
"Mission of Hope" hit Guo Haolun showed heroism to reshape the screen tough guy

author:Xinhuanet client

Co-starring Guo Haolun, Mao Zijun, Lin Yuan, and directed by Liu Guotong, the epic anti-war drama "Mission of Hope" is being broadcast at the Capital Theater of Beijing Film and Television Channel, and the drama has caused a lot of repercussions once it was broadcast. Among them, guo Haolun, a famous powerful actor, played a Kuomintang officer with integrity, courage and strategy, and excellent leadership. In the play, whether it is the complex and tragic background of this character or his national integrity with great righteousness, it has become a lot of highlights of the play.

"Mission of Hope" tells the story of a group of students of the Wugang Branch of the Whampoa Military Academy, under the leadership of instructor Ding Jianfeng, who responded to the inspiration of the Communist Party and broke through the difficulties of the national war situation and went all the way north to Yan'an, joining the Chinese Communist Party and throwing themselves into the light. In the play, Ding Jianfeng, played by Guo Haolun, is not only a senior Kuomintang official but also an underground party member, witty and brave, but not lacking in warmth, complex background but pure in heart, and has a sincere love for the party and the country. For Guo Haolun, who has played a revolutionary hero many times and can even be regarded as a tough guy professional, there will still be new experiences and feelings when he plays the role of Ding Jianfeng this time. Also a war drama, the characters in the play are different from Xing Zhiyuan in "Mine Warfare" and Guo Wenzhi in "Second Gunner", and Ding Jianfeng in "Mission of Hope" is an absolutely decent character.

"Mission of Hope" hit Guo Haolun showed heroism to reshape the screen tough guy

From the capable and humorous superintendent Zhou Zhibin in "Six Groups of Serious Cases", to the narrow-minded and conceited rich second generation Guo Wenzhi in "Second Gunner", to the domineering and resourceful business leader Ding Qiao in "Beishang Guang does not believe in tears", every role played by Guo Haolun has left a deep impression on the audience, in addition to the classic screen tough guy image, Guo Haolun, who plays what is like, is deeply rooted in the audience's heart. And this time in the "Hope Mission" with the fresh meat on the same stage, the charm of Uncle Warm is bound to sweep the screen again.

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