
How important is an actress's looks? Fan Ruoruo, who also starred in "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", compared the 34-year-old Song Yi with the 29-year-old her, and the difference is obvious

How important is an actress's looks? Fan Ruoruo, who also starred in "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", compared the 34-year-old Song Yi with the 29-year-old her, and the difference is obvious

Sister Shui chats about dramas

2024-05-25 10:47Published in Beijing

How important is an actress's looks? Fan Ruoruo, who also starred in "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", compared the 34-year-old Song Yi with the 29-year-old her, and the difference is obvious

The spring festival, which implicated the fate of thousands of students, finally unfolded vigorously under the auspices of Fan Xian.

In order to smoothly reject the list of protégés that Lin Xiang and the prince and others stuffed him, Fan Xian pulled out the tiger skin banner of Emperor Qing, saying that Emperor Qing asked that this Spring Festival be absolutely fair.

This trick successfully persuaded the prince and others to quit, and also made many people mistakenly think that Emperor Qing favored Fan Xian very much, and asked Fan Xian to apply medicine to his face.

But for Emperor Qing, who stepped on the bones of his brothers and women, Fan Xian could be regarded as a son when he was useful to him.

Once Fan Xian disobeyed Emperor Qing's intentions, it was an enemy that had to be eliminated.

Fan Xian's real family members are Fan Jian, Fan Sizhe, and Aunt Liu, who are not related by blood, and Fan Ruoruo, who believes in him unconditionally and supports him.

In the first season of "Celebrating More Than Years", Fan Ruoruo grew up with Fan Xian in Shanzhou, and after returning to the capital, he often wrote letters to Fan Xian.

Fan Xian's subtle influence on Fan Ruoruo in the letter not only made Fan Ruoruo worship this brother, but also made this woman who grew up in a feudal society have extraordinary vision and courage.

After Lin Wan'er's brother Lin Gong sharked Teng Zijing, Fan Xian was furious, eager to immediately slash Lin Gong and avenge Teng Zijing.

It was Fan Ruoruo who calmly pointed out another key point in this matter - Lin Wan'er.

If Fan Xian sharked Lin Gong, then he and Lin Wan'er would no longer be possible.

Because the relationship between Lin Gong and Lin Wan'er is the same as the relationship between Fan Xian and Fan Ruoruo.

If Lin Wan'er killed Fan Ruoruo, how could Fan Xian forgive her? It's impossible to be with her.

It was Fan Ruoruo's analysis that made Fan Xian not have the impulse to do something irreparable, and Uncle Wuzhu came forward to kill Lin Gong, so that Fan Xian did not directly hurt Lin Wan'er.

Fan Ruoruo's intelligence and cleverness made her deeply loved by the audience, and she became the white moonlight that the audience will never forget in "Celebrating More Than Years".

Song Yi, who plays Fan Ruoruo, is also an actress that the audience likes very much.

Song Yi, born in 1989, is an authentic Hubei girl who graduated from the Central Academy of Drama.

But few people know that Song Yi, like Li Qin, made his debut work in "Dream of Red Mansions" directed by Li Shaohong.

It's just that Li Qin plays Xue Baochai, and Song Yi plays the maid Xiangling.

How important is an actress's looks? Fan Ruoruo, who also starred in "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", compared the 34-year-old Song Yi with the 29-year-old her, and the difference is obvious

Fortunately, in the second year of participating in "Dream of Red Mansions", Song Yi ushered in his starring work "Mao Anying", playing Mao Anying's wife Liu Siqi.

But Song Yi's acting career has not soared, and the next few dramas she participated in have no splash.

Song Yi was also changed roles after joining the group, which made her doubt her acting skills.

However, she was not discouraged and devoted herself to various roles.

The spicy Li Xiaoliang in "Baby Plan" and the rich daughter Wang Ruoshi in "Hero Sacrifice" not only broadened Song Yi's acting path, but also honed her acting skills.

In 2015, she handed over the wonderful answer sheet of "The Pretender" to Yu Manli.

How important is an actress's looks? Fan Ruoruo, who also starred in "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", compared the 34-year-old Song Yi with the 29-year-old her, and the difference is obvious

I met Song Yi through Yu Manli, and since then I have chased her in many dramas, "Son-in-law", "Celebrating More Than Years", "Changfeng Crossing", "Night Walker", "Today's Them", and now I am most looking forward to her and Luo Yunxi's starring "Yan Xinji".

Looking at the roles played by Song Yi, the role with the largest reversal and the most hidden identities is Fan Ruoruo in "Celebrating More Than Years".

In "Celebrating More Than Years 2", Fan Ruoruo's identity changed, from Miss Fan's family to the fiancée of King Jing's son.

She originally wanted to escape from marriage with a burden, but she wanted to listen to Fan Xian's opinion, so she wandered the world for a long time and obediently returned home.

Fan Ruoruo's unique talent is also beginning to show.

In order to help his father pretend to be sick when necessary, Fan Ruoruo began to read Fan Xian's medical books and learn medical books and poison techniques.

After Fan Xian found out, he wanted to be a teacher in front of Fan Ruoruo, so he brought a duck over and asked Fan Ruoruo to use a scalpel to dissect and suture the duck.

Back then, under the personal guidance of Fei Jie, Fan Xian dug up countless corpses before he practiced first-hand surgical skills.

Unexpectedly, Fan Ruoruo learned the suturing technique after a day of groping by herself.

How important is an actress's looks? Fan Ruoruo, who also starred in "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", compared the 34-year-old Song Yi with the 29-year-old her, and the difference is obvious

What surprised Fan Xian even more was that Fan Ruoruo's hands were extremely stable, holding the silver needles stacked across the steps up and down, and the silver needles did not move.

Fan Xian, who discovered Fan Ruoruo's talent, only thought that she could become an excellent surgeon.

But he didn't realize that Fan Ruoruo's talent could also be used for another skill - shooting.

Many viewers are curious, more than half of the plot of "Celebrating More Than Years 2", why are Uncle Wuzhu and the box missing?

Uncle Wuzhu went to solve the person sent by the temple to Fan Xian, and the box was entrusted to Fan Ruoruo by him.

Later, when Fan Xian and Emperor Qing fought in the palace, Fan Xian was seriously injured and was unable to fight back.

It was Fan Ruoruo who was lying in the snow on the roof of the corner tower of the palace, covered his body with a white fox fur as a cover, and fired two shots at Emperor Qing in succession, making him bleeding and unconscious.

When Emperor Qing fought a decisive battle with Wuzhu, it was also Fan Ruoruo who disguised himself as a palace maid and shot and broke Emperor Qing's arm, laying the foundation for Emperor Qing's defeat.

It can be said that without Fan Ruoruo, Fan Xian would have died at the hands of Emperor Qing long ago.

Comparing Song Yi in "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", you will find that her facial features have not changed, but she is no longer immature and young, and she is more calm and firm.

After all, this is a woman who has been secretly practicing sniping and is always ready to target Emperor Qing at critical moments, how can she still be an ignorant girl?

Do you think Song Yi has changed a lot?

How important is an actress's looks? Fan Ruoruo, who also starred in "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", compared the 34-year-old Song Yi with the 29-year-old her, and the difference is obvious
How important is an actress's looks? Fan Ruoruo, who also starred in "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", compared the 34-year-old Song Yi with the 29-year-old her, and the difference is obvious

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  • How important is an actress's looks? Fan Ruoruo, who also starred in "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", compared the 34-year-old Song Yi with the 29-year-old her, and the difference is obvious
  • How important is an actress's looks? Fan Ruoruo, who also starred in "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", compared the 34-year-old Song Yi with the 29-year-old her, and the difference is obvious
  • How important is an actress's looks? Fan Ruoruo, who also starred in "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", compared the 34-year-old Song Yi with the 29-year-old her, and the difference is obvious
  • How important is an actress's looks? Fan Ruoruo, who also starred in "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", compared the 34-year-old Song Yi with the 29-year-old her, and the difference is obvious
  • How important is an actress's looks? Fan Ruoruo, who also starred in "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", compared the 34-year-old Song Yi with the 29-year-old her, and the difference is obvious
  • How important is an actress's looks? Fan Ruoruo, who also starred in "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Celebrating More Than Years 2", compared the 34-year-old Song Yi with the 29-year-old her, and the difference is obvious

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