
"General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech has aroused a warm response in Shandong" Ecological priority Green development Make every effort to grasp the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin

author:Lightning News

Brief introduction:

【Introduction】 General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium on in-depth promotion of ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin has inspired and inspired the vast number of cadres and masses in Shandong, and everyone said that they should bear in mind the general secretary's entrustment and make unremitting efforts for the Yellow River to always benefit the Chinese nation.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to the correct concept of political performance and accurately grasp the relationship between protection and development. Take the great protection as a key task, and significantly improve the ecological appearance of the river basin by doing a good job in rectifying environmental problems, deeply saving water and controlling water, and ecological protection and restoration. Shandong cadres and masses said that they will resolutely implement the ecological protection and high-quality development strategy of the Yellow River Basin, and unswervingly take the modernization path of ecological priority and green development.

Liu Zhonghui, secretary of the party leading group of the Shandong Provincial Water Conservancy Department

Bearing in mind the entrustment of the general secretary, take the initiative to take action, and focus on accelerating the planning and promotion of the construction of modern water networks and promoting the rational development and utilization of water resources; at the same time, thoroughly implement the national water-saving action, improve the incentive and constraint mechanism for water conservation, promote in-depth water conservation and water control in key areas, and effectively play the role of the greatest rigid constraint on water resources.

Li Qun, secretary of the party group of the Yellow River Affairs Bureau of Shandong Province, and director of the bureau

We will shoulder our political responsibilities, continuously improve the level of flood disaster prevention, vigorously promote the intensive and economical utilization of the yellow river water resources in Shandong, focus on the comprehensive management of the estuary, Dongping Lake, river channels and beach areas, and strive to make the Yellow River long-term peace and stability, so that the Yellow River will always benefit the Chinese nation.

Li Qiujing, director of the Flood Control Office of the Yellow River Affairs Bureau of the Qihe River

Further improve the flood control engineering system, make up for the shortcomings of flood prevention projects, strengthen the construction of information infrastructure, improve the level of flood prevention material support and the comprehensive ability of flood prevention teams, and ensure the safety of the Yellow River.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land is of great strategic significance to ensuring national food security and consolidating China's rice bowl. It is necessary to strengthen basic research on germplasm resources, the protection and utilization of cultivated land, and change a concept from treating saline-alkali land adaptation crops to breeding saline-alkali-tolerant plants and adapting to saline-alkali land. This points the way for researchers.

Wang Guangmei, deputy director of the Yantai Coastal Zone Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

In accordance with the requirements of the general secretary, we will do a solid job in long-term systematic monitoring and field scientific verification, truly write the paper on the motherland, and make due contributions to the healthy development of ecological and efficient agriculture in saline-alkali land and ensure national food security.

Dr. Qiao Rengui of the Technology Innovation Center for Comprehensive Utilization of Saline-alkali Land in the Yellow River Delta

Create the "core engine" of scientific and technological innovation in saline-alkali land, accelerate the germplasm innovation of saline-alkali land, realize the transformation from "land adaptation species" to "species adaptation land", and provide scientific and technological support for the turnaround of the seed industry.

【Text】 The Yellow River Delta is the most complete wetland ecosystem in China's warm temperate zone. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the ecological status of the Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve is very important, and it is necessary to pay close attention to planning the creation of the Yellow River Estuary National Park, scientific demonstration, and solid advancement.

Wu Lixin, director of the scientific research unit of the Dawenliu Management Station of the Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve

Inspired and motivated. I will increase the patrol and monitoring of birds. Stay on top of changes in bird populations and habitats. Provide data support for the improvement of bird habitat. I hope that more rare and endangered birds will settle down here.

Ni Junbo, a fourth-level researcher at the Nature Reserve Management Department of the Department of Natural Resources of Shandong Province

Focus on the mediation of contradictions and conflicts in the national park, the preparation of the management agency setting plan, ecological protection and restoration, community transformation and development, publicity and promotion, pre-legislative research, etc., successfully complete various creation tasks, and strive for the early approval of the Yellow River Estuary National Park.

Yuan Jinlong, deputy director of the Management Committee of the Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve

Earnestly practice the concept of "ecological priority green development", 'take the scientific demonstration and solid creation of the Yellow River Estuary National Park as the command, continue to strengthen the protection and restoration of wetlands, improve biodiversity, and create an important benchmark for ecological protection and governance of major rivers and rivers in the delta.'

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