
The third part of "Gone with the Wind", my departure, after all, is your misfortune

author:Forget about the fish scales
The third part of "Gone with the Wind", my departure, after all, is your misfortune

The following is a text version of the content of the forgotten fish scales with the same name, such as the vibrato number and the watermelon video


You may not have time to read this four-hundred-page book, you may not be able to watch more than five minutes of video, and you probably don't have the patience to understand the idiots around you.

But I spent many days reading this story, and ten years later, I spent many more days rereading this story, and if you can be patient for a few minutes to read this article, then you may understand what happened to those who tried to get close to you, guarded you, and finally left you? They exhaust themselves like running a full marathon to accompany you through a life, and in the end they may only leave a futile mark on your mind, so what are they thinking?

He must rebel

Honest people can't love like that

Brad was never an honest man, he was cunning, treacherous, deviant, and not a good man in the eyes of the old southern nobility. But it is precisely this kind of deviant guy who will have long-term love.

The third part of "Gone with the Wind", my departure, after all, is your misfortune

Honest people like to avoid risks, like to pick another honest person to weigh the pros and cons after making up, only the rebellious people with iron heads will see the nature of Scarlett's unruly nature, knowing that Scarlett is obsessed with marrying someone else's Ashley, but still willing to take the risk.

So he was honest with Scarlett and said, "You're faithful to me because Ashley doesn't want you." "Ashley is Scarlett's white moonlight.

He said, "But I wouldn't be jealous of Ashley's possession of your flesh?" I know the flesh doesn't mean much, but I do have some jealousy of his possessive feelings and your lovely, cold, shameless, stubborn heart. He doesn't want your heart, the fool, but I don't want your flesh either. I do want your emotions and hearts, but I never get them, just as you never get Ashley's heart. This is where I'm sad. ”

The third part of "Gone with the Wind", my departure, after all, is your misfortune

Scarlett's obsession with Ashley stemmed from the inspiration of her teenage years at the age of 16. She was also an outlaw, as the book says: She lifted her chin, and her pale green eyes with a ring of black eyelashes shone brightly in the moonlight.

Ellen never told her that desire and fulfilling desire are two different things. Life did not give her that truth, that is, the foot is not fast to win. She lay in the silver shadow of the moon, her heart full of inflated courage, secretly drawing her own plan, which was all a sixteen-year-old girl could draw, in that time of life, life was incomparably beautiful, failure was impossible, beautiful skirts and beautiful faces were enough weapons to conquer fate.

This is the head iron.

So Brad said years later, "You're like a kid, Scarlett. A child cries for the moon, but if he does have a moon, what is the use of it? Similarly, what are you doing with Ashley? Yes, I feel sorry for you – to see you throw happiness away with both hands while reaching out to pursue something that will never make you happy. I feel sorry for you, because you are such a fool who does not understand what happiness there is other than the happiness of a similar spouse. If I die, if Melanie dies, (Melanie is her lover and friend) you get your precious and decent lover, do you think you'll be happy with him? Oh, no! You will never know him as if you didn't know music, poetry, books, or anything but money. As for us, we may have a very pleasant life. We are both scoundrels and can get whatever we want. We could have lived happily because I loved you and knew you, Scarlett, thoroughly, that this was not something Ashley could do. And he, if he really knows you, will look down on you. ...... However, you want to pursue a man you don't understand all your life. ”

Scarlett knew everything about Ashley and didn't love it, it was half a horse. But Brad, who understands everything about Scarlett, still runs, and plans to run a full horse, how does this head iron end up? The end of the article will tell you.

He has to be persistent

Be the only one who knows everything about you and still loves you.

Brad repeatedly hit the south wall and still did not stop, he saw it very clearly, but he still spent a long time with her.

He said, "Never did you realize that I love you so much that A man can give you all the love a woman can give?" I've loved you for years before I finally got you? During the war, I left, trying to forget about you, but I couldn't, and I always had to come back. After the war, I risked being arrested just to come back to you. I care so much about you that I even think that if Kennedy hadn't died, (Kennedy was the fiancé of the sister she married for the money, and was later shot) If Kennedy hadn't died, I might have killed him. Thankfully he died. I love you, but I can't let you know. You're cruel to those who love you, Scarlett. You accept their love, but you hang it over their heads as a whip. ”

Then he said, "I know that when I married you, you didn't love me. I know about Hilley, you know it. But I'm stupid, I actually think I can make you care. Laugh if you want, but I want to take care of you, love you, and give you everything you want. I'm going to marry you, to protect you, and what will make you happy, and I'll let you loosen the reins and let you run wild, just like we did to our daughter Bonnie. You've struggled, Scarlett. No one knows everything you've been through better than I do, and I want you to stop fighting and let me fight for you. I want you to play like a child, because you were a child, a brave, frightened, wayward child. I think you're still a kid. Except for children, no one can be so stubborn and willful, so insensitive. ”

The third part of "Gone with the Wind", my departure, after all, is your misfortune

That's his mental journey. A person who sees that you are still clinging to is actually just fighting with himself, relying on his stubborn beliefs as fuel to glide forward.

Are we really that good? When everyone asks themselves this, they can't help but feel weak, a person who really understands himself, if you get down, you may not be anything, one-way love is a war of attrition, and the person with the head iron reserves enough fuel to survive in consumption, empowering each other in consumption until everything is exhausted.

So Brad was accompanying Scarlett all the way, guarding her growth, watching her rebel, that was only consumption, not redemption.

Exhausting full marathon

The characteristic of letting go of an obsessive person is that she has become a different look than in the past, and the description in the book is very precise, Miss Mitchell wrote about the release of Scarlett Ashley, she said: "In the twilight of this winter afternoon, she came to the end of a long journey, when she first embarked on this journey, she was still a spoiled, self-conscious girl, never tasted the hardships of the world, she was full of enthusiasm and youthful vitality, and she was easily confused by life." And now, at the end of this journey, the girl is gone. A hard shell had grown around the core of her life. But to this day, there have been two layers of hope there that have sustained her, and now those hopes have been dashed. She had understood that this brutal war would never end for her, for the whole of the South. ”

Scarlett regains remorse and grows and goes back to Find Brad, but Red can't run anymore, and his whole horse has come to an end. He said: "I'm old and can't be as stupid as I used to be. When a person reaches my age, he should cherish the things he easily abandoned when he was young, that is, inner peace. ”

In the face of Scarlett's retention, he said: "Scarlett, it is impossible to say 'I'm sorry' and let the past be written off. It's too late, my dear. I'm leaving, I'm leaving right away. ”

But Scarlett's regret has only just begun, she has not seriously loved, and has been wandering for herself.

The real failure is that, like Scarlett, she doesn't know what she wants.

If Napoleon said that the real victory of love is to escape, then Brad did not lose, he loved with all his strength, and finally became the most memorable person imprinted on the other party for the rest of his life.

There is always regret, whether it is scarlett who has been loved or Brad who has been loved, everyone has a person in their hearts who has loved themselves, and everyone will eventually lose him.

This is the full marathon, and I think everyone who tries to accompany you and finally leaves with relief has probably experienced this.

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