
Why Song Yi explained the exclusive fried sauce noodles by Chao Lian, he wanted to dry three bowls when he listened

author:Gourmet micro-sharing

In the new self-driving slow travel reality show "The Star Chaser", only He Chaolian saw a meteor passing by, and Dou Xiao said to her: "Because your father changed, so only you can see it." ”

Anyway, the food girl in front of the screen is sweet, in this variety show, not only can eat dog food, but also food.

As a "light bulb", Song Yi starred in a "brightest star in the night sky", in the new program, they wanted to set up a camp by the water, He Chaolian was the new "little kitchen lady", Dou Xiao laid hands, and Song Yi consciously served as a "fried sauce noodle commentator".

Why Song Yi explained the exclusive fried sauce noodles by Chao Lian, he wanted to dry three bowls when he listened

From preparing accessories to warm stir-fry sauce, Song Yi explains in detail in 360 degrees the exclusive noodle sauce of "He's".

"First add minced pork, then white onion, then add soybean sauce, sweet noodle sauce, if you like to eat sweet, add more sweet noodle sauce, like to eat salty, add more soybean sauce, and finally add rock sugar!"

Teacher Song's small class is really full of sincerity and dry goods! Dou Xiao commented that she was suitable as a narrator.

Across the screen, looking at Huang Chengcheng's pot of sauce, coupled with Song Yi's detailed explanation, the food sister's saliva has flowed all over the ground. No wonder after the fried sauce noodles came out of the pot, everyone dried three bowls in a row.

Speaking of fried sauce noodles, old Beijing must be the most authentic. The deep-fried sauce can be divided into three steps: spread, cut meat, and sauté sauce.

First, shred the green onion and ginger, dice the pork belly, and mix half a bag of dried yellow sauce with about a bowl of water. Then, pour oil into the pot, sauté the green onion and ginger shreds over low heat, pour in the pork belly cubes and stir-fry.

Why Song Yi explained the exclusive fried sauce noodles by Chao Lian, he wanted to dry three bowls when he listened

Pour in the mixed dry yellow sauce, turn on the high heat and fry the sauce, stirring constantly to prevent sticking to the pan. When the sauce is separated from the oil, add a small spoonful of sugar, stir and out of the pan.

Nowadays, the development has changed everywhere, in Sichuan called "mixed sauce noodles", the ingredients are completely different, that belongs to the taste of Sichuan. In the northwest, it is also called fried sauce noodles, but the methods are different from house to house.

The food sister shared a few fried sauce noodle recipes, and it didn't matter where it was, it was delicious and it was over.

Simple version of fried sauce noodles

Many people are afraid of the trouble of frying sauce, so it is better to try this simple version of the method, fast and delicious.

Why Song Yi explained the exclusive fried sauce noodles by Chao Lian, he wanted to dry three bowls when he listened

Ingredients: Half a small bowl of minced lean meat, 3 to 5 shiitake mushrooms, minced ginger, minced garlic, green onion, soybean paste, sweet noodle sauce, sugar.


1. First, cut the ginger and garlic into foam, dice the shiitake mushrooms and set aside, heat the pan with cold oil, add the minced ginger and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

2. Stir-fry in minced meat, pour in cooking wine, stir-fry for a while, pour in the chopped shiitake mushrooms, add three spoonfuls of soybean paste, two spoonfuls of sweet noodle sauce, the ratio of them is 3:2, how much seasoning is suitable for your meat filling and shiitake mushrooms.

3. Boil for a while, add a little sugar, you can taste the taste to decide whether to add sugar or not, and finally add green onions and stir-fry for a while to turn off the heat, cook noodles everyone will ah, over the cold water more tendons, put on the cucumber shreds and delicious sauce sauce, simply delicious do not want.

Secret fried sauce noodles

A mother's original recipe, children also love to eat. The sauce is richly wrapped in noodles, mixed with the aroma of meat, the taste is amazing, the preparation is simple, and those who like it must not be missed!

Why Song Yi explained the exclusive fried sauce noodles by Chao Lian, he wanted to dry three bowls when he listened

Ingredients: 200 g of pork foam, 10 g of green onion, ginger and garlic, 1 cucumber, 2 noodles.

1. Mix a sauce first: add 2 spoons of soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 2 spoons of sweet noodle sauce, 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of starch, and half a bowl of water and stir well.

2. Heat the appropriate amount of oil in the pot, sauté the shallots, ginger and garlic to make the aroma, sauté the meat foam until it changes color, add a spoonful of watercress sauce and stir-fry until fragrant.

3. Pour in the prepared sauce, bring to a boil, turn to low heat and simmer until the meat sauce is thick, sprinkle green onions before coming out of the pot.

4. Boil the water and cook the noodles to fish out the cold water, put on the side dishes, drizzle with fried sauce, mix well and eat!

Chengdu version of fried sauce noodles

Douban sauce is a classic in Sichuan, and adding it to the fried sauce noodles also tastes amazing.

Why Song Yi explained the exclusive fried sauce noodles by Chao Lian, he wanted to dry three bowls when he listened

Ingredients: 1 serving of noodles, 250g pork belly, soybean paste: sweet noodle sauce: 2:2:1 bean paste, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 1 cucumber, 1 pinch of pepper, 1 garlic, sweet potato starch, spring onion, white sesame seeds.

1. Mix the sauce. Soybean sauce: sweet noodle sauce: douban sauce ratio 2:2:1.

2. Minced pork belly, be sure to buy this fat pork belly.

3. Put a little oil in the pan, pat a garlic and pork belly together into the pan, fry on medium and high heat until it changes color, fry over medium-low heat and fry for another 1-2 minutes until the meat becomes golden brown.

4. Reduce heat and stir-fry the prepared sauce into the pan. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoonful of cooking wine and a pinch of white pepper (without black pepper) and stir-fry well.

5. Turn to high heat and pour in water, not too much, cook for 15-20 minutes.

6. Pour a small amount of water with sweet potato starch many times, remember to be sure to add a small amount of water many times, because sweet potato starch is easy to thicken, full of adding stirring for 5 or 6 seconds, not thick enough to add. To this extent, it is almost over, turn off the heat and start cooking.

7. Cook the noodles, slightly thicker noodles are better, and must not be cooked soft Oh, pick up and set aside.

8. Pour a little sesame oil into the bowl and add the noodles. Cut the cucumber into thin strips, spread over the noodles and scoop up a full fill of fried sauce.

Vegetarian pepper noodles

When it comes to noodles in Chengdu, I have to mention vegetarian pepper sauce noodles, which are the characteristic noodles of Chengdu, and the noodle restaurants in the streets and alleys are available, and they can also make them at home.

Why Song Yi explained the exclusive fried sauce noodles by Chao Lian, he wanted to dry three bowls when he listened

Ingredients: 300g of fore leg meat (front sandwich meat), 1 tbsp minced ginger, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1 tbsp cooking wine, 1.5 tbsp sweet noodle paste, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 small bowl of water/broth, 2 tbsp rapeseed oil, 50 g of alkali noodles, 1 tsp of pea tip, 1 tsp of light soy sauce, 1/2 tsp of peppercorn noodles, 1/2 tsp of salt, 1/2 tsp of sugar, 1 tsp of lard, 1 tsp of sesame paste, 1 tbsp of oil chili seeds, 1 tsp of garlic paste, 1 tsp of green onion, 1-2 tbsp of mixed sauce.

1. Wash and peel the fore leg meat, cut into small pieces and chop/crush with a meat grinder.

2. Heat an iron pot, add 2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil, cook until 40% or 50% hot, pour in the front leg meat, stir-fry over medium-low heat until spitting oil, add 1 teaspoon of minced ginger and simmer.

3. Add 1/2 teaspoon pepper, 1 tbsp cooking wine, 1.5 tbsp sweet noodle sauce, 1 tbsp soy sauce and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes, add 100ml of water/broth, collect the juice over medium-low heat and thicken the pot, and finish the sauce.

4. Add 2 cloves of garlic, a little salt to the mash cup, add 1 tablespoon of warm water and pound until delicate, mash into garlic paste.

5. Add 2 tablespoons of sesame paste to 1 tablespoon of sesame oil in 2-3 times to smooth it out.

6. Add the base bowl seasoning to the small bowl: 1 tsp light soy sauce, 1/2 tsp peppercorn noodles, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp sugar, 1 tsp lard, 1 tsp tahini, 1 tbsp oil chili, 1 tsp garlic paste.

7. Boil a pot of boiling water, add 1 tsp of salt, add alkali noodles, open twice (add cold water after each boiling) and then scoop up.

8. Add 1 side to each bowl of base and mix well, then add 1-2 tablespoons of miscellaneous sauce and an appropriate amount of green onion to mix well.

Home-cooked fried sauce noodles

Make it at home, it will not be as rigid as the authentic, cucumber bean sprouts these two side dishes can make people eat very cool.

Why Song Yi explained the exclusive fried sauce noodles by Chao Lian, he wanted to dry three bowls when he listened

Ingredients: 200 g of pork, 4 tbsp of Haitian soybean paste, 1.5 tbsp of June sweet noodle sauce, 4 tbsp of light soy sauce, 1 tbsp of dark soy sauce, 1 tsp of cucumber, 200 g of soybean sprouts, 4 cloves of garlic, 4 small sticks of chives, 2 portions of noodles, and a number of five-spice powder.

1. If you have no trouble, buy meat filling is OK, otherwise cut the pork into diced meat, wash and set aside.

2. Mix the sauce, which is the soul of the fried sauce noodles, four spoons of light soy sauce, one spoon of old soy sauce, 4 spoons of Haitian soybean sauce, 1.5 spoons of sweet noodle sauce, 1 small spoon of oyster sauce, a little sugar, stir well, set aside.

3. Cut the garlic cloves into garlic slices, cut the shallots into sections, boil the pot with hot oil, put the shallots and garlic in the pot and sauté over medium heat to taste.

4. Put the diced meat into the pot, stir-fry over low heat and sauté until it turns white.

5. At this time, pour in the sauce, stir-fry evenly over low heat, add water at this time, without meat sauce, simmer for 5 minutes, until the sauce is thick and can come out of the pot.

6. Cut the cucumber into strips and set aside, boil the noodles on high heat, pour the sauce on the noodles and serve, please enjoy the delicious.

Shiitake mushroom fried sauce noodles

Using shiitake mushroom fried sauce is also a favorite flavor of many people, shiitake mushrooms are cut into small cubes, and the fried sauce is fused with noodles, I don't know how fragrant.

Why Song Yi explained the exclusive fried sauce noodles by Chao Lian, he wanted to dry three bowls when he listened

Ingredients: minced pork belly, noodles, dried shiitake mushrooms, small winter shoots.

1. Cut the ingredients into powders and set aside, 15 grams of starch into 20 grams of cold water and stir evenly into a mixture of water for later.

2. Sauté the chives, ginger and garlic in a pan, then pour in the minced meat and sauté, stir-fry the minced meat, add 10ML cooking wine and stir-fry slightly.

3. Add shiitake mushrooms and winter shoots and stir-fry together, stir-fry all the ingredients and add 30 grams of sweet noodle sauce (or with spicy bean paste) Sweet noodle sauce is more suitable for our southern taste. Add the sauce and sauté the minced meat.

4. Add hot boiling water and level the sauce. Cook on high heat for a few minutes to see less soup. You can properly observe the color and taste. If the taste is light, you can add some salt or soy sauce; if the color is light, you can add some old soy sauce to color.

5. Finally, when you see that the sauce begins to be sparse and thick, add the water appropriately. Add a little bit. Adjust to your preferred consistency.

6. Drizzle over the noodles.

Old Beijing fried sauce noodles

Teach everyone to make fried sauce noodles in different places, and now come to teach everyone the most authentic taste of old Beijing. Beijingers pay attention to the fact that the sauce of the fried sauce should be matched with the dry yellow sauce and the sweet noodle sauce of Liubiju, and the diced meat should also be fat and lean.

Side dishes cucumber, bean sprouts, carrots, etc. should be cut, the hot one, a yard to the noodles, poured with fried sauce, mixed with the dish code, a bowl of fragrant fried sauce noodles will become.

Why Song Yi explained the exclusive fried sauce noodles by Chao Lian, he wanted to dry three bowls when he listened

Ingredients: minced pork, noodles, dried tofu, bean sprouts, cucumber, ginger, sweet noodle sauce, soybean sauce, soy sauce.

1. Shred cucumber, dried tofu into small pieces, ginger into small pieces.

2. Pour twice as much oil as usual in the pot, when it is 40% hot, add minced meat and stir-fry together with minced ginger.

3. Sauté over medium heat until the minced meat turns white, dig out two spoonfuls of sweet noodle sauce and soybean sauce and continue to stir-fry over medium-low heat.

4. Then pour in half a bowl of boiling water and dried tofu and simmer for 5 minutes on high heat.

5. Cook until the oil in the meat sauce is forced out, then turn off the heat. Sprinkle with green onions and mix well.

6. Bean sprouts blanched water: after the water boils, throw the cleaned bean sprouts into it, blanch for 2 or 3 minutes, fish out, cool the water, control dry and set aside.

7. Cook the noodles: After the water boils, throw in the noodles, cook and put them in a large bowl. Add bean sprouts, cucumber shreds, or whatever you like, pour a large spoonful of fried sauce, mix well, and you're ready to eat.

Why Song Yi explained the exclusive fried sauce noodles by Chao Lian, he wanted to dry three bowls when he listened

The noodles are served with a deep-fried sauce, plus fresh and prickly cucumber shreds, white and tender bean sprouts, and rouge-like heart beauty. The color and flavor are complete, mix well and eat, and you will be fascinated.

(Some of the pictures are from the Internet, please contact the author with this number to pay for the manuscript)

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