang went all the way to the Temple of confucius, and he went forward to bow down to Confucius. Confucius said: "The book of change of life and death is still under the control of Emperor Wenchang. After saying that, he pointed in a direction and signaled old Tang to go there to find it.

Lao Tang followed Confucius's instructions and hurried to find Emperor Wenchang's palace. He bowed his head respectfully and entered the palace, and sure enough, he saw a god sitting on the main hall, which was exactly the same as the statue of Emperor Wenchang that he saw before he died.

Emperor Wenchang naturally knew Lao Tang's intentions, and while flipping through the book of life and death, he said, "You are an honest and upright person in this life, and it is reasonable to say that you should be able to return to the Yang Realm, but your shell has rotted, and only a bodhisattva can help, so you go to the bodhisattva." ”

On the forty-nine-day journey to hell, he regained his mud tire body

Hey, this trip back and forth tossed several places, but there was no way, had to live is not, so Lao Tang tirelessly went to find the bodhisattva.


I don't know how long I walked, but in front of me appeared a bamboo forest, with lush trees, slender and tall bamboo, and I could vaguely see a palace, tall and majestic, magnificent. Lao Tang walked in and saw a bodhisattva with a snail in a bun, a solemn look, and a soft golden light on his face, as beautiful and majestic as a full moon. In the vase in front of the bodhisattva's seat was a willow, and the willow leaves were hanging low and emerald like smoke. Isn't this the one in front of you the Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva?

With a solemn face, Lao Tang respectfully walked over to the bodhisattva and prostrated his head, explaining his intentions. The bodhisattva listened, his face was embarrassed, and the old soup pleaded bitterly.

The arhat beside him said, "Bodhisattva, you can cast great mana, knead it into flesh with dirt, and break willow branches to make bones, so that it will be solved?" ”

The bodhisattva thought for a moment and agreed to the arhat's request. He personally folded a wicker, poured the water from the vase on the pure land and turned it into mud, and finally slapped the wicker and mud on the old soup. Then, the bodhisattva sent the fairy boy by his side to send the old soup home and push the soul into the body.

On the forty-nine-day journey to hell, he regained his mud tire body

At this time, Lao Tang's family was guarding the coffin and heard a sudden moaning sound from inside. Terrified, the family members opened the coffin and helped out the already sober old soup. Asking the time again, it turned out that Lao Tang had been dead for seven days and forty-nine days.


This story comes from the Tang Gong of Liaozhai Zhiyi, which records a true story of a dead and resurrection in ancient times. The "Records of Lishui County", "Jiangnan Tongzhi", "Kifu Tongzhi" and so on all record this character of Tang Ping, and is a well-known good official, fair and honest, and loved by the people.

Mr. Feng Zhenluan, a famous critic of the Qing Dynasty, pointed out that the story of Tang Ping's resurrection from the dead is indeed true. We can explain it scientifically as some kind of suspended animation phenomenon, which can be said to be a fiction of the people in order to commemorate him, or we can believe that there is providence in the underworld.

You can believe in a certain religion or be a loyal advocate of atheism, and understanding the meaning of life and death and how to face life and death is the biggest issue in our ordinary lives.

Finally, I would like to complain: it turns out that the process of completing a formality in the Immortal Realm is also so complicated? It is recommended that they learn the "one-bite acceptance" model.

Chat About Sai Zhiyi - Tang Gong

Tang Gong was hired by the name of the Emperor, and Xin ugly was a jinshi. Clinging to the disease. Suddenly, the heat in the lower part rises upwards: to the strands, the feet die; to the abdomen, the strands die; to the heart, the death of the heart is the most difficult. All the things that have been forgotten since childhood and trivial matters have come and gone with the flow of blood. If there is a good, the heart is pure and peaceful; if it is evil, it is chagrin and irritation, like the oil boiling, and its embarrassing state cannot be resembled by the mouth. I remember that when I was seven or eight years old, I once probed the chicks and killed them, but this was the only thing that made my heart rush with blood and food. Waiting for what you do in your life, one by one, the tide is exhausted, but the hot air is wispy, through the throat into the brain, from the top upside down, soaring like a cooker, more than dozens of moments, the soul is out of the woods, forget the shell of the body.

And there is no return, drifting between the suburban roads. A giant comes, a few high, picks it up, and takes it into his sleeve. Into the sleeve, then fold the shoulders and press the strands, and its people are very tired, annoyed and sullen, and they cannot pass. Gong Dun thought that the Buddha could solve the problem, and because of the trumpet of the Buddha, he only made three or four sounds and fell out of his sleeve. Giants reincarnate. Three na three falls, and the giant goes. The public is independent and wandering, and it is not known what good it is to go. Remembering that the Buddha is in the western land, it is the west. Without he, I saw a monk sitting on the side of the road, and tended to pray and ask for the way. The monk said: "The record of the life and death of the mortal son, Wenchang and Kong Shengsi, will be cancelled in two places, but he is suitable." "When asked about his residence, the monk showed his way and rushed to go.

Few, the Most Holy Temple, see Xuansheng sitting on the south side. Pray as before. Proclaim the Holy Word: "Where the name falls, the emperor will still be crowned." "For it points to the way. Public and trendy. See a pavilion such as the King's Residence. Leaning in, there is a god and a man, just like the image of the emperor that has been passed down from generation to generation. Congratulations. The emperor examined the name: "Ru is sincere and upright, and it is advisable to have a physiological body." But the skin is rotten, and there is nothing that a bodhisattva can do. "Because of the instructions, there is a hurry. The public follows its teachings. Ohmi Maolin repairs bamboo, and the temple is good. Enter, see the solemnity of the spiral bun, the golden full moon; the bottle is soaked in willow, and the emerald green smoke is hanging. Gong solemnly bowed his head and recited the words of the emperor. Bodhisattvas are difficult. The public mourned and prayed. His Holiness next to him said, "Bodhisattvas cast great mana, and the soil can be used for meat, and the broken willow can be used for bone." "The bodhisattva, as requested, broke the willow branch with his hand, poured water from the bottle, and combined the pure land into mud, and patted the male body. Let the boy carry the spiritual house and push it together. The coffin groaned, and Huo Ran was already ill. The family gathered in horror and helped them out, and the qi was absolutely broken. ”

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