
What kind of person was Wang Lang, the "brazen man" in Zhuge Liang's mouth, in history?

author:Deng Haichun

In recent years, with the popularity of the "Zhuge Liang scolding Wang Lang" clip in the classic TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", many people have made spoof videos based on it. Along with the widespread knowledge of this famous bridge section, the images of Zhuge Liang and Wang Lang created by the old artists with superb acting skills are also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In the play, Zhuge Liang's righteousness is awe-inspiring and righteous, while Wang Lang is ruddered by the wind and strong words, and the images of the two are vivid and vivid, which is impressive.

What kind of person was Wang Lang, the "brazen man" in Zhuge Liang's mouth, in history?

In particular, it is worth mentioning that Zhuge Liang's last sentence of rebuking Wang Lang and causing him to fall off his horse and die, "I have never seen such a brazen person", has become a popular sentence on the Internet. For Zhuge Liang, we can say that we already know very well, and the "brazen" Cao Wei Situ Wang Lang, who he said, is of course much less popular. Then, what kind of person is this Wang Lang who is confident enough to claim that "the old man only needs a seat of words, disciplines Zhuge Liang to surrender, and the Shu soldiers retreat without a fight"?

Wang Lang, whose original name was Wang Yan, was born in Tan County, Donghai County, in the area of tancheng county in present-day Linyi City, Shandong Province. Regarding his life, in fact, in the TV series section, Zhuge Liang also made an introduction, and his line was: "The life of Wang Situ, I have always known, you live on the coast of the East China Sea, and you first entered the world with filial piety." However, in fact, this expression is not accurate, because according to the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, long before Wang Lang raised filial piety, he "used the scriptures to pass through the scriptures, worship Lang Zhong, and remove the chief of the mound." "

At that time, Wang Lang studied under the eunuch Yang Ci and received a scriptural education, and thus received Lang Zhong,

Official position of the county order. Only later when Yang Ci died, Wang Lang thanked his teacher and took the initiative to guard the funeral for him, that he was elected as filial piety. Shortly after this, Wang Lang was recruited by Xuzhou Mutaoqian as Maocai, and gradually promoted to Zhizhong. In the fourth year of Chuping (193), Wang Lang was ordered to meet with Emperor Xian of Han on behalf of Tao Qian to express his support for him, and Emperor Xian was very happy, and Wang Lang was made a prince in order to meet Taishou.

What kind of person was Wang Lang, the "brazen man" in Zhuge Liang's mouth, in history?

Huiji was located in the southeast, some distance from Xuzhou, so Wang Lang bid farewell to Tao Qian and went to Huiji himself to take office. When he arrived at the place of office, Wang Lang found that because of its remote location, there are still two people who worship Qin Shi Huang and Dayu. Wang Lang, who grew up under the influence of Confucianism, believed that Qin Shi Huang was a tyrant without a way, so he banned sacrifices to him. According to historical records, Wang Lang lived in Huijian for four years, and Hui Ai was in the people. "

The reason why it was four years was because when Wang Lang was in office for the fourth year, Sun Ce, who was known as the "Little Overlord", led the army to Huiji. At that time, Wang Lang's subordinates advised him to take the best strategy, but he claimed to be a han courtier and should protect the land entrusted by the Han Emperor, so he resolutely stayed behind. After resisting for a period of time and repelling several attacks by Sun Ce, Wang Lang was finally defeated and fled to Jiaozhou in the south. However, even if he fled in a daze, Wang Lang still maintained his demeanor and integrity, and Shi Zai said: "Although he was poor and poor, he did not seek the night, but he received sympathy for the old, divided more and cut less, and acted righteously." "

A few years later, Cao Cao recruited Wang Lang in the name of emperor of Han, and Wang Lang, who had received the order, immediately set out from Qu'a and traveled for several years before finally arriving in Xuchang, where he was given the title of Counselor and Counselor of the Air Force. After this, Wang Lang was appointed as a law enforcement official because of his integrity, and Shi Zai: "Led The Wei Commandery Taishou with military sacrifices, moved Shaofu, Fengchang, and Dali." At that time, Zhong Xuanming and Wang Lang enforced the law with leniency, and both of them were praised by people.

What kind of person was Wang Lang, the "brazen man" in Zhuge Liang's mouth, in history?

In the first year of Yankang (220), Cao Cao died, and his son Cao Pi succeeded him as King of Wei, while Wang Lang was given the title of Marquis of Anlingting. Yu Shi Dafu was in charge of supervising the hundred officials, which showed that Cao Pi also had great trust in Wang Lang's law enforcement ability. The following year, Cao Pi proclaimed himself emperor of the Han Dynasty and established the State of Wei, while Wang Lang was renamed Sikong (司空), one of the highest-ranking "Three Dukes" in the dynasty. As an elder, Wang Lang often raised Cao Pi's problems bluntly and advised him to correct them.

For example, Cao Pi used to go out hunting until he returned to the palace in the middle of the night, and Wang Lang, who thought this was inappropriate, immediately wrote to persuade Cao Pi not to return to the palace in the middle of the night. In the second year of the Huang Dynasty (221), Liu Bei launched the War of Wu to avenge Guan Yu, when the State of Wei was full of discussions about which side to support, and Wang Lang said that it was advisable to wait and see, and it was better to wait until the two armies were in a standoff before moving out, and Cao Pi adopted his opinion and did not participate in the struggle between Wu and Shu.

On another occasion, Wang Lang wrote a letter suggesting that strengthening defense should be the top priority, but Cao Pi insisted on taking the initiative to attack, but the result was fruitless. In the first year of Taihe (227), Cao Pi died, and his eldest son Cao Rui took the throne as Emperor Ming of Wei, and he made Wang Lang the Marquis of Lanling and Situ, and he also had great respect for this old minister. For this new monarch, Wang Lang still had strict requirements, and once advised him to practice frugality and not to build a palace on a large scale. The following year, Wang Lang, an old minister of the Three Dynasties, died, and in the fourth year of the first four years (243), he was given the title of Taimiao Temple.

What kind of person was Wang Lang, the "brazen man" in Zhuge Liang's mouth, in history?

It can be seen that Wang Lang in the real history is a person with good political and military abilities, outstanding overall situation, and pays attention to rules, advocates etiquette, treats people sincerely and friendly, is tolerant and frugal, which can be said to be completely different from the image in novels and TV series. Moreover, Wang Lang did not actually participate in the defense and conquest of Shu Han, and of course he was not scolded to death by Zhuge Liang.

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