
Interview with Zhang Xiaojun, Secretary of the Guoluo Prefecture CPC Committee of |: Focus on people's livelihood, solve the people's urgent difficulties and hopes, and strive to improve people's livelihood and well-being

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily - Qinghai Channel

[Editor's Note] Recently, Zhang Xiaojun, secretary of the CPC Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture CPC Committee, combined with the study and education of party history, gave a speech on "What are the characteristics and highlights of Goluo Prefecture's launch of practical measures to benefit the people and benefit the people?" "In the next stage, how will Goluo Prefecture coordinate the 'prescribed actions' and 'self-selected actions' in the study and education of party history, and promote 'I do practical things for the masses' with high quality and high standards?" And other topics were interviewed by the People's Network.

In an exclusive interview, Zhang Xiaojun said: Since the launch of the study and education on party history, the Guoluo Prefecture CPC Committee has always put the needs of the masses of the people in the first place, persistently started with the most difficult masses, grasped the most prominent problems, and proceeded from the most realistic interests, and taken the initiative to "solve" the people's needs, "visit" the people's feelings, "benefit" the people's livelihood, "fight" the people's difficulties, and "gather" the people's hearts, thus solving a large number of urgent, difficult, and anxious problems that concern the vital interests of the grass-roots masses.

Interview with Zhang Xiaojun, Secretary of the Guoluo Prefecture CPC Committee of |: Focus on people's livelihood, solve the people's urgent difficulties and hopes, and strive to improve people's livelihood and well-being

Zhang Xiaojun (first from left) inspects. Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Goluo Prefecture Party Committee

People's Daily Online: Since the study and education of party history was launched, what are the general ideas and achievements of Goluo Prefecture in "I do practical things for the masses"?

Zhang Xiaojun: Focusing on solving the urgent, difficult, and anxious problems around the masses has always been the focus and foothold of the Guoluo Prefecture CPC Committee in carrying out "I do practical things for the masses." Since the launch of the party history study and education, the Guoluo Prefecture CPC Committee has, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the central and provincial party committees, closely followed the main tone of "implementing the general requirements and testing the spirit of the spirit," accurately focused on the "four batches" put forward by the provincial party committee, always put the needs of the masses of the people in the first place, persisted in starting from the most difficult masses, starting from the most prominent problems, and proceeding from the most realistic interests, formulated and improved the "Guiding Opinions" on the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses," and clarified the party committees, governments, and their work departments, grass-roots party organizations, and The broad masses of party members have 11 carriers for doing practical things at three levels, mobilized and led party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members to earnestly regard the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses" as an important part of the study and education of party history, took the initiative to "solve" the needs of the people, "visit" the people's feelings, "benefit" the people's livelihood, "fight" the people's difficulties, and "gather" the people's hearts, persist in starting from the things around the masses, change from the difficult problems that the masses are concerned about, practice the people's purpose with practical actions, and conscientiously and solidly promote "I do practical things for the masses" in the "1 2 3 4" model. It has solved a large number of urgent, difficult, and anxious problems that concern the vital interests of the grass-roots masses. Up to now, the state has carried out more than 1,700 "I do practical things for the masses" theme practice activities, more than 2,000 volunteer service activities for party members, and solved more than 1,800 "urgent, difficult, dangerous, and heavy" problems of the masses.

People's Daily News: Can you give an example of the characteristics and highlights of the practical measures launched by Guoluo Prefecture to benefit the people and benefit the people?

Zhang Xiaojun: The Guoluo Prefecture Cpc Committee has always run the "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities throughout the study and education, adhered to the problem-oriented, result-oriented and public opinion-oriented, closely followed the needs of practice, and insisted on handling the problems of the masses' urgent difficulties and expectations with multi-party linkage and pragmatic measures, focusing on sorting out 5 major categories of projects. We have actively established and broadened the channels for soliciting public opinion, announced to the public the "I do practical things for the masses" to solicit opinions network mailboxes and hotlines, established and improved the tracking and supervision mechanism for projects included in the list of "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities in the whole state and the messages of various netizens, implemented dynamic management and listing supervision, strengthened public opinion responses, and strived to create a closed-loop work mechanism in which needs are put forward by the masses, the process is supervised by the masses, and the results are evaluated by the masses. For example, the Office of the Leading Group for the Study and Education of Party History of the Prefecture Party Committee closely follows the clues received by the network mailbox and hotline channels, strengthens communication and coordination with relevant regional departments, and handles and responds to the handling of petitions in a timely manner, which is highly recognized by the petitioning masses; Gander County insists on doing things for the people on the front line, accelerates the promotion of "coal to electricity", lays 1200 meters of heating pipes in Shanggong Maxiang, installs 12 sets of low-temperature air source heat pumps, 5 sets of high-carbon molecular heating oil-generating oil-electric boilers, and 9 sets of vertical hot water circulation pumps. To achieve a "win-win" situation of protecting the environment and benefiting the masses; Banma County actively mobilized more than 100 farmers and herdsmen to participate in tree planting activities, planting a total of 4,040 Qinghai spruce trees, installing 4,040 sets of guardrails, planting 450 lilacs, 22,500 elm plums, and per capita daily income of 150 yuan to 170 yuan.

People's Daily Online: After the "5.22" earthquake in Mado, the speed, temperature, and intensity of the reaction of party members and cadres throughout the state left a deep impression on us, and they practiced "I do practical things for the masses" with practical actions.

Zhang Xiaojun: As everyone knows, the "5.22" earthquake in Mado is the strongest earthquake that occurred in China after the Wenchuan earthquake; after the earthquake, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the strong support of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and with the vigorous assistance of all sectors of society, party organizations at all levels and party members and cadres in Guoluo Prefecture have always put the protection of the safety of the masses' lives in the first place, deeply practiced the great spirit of earthquake relief and relief of "one side has difficulties, and the eight parties supported", and condensed the magnificent force of unity and common resistance in the earthquake relief work. It has created a miracle of zero deaths and few injuries in the big earthquake scale. The ability to create such a miracle is due to General Secretary Xi Jinping's concern for the people in the disaster areas, the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the great superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, the great cause of poverty alleviation, and the complete emergency rescue system in the new era. At present, the Guoluo Prefecture CPC Committee is also carrying out gratitude education for the "5.22" earthquake and disaster relief in Maduo in connection with the study and education of party history, further guiding the vast number of cadres and masses to be grateful to General Secretary Xi Jinping, the Party Central Committee, the great motherland, the socialist system, and the great cause of poverty alleviation, further forging the ideological foundation of enhancing the "four consciousnesses", strengthening the "four self-confidences", and achieving the "two safeguards", and striving to win the "double victory" of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction and economic and social development. Create a good social atmosphere for celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party.

People's Daily Online: In the next stage, how will Goluo Prefecture coordinate the "prescribed actions" and "self-selected actions" in the study and education of party history, and promote "I do practical things for the masses" with high quality and high standards?

Zhang Xiaojun: In the next step, we will take the opportunity to study, publicize and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Inspection in Qinghai, the spirit of the "July 1st" important speech, the spirit of the Tenth Plenary Session of the 13th Provincial Cpc Committee, and the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of the Prefecture, to benchmark the deployment requirements of the central and provincial party committees and provincial governments, focus on tasks, keep the right and innovate, closely focus on the general requirements and tasks of party history study and education, effectively put the "prescribed actions" in place, make "self-selected actions" distinctive, complete various tasks with high quality and high standards, and ensure the continuous and in-depth advancement of party history study and education. In light of the problems that have been examined and examined by the special organization of party history study and education, the life meeting has carried out self-examination and inspection, carried out in-depth "looking back," conscientiously investigated and filled in the gaps, persisted in studying and inspecting at the same time, rectified and reformed while improving, consciously claimed the problems of feedback, sat in the seat, deeply analyzed the root causes of the problems, and carried out improvement measures in a precise manner, grasping rectification and reform item by item, so as to promote the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses" to achieve results. At the same time, we will also focus on the theme activity of "studying the party's history and understanding the ideology to strengthen the roots and forge the soul, and forge ahead to catch up and surpass in the new era," the Thanksgiving education on the "5.22" earthquake and disaster relief in Mado, and the typical study of outstanding party members of the "hard-working type.", further deepen the study and propaganda of the "four histories," guide party organizations at all levels and the broad masses of party members and cadres to learn from the advanced, catch up with the advanced, and strive for the advanced, further forge the feelings and responsibilities of the broad masses of party members for the people, and deeply practice the strategic deployment of the provincial party committee's "one superiority, two highs" and the overall idea of the prefecture party committee's "one command, four advances." Promote the "I do practical things for the masses" and the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" in the opening year of the work to achieve tangible results.

People's Network: In the practice of "I do practical things for the masses", how to make good use of the "leadership message board" of the People's Network, handle the messages of the masses, and take the online mass line?

Zhang Xiaojun: General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that netizens come from the people, and when the people go online, public opinion will also go online. Wherever the masses are, our leading cadres will go. In recent years, the Guoluo Prefecture Party Committee and the state government have attached great importance to the handling and implementation of netizens' messages, carefully built the work of handling netizens' messages as a people's heart project, strengthened the supervision and supervision work mechanism, and through the Network, asked the people what they need, asked the people, asked the people for results, handled the netizens' messages well, responded to social concerns, and practiced the party's mass line throughout the entire process of asking questions about government affairs on the Internet. The majority of netizens paid attention to and supported Guoluo through the "leadership message board" of the People's Network, reflecting their personal demands, putting forward many good opinions and suggestions, pointing out the gaps and deficiencies in our work, and reflecting the trust and expectations for the party and the government. In particular, since the launch of the "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities this year, while actively establishing and broadening a variety of channels for expressing public opinion demands, we have taken the online message handling work as an important channel for listening to public opinion, relieving people's worries, and benefiting the people's livelihood, focusing on the work of handling messages on the "leadership message board" of the people's network, so as to ensure the effective implementation of the reasonable and legal demands of the masses and the proper resolution of problems. Since the beginning of this year, a total of 73 messages have been accepted, 49 have been completed and replied, the satisfaction rate of netizens is 100%, and 24 key matters that have been included in the relevant regional departments " I do practical things for the masses" are being handled and implemented.

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