
The twenty-fourth time Yuan Shuji instigated Sun Jian to cut down Liu Biao's warships across the river Fancheng to defeat Huang Zu

author:A pig laughs

Yuan Shu was in Nanyang, and when he heard that Yuan Shao had recently acquired Jizhou, he sent emissaries to ask for a thousand horses. Yuan Shao did not give, Yuan Shu was very angry, and the two brothers did not get along from then on. Yuan Shu also sent emissaries to Jingzhou and asked Liu Biao to borrow 200,000 grain, but Liu Biao did not give it. Yuan Shu was even more resentful in his heart, so he secretly sent someone to send a letter to Sun Jian, asking Sun Jian to go on a crusade against Liu Biao.

The letter said: "The former Liu Biao cut off the road, but it was my brother's original plan. At the beginning of this year, he privately consulted with Liu Biao to attack Jiangdong. Gong can quickly raise troops to cut down Liu Biao; I will take the original for the gong, and then the two revengees can be repaid. Take Jingzhou, I take Jizhou, don't delay! ”

The twenty-fourth time Yuan Shuji instigated Sun Jian to cut down Liu Biao's warships across the river Fancheng to defeat Huang Zu

Sun Jiande book

Sun Jian received a letter from Yuan Shu and said, "Hate that Liu Biao!" In the past, I broke my way back, and now I don't take advantage of this time to take revenge and hate, let alone wait for what year! "Gather the account under Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang and others to discuss." Cheng Pu said, "Yuan Shu is a treacherous person and should not be gullible. Sun Jian said, "If I avenge myself, how can I expect Yuan Shu to help me?" "He sent Huang Gai to the river first to arrange warships, load more weapons, grain and grass, and large ships loaded with warhorses, and the Kerixing Division."

Jiang You made a detailed inquiry to find out the news and came to report Liu Biao. Liu Biao was horrified and hurriedly gathered the Wen and Wu generals to discuss. Ku Liang said, "Lord, don't worry. Huang Zu could lead The soldiers of Jiangxia as the vanguard, and the lord would lead the people of Jingxiang as the backup. Sun Jian came across the river and the lake, and even if there were male soldiers, it was difficult to use it. Liu Biao nodded and said yes, ordering Huang Zu to go forward to fortify, and then he raised a large army.

Sun Jian had four sons, all of whom were born to Lady Wu: the eldest son, Ming Ce (名策), the character BoFu (字伯符); the second son (名權), the character Zhongmou (字仲谋); the third son (名翊), the character Shubi (字叔弼); and the fourth son,Ming Kuang (匡), the character Ji Zuo (字季佐). Lady Wu's sister, Sun Jian's second wife, also had a son and a daughter: the son name Lang, the word good morning; the female name Ren. Sun Jian also passed the first son of the Fang Yu clan, named Shao, and the character Gongli. Sun Jian also has a younger brother, named Jing, who is a young man.

Before Sun Jian left, Sun Jing took his sons to prostrate themselves one by one. After prostrating, Sun Jing advised ma in front of the horse: "Now Dong Zhuo is in a monopoly, the Son of Heaven is cowardly, there is great turmoil in the sea, and each side dominates one side; the nearest side in Jiangdong has to have a little peace, such as launching a heavy army because of a small grudge, which is really not appropriate at this time." May the brother investigate carefully. Sun Jian said, "Brother, don't say much." I am about to sweep the world, and if I have a vendetta, I will not repay it!" The eldest son said, "If the father must go in person, the son is willing to accompany him." Sun Jian nodded in approval, so he boarded the boat with Sun Ce and killed Ben Fancheng.

Huang Zu had already ambushed the crossbowmen by the river, and as soon as he saw a boat approaching the shore, he fired arrows in unison. Sun Jian ordered the armies not to move lightly, but to ambush the ships in the shadows, luring Huang Zu back and forth to release arrows; for three consecutive days, the warships approached the river bank dozens of times. Huang Zujun only cared about releasing arrows, not wanting the arrows to be exhausted, but Sun Jian did his best to pull out the arrows in the hull of the ship, about 100,000. On the same day, when the wind was blowing, Sun Jian ordered the sergeants to release their arrows at the same time, and the Huang Zu army on the shore could not support it, so they had to retreat. Sun Jian's army landed, and Cheng Pu and Huang Gai's soldiers divided into two roads and directly took the Huangzu camp village, with Han Dang driving the troops behind them. Attacked on three sides, Huang Zu was defeated, so he had to abandon Fancheng and retreat into Dengcheng.

Sun Jian ordered Huang Gai to guard the ship and personally commanded the army to pursue it. Huang Zu led the army out to meet him and deployed outside the city. Sun Jian lined up the position and stood under the banner of the front, sun Ce was also fully clothed, and the gun immediately followed his father's side. Huang Zu took two generals out of the horse, one was Jiangxia Zhang Hu, and the other was Xiangyang Chen Sheng.

Huang Zuyang scolded: "Jiangdong rat thief, dare to violate the borders of the Han Dynasty!" He ordered Zhang Hu to come forward to fight. Sun Jian's inner Han Dang came out to meet, the two horses intersected, and the battle reached more than thirty times, Chen Sheng saw that Zhang Hu was weak and flew forward to help the battle. Sun Ce saw Chen Sheng, held down the gun in his hand, Zhang bowed and took the arrow, an arrow hit Chen Sheng's face door, chen Sheng fell off his horse with the sound of the arrow string. When Zhang Hu saw Chen Sheng fall to the ground, he was taken aback and caught off guard, and was stabbed by Han Dang and cut off half of his head. Cheng Pu rushed straight to the front of the battle to capture Huang Zu, and Huang Zu panicked, lost his helmet, abandoned his war horse, and fled for his life in the infantry. Sun Jian then covered up Huang Zu's defeated army until the Han River, and then ordered Huang Gai to enter the Han River and anchor.

The twenty-fourth time Yuan Shuji instigated Sun Jian to cut down Liu Biao's warships across the river Fancheng to defeat Huang Zu

Huang Zu fled

Huang Zu gathered the defeated army, returned to see Liu Biao, and told Liu Biao in detail about the defeat, bluntly saying that Sun Jian was unstoppable, and Liu Biao hurriedly invited Ku Liang to discuss. Qu Liang said, "Now that our army is newly defeated, the soldiers have no will to fight; they can only go deep into the ditch and high fortress to avoid their fronts; and then secretly send people to yuan shao for help, and this siege can be solved." Cai Mao said, "Zi Rou's words are clumsy plans." When the soldiers are approaching the city, they will come to the edge of the trench, and they will not be able to stand still! Although I am not talented, I am willing to ask the army to go out of the city and fight with Sun Jian. Liu Biao agreed, and then Cai Mao led more than 10,000 troops, out of Xiangyang City, and opened a position at The Mountain of Xiàn. Sun Jianzheng led the victorious soldiers and drove forward, but saw Cai Mao out of his horse to block the way. Sun Jian said, "This person is the brother of Liu Biao's wife, who is going to capture me?" Cheng Pu ting iron ridge spear out of the horse, and cai mao engaged, less than a few rounds, Cai Mao was defeated. Sun Jian drove the army and killed Cai Mao's soldiers all over the field.

Cai Mao fled into Xiangyang, and When Ku Liang entered liu biao, he said that Cai Mao did not listen to good advice, so that he was defeated and was beheaded according to military law. However, Liu Biao refused to punish Cai Mao because he had recently married Cai Mao's sister.

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