
The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

author:Business Reference

Author: Grilled meat

A few days ago, the 2020 Forbes China Rich List was released, Ma Yun's wealth soared by 72%, with a gap of 10 billion US dollars to shake off the second-ranked Ma Huateng, so far, since the three years after the death of "pseudo-qigong master" Wang Lin in 2017, Ma Yun has been the richest man for 3 consecutive years.

Ma Yun is like fire, active, and everywhere he goes, he is the style of wind and fire, while Ma Huateng is like water, more like a weak and introverted scholar.

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

Ma Huateng Jack Ma

We don't know what Ma Huateng believes, but in addition to Ma Yun's belief that "there is no difficult business in the world", there is also a point of chaos between superstition and science.

In this regard, Ma Yun is very "sleek", he admits that he is interested in Taoism, Buddhism, and even Christianity, and does not be paranoid because he believes in one school and abandons other schools.

No one can sin by going into churches to worship God, into temples to worship bodhisattvas, and into Taoist temples to worship Taoists, because no one is smarter than God, and no one is more powerful than Shakyamuni.

Some people laugh at Ma Yun for this, Ma Yun does not think so, people always have to have a little faith, even if the world can't see clearly.


Li Yi was born in September 69 in the land of "Bayu" in the spirit of the people, exactly 5 years younger than Ma Yun, from childhood into the Taoist temple, practice martial arts, do not know whether it is the real style, this no one is considered, but diligent reading, brain flexibility is confirmed by friends.

At the age of 21, holding a zero line in one hand and a fire wire in the other, passing on 220 volts of electricity, the resistance line was red and hot in an instant, relying on the performance of this "evil door", Li Yi won the title of "Ten Masters" of Bashu Stunts.

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

Li Yi

Since then, life has risen, all over the country to perform "evil tricks", and finally coincidentally became a "health master", opened a class to collect tuition, and earned a pot full of pots.

In more than ten years of "cultivation", Li Daochang's disciples have exceeded 30,000, and there is no shortage of elites in business, politics, performing arts, and academia.

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

In 2008, Alibaba was listed in Hong Kong for a year, Ma Yun's business became bigger and bigger, such as day and day, on the one hand, it may be the trepidation of the career "cold in the high place", on the other hand, it may be a personal pursuit of interest, it just so happens that Li Yi is famous, ma Yun flew to Chongqing with a ticket to visit Li Yi.

The two have been friends ever since.

As soon as Li saw that Ma Yun was too impatient, he asked Ma Yun to silence for three days, and Ma Yun did so, without saying a word for three days.

Later, Ma Yun said that this benefited him a lot and was much more comfortable. Later, Ma Yun himself tried the "forbidden language cultivation", the longest time reached 8 days, he was overjoyed, and there was a sense of accomplishment beyond himself. (People who are not bad for money have plenty of time to shut up)

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

Li Yi Ma Yun

However, from the incident of "Ma has been served now" a few days ago, it can be seen that he may not have "grasped the true meaning of forbidden words": learning to shut up at critical times is more meaningful than not speaking for several days in a row.

However, Ma Yun does not recognize the outside world's claim that he is called "Li Yi's disciple", that is, he learned from Li Yi, but he does not recognize this master (it is a bit contradictory Ha).

Ma Yun regarded Li Yi as a friend and placed him in a very equal and intimate position.

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

Wherever Ma Yun goes, he can always bring fire to his "circle of friends". Later, he was targeted by the "fighting fraud fighter" Fang Arkzi, bluntly saying that Li Yi was "blatantly swindling and cheating", and the black hat of "liar" was firmly buckled on Li Yi's head.

The more the matter became more and more noisy, the "anti-Li rebel army" in various places responded one after another, coupled with the media investigation, it was deeply involved in a crisis of public opinion, which made Li Yi's lawsuit entangled and his body and mind haggard.

In the face of the outside world's doubts about Li Yi's being a liar, Ma Yun did not skimp on the "protection" of his friends, and directly shook him back: he did not deceive me a penny, you have not seen Li Yi, nor have you been deceived by him, why say that he is a liar, inexplicably.

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin


Ma Yun is still a "temperamental person" in the treatment of friends, and his understanding of the word "friend" has a strong martial arts plot:

What is my friend? He was good to me. If my friend kills someone and sets him on fire, as long as he is good to me, he is my friend, and the country punishes him and arrests him, and I will bring him food. This is a friend.

Teacher Ma, if you operate like this, your friends must be indispensable!


It was an era of "gods and immortals".

Born in 1952, Wang Lin learned art from the Taoist priest of Mount Emei since he was a child, practiced Qigong at the age of 8, and became a "Qigong master" in his early 30s through the "Qigong tide", and the media has such a description of him:

It has a strange appearance, clear bones and muscles, a rosy complexion, delicate and smooth skin, and a very prominent eagle hook nose, which resembles the Sun Star Officer in "Journey to the West".

It seems that he was born for the "master", and he made a fortune by relying on the "one specialty and many abilities" slash youth-like skills.

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

Wang lin

When Li Yichang opened a health care class and a Traditional Chinese studies class with tuition fees ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 yuan, the threshold for receiving apprentices in Jiangxi's old cousin Wang Lin was already 5 million, which was 5 million yuan more than 10 years ago.

Master Wang is also very "financially minded" and a good "loan shark", and he can skillfully lend usury without breaking the law.

In the early 90s, Wang Lin speculated in a house in Guangdong for two years, and the real estate market in those years was good, which made him make a lot of money. He also operated the President Hotel in Guangzhou with friends, investing more than 70 million yuan and selling a total of 280 million.

In our hot land, there are people who are almost nothing bad and will make money.

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

Wang Lin performs

The special skills of "Master Wang" are, "empty basin to snake", "empty cup to wine", "volley inscription", ordinary people can not see any flaws at all, believers do not feel that Master Wang Lin is "magic", but "magic", but some magic masters think that Wang Lin is "hanging sheep's head to sell dog meat, cross-border robbery of their rice bowl".

Relying on this kind of "magic" and "curing diseases" to walk the rivers and lakes for more than ten years, Wang Lin has made friends with celebrities from all walks of life, li Yapeng, Li Xiang, Li Bingbing, Jet Li, Wang Zuxian, Jackie Chan, Wang Fei, Zhao Wei and others are Wang Lin's "fans".

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

Wang Lin and Li Yapeng Faye Wang

The network is a magnetic field, Master Wang began to build a "small secret circle", many people also rushed to his "high-quality private domain traffic", the more gathered, the larger the accumulation.

Master Wang smelled the business opportunity again, and published at his own expense a beautifully decorated, gold-rimmed photo book, "Chinese", which is full of photos of him and celebrities, up to 367 pages, 3 editions in the 10 years from 2002 to 2011, the cost price is 1800, and later the book was speculated to 160,000 copies on the Internet.

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

Wang Lin Villa

Not bad money, he gave his residence in Luxi County, Jiangxi Province, a "divine right of the king" name - "Wangfu", separated from the county government by a wall, in the villa, there are two floors dedicated to him and officials and celebrities for group photos.

His "mansion" contained three Humvees, a Rolls-Royce and a Bentley, all with license plate numbers "Leopard" (the same number in a row), and it was said that the Humvees were used by the U.S. military to fight Iraq, and it was okay to throw 15 grenades.

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

Wang Lin's car

At this time, he had swelled to "lawlessness", but at that time, many people did not know his name, and he was also "muffled and rich".

Finally, because of the sudden visit of a big figure, he was pushed to the public, and his "fairy days" were over, and this big man was Ma Yun.

On July 3, 2013, shortly after Ma Yun stepped down as CEO of Alibaba, he had more free time, so he came to Wang Lin's home with his friends Zhao Wei and Jet Li as a guest, and he took photos as usual, ready to wash them out and store them in the album.

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

The scene also performed a "empty basin to snake", this video was uploaded to the Internet, because Ma Yun is too topical, for a while swept the entire network.

By all accounts, Master Wang did not calculate that this meeting ruined his "great future", was named by the heavyweight media, the charges were implemented one by one, and he fled to Hong Kong in a hurry to avoid the limelight.

When Wang Lin returned to the interior in 2014, there is a saying that he did a big thing during this period: Ma Yun's "small micro financial service" that he had used for many years was renamed at the suggestion of Master Wang.

On October 16, the name "Ant Financial" was officially launched. At the end of the year, Master Wang went to Hong Kong to hide his debts.

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

Ant Financial

When he returned to Shenzhen in 2015, he was arrested by the police, and since then his "royal palace" has become a cage, and he died of illness in the hospital in 2017.

Ma Yun is very curious, he said, even if it is magic, the mystery behind the challenge is endlessly happy.

However, his phrase "curiosity benefits people" is only true, and undeserved curiosity can also make people suffer.

This visit to the "non-scientific" journey ended the golden road of "a generation of qigong masters", but it can also be regarded as a crooked fight to eliminate harm for the people.


There is a saying that Ma Yun does not worship any master, but starts from his own curiosity, and the various paths of the masters of various schools are the objects of his research and exploration, and some hidden interests can be found in them.

There is quite a realm of "threesomes, there must be my teacher" and "sensitive and eager to learn and not ashamed to ask", which runs through the first half of his life.

Ma Yun has been obsessed with Jin Yong's novels since he was a child, studied various factions in it, and fantasized that he was also a martial artist, and also gave himself a flower name "Feng Qingyang", the thin Ma Yun dared to rebuke the thief who stole the manhole cover, and "chivalry" penetrated into his life.

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

Ma Yun plays Tai Chi

Ma Yun studied English by the West Lake for more than ten years, practiced tai chi for nearly a decade, and later became an English teacher at the university. Later, he studied tai chi with Wang Xi'an, the 11th generation of Chen-style taijiquan.

In 2008, he also had exchanges with Shi Xiaolong's master, Shi Yongxin, and in 2015, he founded Lakeside University and became a teacher again.

Ma Yun has been moving straight forward on the road of "seeking a teacher" and "being a teacher".


In 2011, a financial journalist Li Xiang wrote a letter to Ma Yun citing scriptures" "Ma Yun, please insist and take care!" There is no shortage of praise in it.

When the reporter heard others talk about the Alipay equity transfer storm calling Ma Yun "a representative of the dark forces in China's business world", in Li Xiang's own words, "almost took the case". (What kind of relationship is so far as this)

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

Alipay equity

Obviously, he already worships Ma Yun and does not want it, a rational financial journalist is still like this, not to mention thousands of entrepreneurs, large and small, what about?

What's more, a well-known financial writer called Ma Yun a "thinker" in the article, and talked about him with Socrates and Plato, the old Zhuang Kong Meng in the pre-Qin era, and even Nietzsche and Edmund Burke in recent times, saying that they all enlightened the human mind.

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

Financial writer articles

Although Ma Yun was not proficient in everything, he shouted out the direction of Rome.

What a high praise.

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

Five years ago, there was another magical event that made people cry and laugh, on the morning of May 8, 2015, a strange stone , "Master Ma Yun", was exhibited at the Beijing Loulan Moyu Jewelry Exhibition, only because of the appearance of a sideways comic statue similar to Ma Yun.

Saying that this stone has been lurking under the water of the Li River in Guangxi for more than 200 million years, waiting for the opportunity to debut, Ma Yun was rated as "China's first good" It came out of the water, which is a good omen.

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

Jack Ma Master Stone

Such a bizarre legend may be traced back to a thousand years ago, when "Liu Bang drunkenly beheaded the white snake" and "Song Jiang descended from heaven to the throne".

However, I believe that there are still people who believe that Ma Yun's "believers" are all over the world, spanning age, gender and intercontinental.


When Ma Yun and rocket-building Elon Musk had a dialogue at the 2019 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, everyone found the gap between Ma Yun and scientific thinking.

The richest man and "master": Ma Yun's mysterious past with Li Yi and Wang Lin

Jack Ma Elon Musk

This so-called "alien" Teacher Ma is extremely attached to the Earth, while the Teacher Musk, who has always been an Earthling, has been exploring the universe.

Posterity awakens, Ma Shoufu, you are the "master"!

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