
Huanghe Road Street: Show the truth in the subtlety and go to the beautiful with love

author:China's urban and rural economy

It's not uncommon to volunteer alone, and it's rare for three generations to be a volunteer. There is such a "volunteer home" in Yinan Community, Huanghe Road Street, Puyang City, Henan Province. Ma Xinting's three generations are volunteers, he has been in the old age of volunteer service for more than ten years, sons, grandchildren, granddaughters have all joined the community volunteer team, heart and affection for the community to help, bring warmth...... They are ordinary members of the volunteer team of the Yinan community, and they are also a microcosm of residents' autonomy. The Party Committee of Yinan Community, Huanghe Road Street, firmly seized the opportunity of the establishment of the "five-star" branch, made good use of the team of "volunteers", aimed at the needs of the masses and the problems of urgency, hardship and longing, and comprehensively improved the efficiency of community governance.

Huanghe Road Street: Show the truth in the subtlety and go to the beautiful with love
Huanghe Road Street: Show the truth in the subtlety and go to the beautiful with love

With "party building leading + resident autonomy" as the starting point, from "no one manages" to "self-managed". There are 76 residential buildings in Yinan Community, with a permanent population of more than 4,700 people, and 9 of the 13 communities have no property management. In the face of problems such as many service objects and difficult governance, the Party Committee of Yinan Community mobilized the "activists" of the non-property management community to participate in the transformation and governance of the community, so as to realize that "how to manage the community is decided by the residents". A year ago, the Jinquan community was overgrown with weeds, sewage cross-flow, manhole covers were damaged, and garbage was everywhere, and the residents of the community were deeply affected and complained. With the joint efforts of everyone, the community has taken on a new look, and a new pattern of community governance without property management has been established through co-construction, co-governance and sharing.

Huanghe Road Street: Show the truth in the subtlety and go to the beautiful with love
Huanghe Road Street: Show the truth in the subtlety and go to the beautiful with love
Huanghe Road Street: Show the truth in the subtlety and go to the beautiful with love
Huanghe Road Street: Show the truth in the subtlety and go to the beautiful with love

With "finding and breeding + neighborhood gathering" as the carrier, from "single task" to "whole process". The Yinan community has given full play to the political and organizational advantages of the party organization, and mobilized party members to participate in community governance in an all-round way through the three steps of "finding", "selecting" and "educating". From the needs of residents to the guidance of residents to participate in consultation and deliberation, and finally the formation of feasible solutions and the participation of multiple subjects in the implementation, the community explores the basic mode of community consultation and deliberation of "neighborhood gathering", and forms a closed-loop management of community residents' deliberation and consultation. Innovate and build the "Jinfeng Community Representative Discussion Booth", build the "Filial Piety Cultural Square" in the community, and widely carry out the creation of corridor culture such as "Civilized Corridor" and "Filial Piety Corridor" in the community. Meeting the needs of the masses and resolving outstanding contradictions are taken as important indicators to create a "happy and harmonious star", forming a virtuous circle of consultation and deliberation between the community and residents, and effectively improving the residents' sense of happiness and gain.

Huanghe Road Street: Show the truth in the subtlety and go to the beautiful with love
Huanghe Road Street: Show the truth in the subtlety and go to the beautiful with love

With the support of "grid management + refined service", from "waiting for someone to do" to "doing it yourself". As usual, the Yinan Community Grid staff were conducting routine inspections, and when they visited the Tian'an Community, they found that the sewage pipe network in the courtyard was overflowing (the inner well was backing water). The grid staff quickly dealt with it, immediately set up a cordon at the scene, found out the specific cause and notified the community staff, the building chief and the building chief, and informed the residents of the matter as soon as possible through the WeChat group. After the community party committee took the lead in contacting the urban management bureau to inquire about the actual situation of the sewage pipe network in the community and the cost to be borne for the renovation, the grid members, members of the business committee, community party members, and enthusiastic residents visited the households involved door-to-door to inform them of the specific situation. The party members of Tian'an Community took the lead in pasting love notices and calling on everyone to donate spontaneously to fundamentally solve the problem of poor sewage discharge in the community. With the joint efforts of everyone, another problem has been successfully solved, the normal rights and interests of residents in the community have been safeguarded, and the "resident autonomy + community co-governance" has been truly implemented.

Huanghe Road Street: Show the truth in the subtlety and go to the beautiful with love
Huanghe Road Street: Show the truth in the subtlety and go to the beautiful with love

With "high-quality entertainment + high-quality life" as the engine, from "spectator" to "participant". The Yinan community has explored the establishment of a volunteer service incentive mechanism according to local conditions, guided by the situation, and implemented policies according to the situation, and encouraged more and more residents to participate in various volunteer services in the community through measures such as the exchange of volunteer points and the recognition of outstanding volunteers. Carry out colorful and popular cultural activities around important festivals and key periods, fully tap community literary and artistic teams and grassroots talents, and carry out literary and artistic activities close to residents' lives such as festival-themed activities, righteous Spring Festival couplets, and anti-fraud three-and-a-half performances, and strive to create a "doorstep" cultural front where the masses have a heart and a feeling. In addition, we actively carry out activities such as health knowledge lectures and free clinics in the community, guide everyone to consciously practice a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle, and leverage more residents to share community culture through "small fulcrums", so that everyone can get spiritual nourishment in the activities.

In the next step, Yinan Community, Huanghe Road Street, will continue to take the creation of the "five-star" branch as the starting point, give full play to the strength of grassroots party building, and constantly improve the "volunteer service +" model, so that volunteer service can shine in the creation of the "five-star" branch.

Correspondents: Zhang Linhui, Zhu Ying

Edited by Wu Sai

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