
September 9, Chongyang Festival, from the ancients, big days, live well

author:Zhang San said vulgarly

Soon it is the annual Chongyang Festival, in the old exquisite, Jiujiu Chongyang is a big day, many people will go out on this day to ascend to pray for blessings, worship the gods and ancestors, or set up feasts to celebrate birthdays, etc., especially in recent years, the Jiujiu Chongyang Festival has a lot of new connotations of respecting the elderly and loving the old, children will choose this day to return home, eat and drink tea with their parents and the elderly, walk and chat together, and the family will gather together to share the joy of the world.

September 9, Chongyang Festival, from the ancients, big days, live well

Speaking of the origin of Chongyang, it should be a very long topic. According to legend, the Chongyang Festival originated from the worship of celestial phenomena in ancient times, and was already more popular by the Han Dynasty, and this theory was more after the Tang Dynasty.

Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a ceremony of celebrating the harvest in the autumn, and people would set up rich sacrifices in September, when the crops were harvested, to thank the emperor and ancestors, and to thank them for their grace and protection and for having a season of rations, which may be the beginning of the Chongyang sacrifice activities.

September 9, Chongyang Festival, from the ancients, big days, live well

The activities of ancestor worship on the auspicious day of Chongyang have been passed down to this day for thousands of years, and can be regarded as a large traditional festival and an ancient folk custom with far-reaching significance.

It is also said that Chongyang originated from the ancient book "I Ching", the number nine is a yang number, and the ninth day of the first nine days of the lunar calendar coincides with two yang numbers, but it is not Chongyang. The word Chongyang has more of a traditional meaning of the nine nine return to the truth, the meaning of the beginning of the yuan, so this festival has always been considered to be a day of good luck.

Therefore, many elderly people will call Chongyang, Chinese New Year's Eve, Qingming, and July and a half as The Four Traditional Ancestor Worship Festivals in China.

September 9, Chongyang Festival, from the ancients, big days, live well

In fact, our ancestors have always cared about the heavy day, such as the first day of January is New Year's Day, the second of February is the dragon's head, and it is said to be the birthday of the god of wealth, and the third of March is the Shangwei Festival, and it is also said to be the Peach Blossom Festival; the first five days of May are called the Dragon Boat Festival, and june 6 is also said to be the Festival of The Scriptures, the Festival of The Aunts; then the Seventh of July is the Tanabata Festival, the Qiqiao Festival, and then the Chongyang Festival.

It is precisely because the ancients have always paid attention to overlapping days, plus nine is the largest in the singular, and nine is the most prosperous in the yang number, so the coincidence of these two nines is a day to be commemorated and celebrated.

September 9, Chongyang Festival, from the ancients, big days, live well

Regarding the customs of the Nine-Nine Chongyang Festival, it is actually more uniform. The great poet Wang Wei once wrote in his poem: The brothers of Remote Knowledge ascended to a high place, and there was one less person planted everywhere. It refers to the most important part of the customs of the Chongyang Festival, the planting of zhu zhu. The ancients believed that inserting a cocoon on the body to drive away insects and wetness, chasing the wind and evil.

In the mythological novel "The Book of Continued Harmony", there is such a small story that a man named Huan Jing learned from the famous alchemist Fei Changfang. One day, Teacher Fei suddenly said to Huan Jing, your family will have a major disaster on the ninth day of the first month of September. If you want to crack it, you quickly ask the family to make a colorful bag, fill it with cocoons, and then tie the bag to your body, climb up the mountain, and drink chrysanthemum wine. Huan Jing immediately told his family, and everyone immediately acted according to the method fangshi said. On the ninth day of the first year, everyone went out early in the morning according to the instructions, tied up the cocoon to the mountain, and drank chrysanthemum wine on the mountain, until the sun was about to set before they dared to go home. Unexpectedly, they went to the house to take a look, and sure enough, the chickens and dogs in the family, including the cattle and sheep, were all dead. Imagine what would have happened if the family hadn't run up the mountain with the cocoon. Since then, the sayings and practices of Ward off evil spirits have been passed down until now. You may have noticed that in the plan given by the alchemist, there is also a sentence that drinks chrysanthemum wine. Why do you still drink chrysanthemum-made wine? This is also related to the fact that the ancients paid more attention to the laws of nature, and they believed that everything would have a yin and yang. Just as the so-called anode must be yin, the cathode is yang, we must pay attention to the balance of yin and yang, in order to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

September 9, Chongyang Festival, from the ancients, big days, live well

Not only should we be exquisite in our actions, but we must also pay attention to our diet. To put it simply, if you eat something that is yin, you will have a coolness, and if you eat something that is yang, you will have a heat. The yin and yang collocation used in Chongyang on this day is that Chongyang is already an extreme yang, so you must eat and drink some cool things, with the cool plant of ZhuYi, and drink some cool chrysanthemum wine, accompanied by two cool, to offset the unlucky disease of excessive yang.

Therefore, if we want to live this festival according to the old tradition, we can cut some leaves, bring a bottle of chrysanthemum wine home, drink chrysanthemum-scented wine, and taste the delicious taste of Chongyang full of tables, which is also a kind of happiness!

September 9, Chongyang Festival, from the ancients, big days, live well

At the moment of rejoicing, there are delicious wines, laughter from the elderly and songs of children, and I will find a few poems written on Chongyang for the old masters to wish for happiness:

Li Bai's poem begins, Mr. Li Bai wrote in "Nine Days of Dragon Mountain Drink": Nine Days of Dragon Mountain Drink, Yellow Flowers Laughing and Chasing Subjects. It is about drinking on the mountain on September 9, although it seems to be laughing, but it is somewhat desolate.

Wang Bo's "Nine Days in Shuzhong" wrote that on September 9, he looked at the township platform, and he sat in a foreign country to send a guest cup. Human feelings are tired of the suffering of the south mouth, and the hongyan comes from the north.

Bai Juyi wrote in "White Chrysanthemum on the Chongyang Mat": The flowers and chrysanthemums in the garden are golden, and there are lone bushes that look like frost. It is also like the song and banquet of the present dynasty, and the white-headed man enters the juvenile field.

The poems are quite beautiful, but after looking for half a day, there are always some sentimentalities, what are the ancient poems of the Nine-Nine Chongyang that you remember? Give the third brother a message prompt?

Finally, in May 2006, the "Chongyang Festival" was included in the first batch of national intangible heritage lists by the State Council. This is a custom recognized by our people, but also the accumulation of thousands of years of Chinese history and culture, must be passed down from generation to generation, a serious festival, have to live well!

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