
Zhang Xiaojun, secretary of the state party committee, and Ye Wanbin, governor of the prefecture, went to Gander County to investigate

author:Banma Pufa

Today Banma 3 days ago

Zhang Xiaojun, secretary of the state party committee, and Ye Wanbin, governor of the prefecture, stressed when they went to Gander County to investigate:

Earnestly implement the "five continuous improvement" requirements

Plant thick "epic Gander" development momentum

On November 10, Zhang Xiaojun, secretary of the prefecture party committee, and Ye Wanbin, governor of Gander County, went to Gander County to investigate and guide ecological restoration and treatment of black soil beaches, maintenance and reinforcement of farmhouses and the occupancy of herdsmen, clean energy transformation, ecological animal husbandry, cultural and sports industry development, emergency material reserves, education and medical and health work, visited cadres and workers of Gander County, and held discussions with the four major groups of the county, the county departments and the responsible comrades of the party and government of various townships and towns. It is emphasized that it is necessary to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium on ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, inspecting Qinghai, and taking the initiative to integrate into the overall pattern of the "five demonstration provinces" created by the provincial party committee and provincial government, the construction of the "four places" and the creation of "eight new highlands", implement the overall idea of "one command and four advances", implement the "seven major strategies", conscientiously implement the "five continuous improvement" requirements, and take more pragmatic style and more effective measures. Strive to promote the construction and green development of the new highland of ecological civilization in Gander, consolidate the effective connection between the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and promote the county's economic and social development to a new level.

Zhang Xiaojun, secretary of the state party committee, and Ye Wanbin, governor of the prefecture, went to Gander County to investigate

Zhang Xiaojun and Ye Wanbin inspected the restoration and management of black soil beaches on the spot, and after listening to briefings from relevant departments of the county, pointed out that Gander County has a high altitude, a severe climate, a large area of black soil beaches and degradation, and a large difficulty in treatment and restoration, coupled with a large population and a small area of usable grasslands, it is necessary to grasp favorable opportunities, strengthen protection and management, and sum up and apply good experiences and good practices in the restoration and management of black soil beaches with the height and vision of "the greatest of the country" and in accordance with the governance requirements of "the protectors benefit and the damagers compensate." Make full use of the scientific research achievements and technologies of relevant national and provincial expert teams to achieve precise governance, scientific governance, and effective governance, coordinate the relationship between protection and development, and promote the quality and efficiency of ecological animal husbandry to grass-roots livestock, and strive to achieve the same frequency resonance of green welfare, ecological dividends and people's well-being.

Zhang Xiaojun, secretary of the state party committee, and Ye Wanbin, governor of the prefecture, went to Gander County to investigate

When inspecting the maintenance and reinforcement of the earthquake-stricken B and C farmhouses in Ganglong Township, Zhang Xiaojun and Ye Wanbin learned in detail about the completion of the maintenance and reinforcement of the farmhouses in the county, the occupancy of herdsmen, the project budget and the implementation. Stressed that party committees and governments at all levels should attach great importance to it, adhere to the supremacy of the people, regard the maintenance and reinforcement of farmhouses as a major people's heart project, consolidate the responsibilities of party members and leading cadres at all levels and party committees and governments, construction parties and supervisors, learn from the construction publicity and notification of sister counties, do a good job in verifying and accounting the construction volume, grasp the facts, strengthen the rectification of audit feedback problems, strengthen the supervision and management of the construction party and the supervising party, seriously violate discipline and violations of construction and supervise the punishment of the enterprise, adhere to the principle, accurate accounting, and strict state capital supervision. Guarantee the legal income of construction personnel and ensure that the maintenance and reinforcement of farmhouses are completed with high standards and high quality.

Zhang Xiaojun, secretary of the state party committee, and Ye Wanbin, governor of the prefecture, went to Gander County to investigate

After inspecting the development of ecological animal husbandry in Ganglong Village and the county ecological animal husbandry cooperative, and listening to the introduction of the "yak multiplication" plan, yak breeding, grass industry development, and cooperative operation, Zhang Xiaojun and Ye Wanbin stressed that ecological animal husbandry is the leading industry, which is not only related to the restoration and management of the ecological environment, but also directly affects the lives of the vast number of people. Party committees and governments at all levels should unswervingly promote green development to improve quality and efficiency, based on characteristic resource endowments, combine ecological protection with industrial development, combine ecological value mining and industrial value promotion, make overall use of national and provincial support funds, effectively dock markets and enterprises, extend the animal husbandry industry chain, improve livestock product quality, and enhance brand influence and market share. At the same time, it is necessary to highlight the scientific and precise nature, do a good job in breeding cost accounting, promote the use of science and technology, improve the assets, finance, and operation management mechanism of cooperatives, effectively solve the problem of cooperative development and homogenization of competition with the same model, continuously enhance the "vitality" of the ecological animal husbandry industry, increase the income of the masses, and realize the organic unity of ecological beauty, industrial prosperity, and people's prosperity.

Zhang Xiaojun, secretary of the state party committee, and Ye Wanbin, governor of the prefecture, went to Gander County to investigate

During the investigation of the Ganglong Township Convenience Service Center, the transformation of clean energy projects and the county emergency material reserve library, Zhang Xiaojun and Ye Wanbin inspected the private account in detail and inquired in detail about the operation of clean energy equipment and the reserve of emergency materials. It was emphasized that party committees and governments at all levels should adhere to the people-centered service concept, always think about and solve problems from the standpoint of the people, firmly establish the people-centered concept, put themselves in the shoes of the masses, and be a good "intimate person" of the masses. In particular, in terms of medical security, endowment insurance and livestock insurance, we should follow the principle of convenience for the people and convenient services, focus on considering the way of financial services, the quality of services and the effectiveness of services, select service enterprises that satisfy the masses, and truly solve the problems of the masses' anxieties and expectations. At the same time, we must do a solid job in storing materials for wintering, do a good job in preventing grassland fires, increase early warning and drills for disaster prevention and resistance, and ensure that the people's normal production and life are safely overwintered, and livestock are comprehensively prevented from being damaged by disasters.

At the Gander County Ethnic Boarding Middle School and the County People's Hospital, Zhang Xiaojun and Ye Wanbin learned in detail about the school's student enrollment rate, promotion rate and infrastructure construction, inspected the epidemic prevention and control and isolation ward settings of the county hospital, and listened to the relevant briefings. It is emphasized that education and medical care are the people's livelihood that the broad masses of people are most concerned about at present, and all localities and relevant departments must firmly grasp the most direct and realistic interest issues that the masses are most concerned about, constantly increase their input in education, medical care, and other people's livelihood undertakings, do their best to do their best, conscientiously study and solve problems, sort out one by one, study one by one, and implement them one by one, strive to improve the quality of education and teaching and the level of medical services, and create a higher quality and better life for the masses.

After inspecting the management and operation of the Xiagongmaxiang Rural Party School, the County Gesar Cultural Research Institute, and the Water Sports Park, Zhang Xiaojun and Ye Wanbin stressed: It is necessary to give prominence to the political functions of party schools, strengthen the building of village-level positions, and truly build village-level organization activity venues into comprehensive fronts for village-level party organizations to carry out party and mass activities, deliberative decision-making, convenient services, education and training, and cultural and recreational activities, so as to consolidate the grass-roots units and lay a solid foundation. At the same time, it is necessary to speed up the completion of the grass-roots foundation and public service shortcomings, comprehensively promote the integrated development of the cultural and tourism industry, conscientiously do a good job in the management and use of culture and sports venues, and continuously improve the standards and levels of basic public services in cities and towns.

Zhang Xiaojun, secretary of the state party committee, and Ye Wanbin, governor of the prefecture, went to Gander County to investigate

After holding discussions with the cadres of Gander County and listening to the briefings of the county party committee and county government, Zhang Xiaojun pointed out that in recent years, Gander County has highlighted the leadership of party building, and achieved remarkable results in ecological restoration, economic development, improvement of people's livelihood, ethnic unity, and social harmony. Poverty alleviation is in the forefront, the county cadres and masses are united as one, precise efforts, and the battle against poverty has won a comprehensive victory; ecological governance has achieved remarkable results, the Sanjiangyuan ecological protection project has been promoted with high quality, the land desertification and black soil beach (slope) treatment have achieved remarkable results; the industrial development foundation is solid, the development of ecological animal husbandry is steady, and the "Ganglong model" and "yak multiplication" and other practices are full of highlights; the characteristic culture has bright spots, strengthening the integration and development of culture and tourism, "Delwen" Gesar Epic Village, "Mayu Gesar Cultural Center" and other brands continue to shout; innovative social governance model. The innovative "four-cascade joint household system" governance model is effective and effective, and the results of spiritual poverty alleviation and the change of customs and customs have been fruitful.

Zhang Xiaojun, secretary of the state party committee, and Ye Wanbin, governor of the prefecture, went to Gander County to investigate

Zhang Xiaojun stressed that the county party committee and county government should strengthen leadership, deepen the re-understanding, re-analysis and re-grasp of the county's conditions, do a good job of "five continuous improvements" with more effective measures, and make every effort to promote the sustained and healthy development of the county's economy and society. The first is to continue to consolidate the leading position of party building and continuously enhance political determination. Always adhere to the party building to lead the economic and social undertakings, strict political discipline and political rules, consciously translate General Secretary Xi Jinping's major requirements for Qinghai's work into practical actions, and conscientiously implement the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee and the state party committee. To continue to strengthen the building of leading bodies and not to engage in harmony with each other, party members and leading cadres must have the courage to take responsibility, dare to confront tough problems, dare to struggle, be good at struggle, deal with every major risk and challenge, and earnestly do a good job in all aspects of reform, development, and stability. The second is to continue to consolidate the priority position of environmental protection and continuously enhance the ecological charm. Resolutely implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, resolutely shoulder the major responsibility for the construction of ecological civilization and ecological environmental protection, comprehensively promote the comprehensive treatment of grass and sand ice in landscapes and forests, explore and improve comprehensive ecological environmental protection mechanisms such as grassland grazing bans, ecological rewards, and compensation for damages, implement the river and lake length system and the forest and grass length system, strengthen the protection and construction of key ecological function areas, pay off old accounts and do not owe new debts, and comprehensively and solidly promote ecological environmental protection work. The third is to continue to consolidate the basic position of green development and continuously enhance economic vitality. Take the initiative to integrate into the construction of the "four places" in the province, adhere to the dominant position of animal husbandry, promote green development to improve quality and efficiency, think deeply about how to develop in protection, how to strengthen and optimize ecological animal husbandry, vigorously develop the "Ganglong model", continue to cultivate and strengthen animal husbandry entities such as cooperatives, professional cooperatives, and smart pastures, further explore and improve the development mechanism, strengthen the geographical identification and organic certification of grasslands, livestock and livestock products, increase the breeding and promotion of breeding livestock, and consolidate the "Gander Yak" and "Gander Tibetan Sheep" brands. The fourth is to continue to consolidate the central position of people's livelihood improvement and continuously enhance people's motivation. Firmly establish the concept of "people first", complete the maintenance and reinforcement of farmhouses after the disaster with high quality, organically connect the strategy of rural revitalization, and further make up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood involving the interests of the masses. Always adhere to the development strategy of giving priority to education, vigorously develop public health undertakings, accelerate the construction of public cultural service system, dig deep into the resources of ecological and cultural tourism in the whole region, continue to increase employment and reemployment, continuously increase social security and assistance, and continuously improve the sense of happiness and gain of the masses. The fifth is to continue to consolidate the core position of national unity and continuously improve governance capabilities. We should conscientiously do a good job in the party's ethnic work in the new era, comprehensively implement the spirit of the Central Ethnic Work Conference and the Seventh Central Forum on Work in Tibet, strengthen publicity and education on the party's principles and policies and state laws and regulations, carry out in-depth education on national unity and progress, especially gratitude education, and constantly enhance the "five identities" of the masses of all nationalities. Strictly implement the "three no increase" requirements, make great efforts to manage religious affairs according to law, actively guide Tibetan Buddhism to adapt to socialist society, comprehensively promote the innovation of local governance systems and governance capacity building, and comprehensively forge the awareness of the Chinese national community.

Zhang Xiaojun, secretary of the state party committee, and Ye Wanbin, governor of the prefecture, went to Gander County to investigate

Ye Wanbin pointed out that under the strong leadership of the state party committee and the state government, the Gander county party committee and county government have unswervingly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection and investigation in Qinghai, the overall thinking of the provincial party committee "one excellent and two high" and the state party committee's "one command and four advances", and the county's political, economic, cultural, ecological, people's livelihood and other undertakings have achieved remarkable results. In particular, the work of the "four-tiered joint household system," the "Ganglong practice," the "yak multiplication," and the efforts of reducing the religious burden of the religious masses are solid and effective. It is emphasized that it is necessary to shoulder the primary responsibility of ecological protection, establish and improve a long-term mechanism for ecological environmental protection, and thoroughly promote the work of tackling tough problems in pollution prevention and control, no garbage in the whole region, and the three-year action of improving the living environment in agricultural and pastoral areas, so as to continuously improve the living environment in urban and rural areas; it is necessary to fulfill well the first priority of accelerating development, continue to make full efforts in upholding and developing the "Ganglong practice" and "yak multiplication," and conscientiously study and plan the construction of an economic system with characteristics and complementary advantages; we must implement well the first task of ensuring people's livelihood and strengthen investigation and research. We should thoroughly study and thoroughly understand the spirit of the policy, do everything possible to overcome difficulties, fulfill our responsibilities and do a good job in implementing it, and solve the problem of the shortcomings of the people's livelihood; resolutely adhere to the first bottom line of being honest and honest in government, thoroughly implement the requirement of administering the party in an all-round and strict manner, firmly establish the idea of "living too tightly," and strive to do a good job in doing a good job in Doing a good job in Major Affairs, Doing Small Things, and Accomplishing Difficult Things in Gander; we should strengthen the building of leading bodies at all levels and the study of the policies and theories of the cadre contingent, raise the level of policies and lead the masses to develop the economy and govern society, and do a better job in all aspects of work in the new period.

Zhang Xiaojun, secretary of the state party committee, and Ye Wanbin, governor of the prefecture, went to Gander County to investigate

Gu Changwei, Feng Tianxi, Sheng Jie, Han Shangli, Zhou Jiahe, the responsible comrades of the State Government Office, the Prefecture Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau, the Prefecture Bureau of Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television, the Prefecture Rural Revitalization Bureau, the Prefecture Ecological Environment Bureau, and the Prefecture Housing and Construction Bureau accompanied the comrades.

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