
The big day is coming! Ma Mingzhe, Luo Xi, Kong Qingwei, Zhang Youjun, Huang Zhaohui, He Qing, Zhang Wei, Huo Da, Zhou Jie... What did these big names in the financial circles say? #热点复盘 #

author:Securities Times

Editor's Note

The 100-year journey is magnificent, and the 100-year original heart has lasted for a long time!

Today, the Communist Party of China celebrates its centennial anniversary. Over the past 100 years, the CPC has led Chinese people to carry out arduous struggles, overcome one difficulty and obstacle after another, win one battle after another, and create a brilliant chapter in the history of the Chinese nation that has never been seen in ancient times. Financial institutions are important participants in the A-share market and the mainstay of stable markets. At this historical moment worth remembering, the Chinese reporter of the Securities Times and Securities Firm asked the financial listed companies in the A-share market to write a message to express their feelings, pay tribute to the party's birthday, and praise the party's centennial birthday.

The event was warmly responded by Ping An, Chinese Insurance, Chinese Life, China Pacific Insurance Company, CITIC Securities, CICC and other leading financial institutions, these companies achieved operating income of more than 4 trillion yuan in 2020, the current total market value of A-shares is nearly 6 trillion yuan, come and see Ma Mingzhe, Luo Xi, Kong Qingwei, Zhang Youjun, Huang Zhaohui and other financial circles of big coffee said what?


Ping An of China (601318): A leading international technology-based personal financial life service group

Ping An of China Chairman Ma Mingzhe

2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the great Communist Party of China. In the vicissitudes of the past century, the party has led the Chinese people to stand up, get rich, and become strong! The birth and development of Ping An is inseparable from the strong leadership of the party. Standing at the historical intersection of the "two hundred years" goal, we must firmly adhere to the party's leadership, respond to the party's call, do not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, always adhere to the people-centered development thinking, provide customers with temperature financial services, comprehensively support the development of the real economy, fully invest in rural revitalization, serve the country, contribute to the society, and contribute to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


Chinese Insurance (601319): The eldest son of the insurance industry in New China

Luo Xi, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Chinese Bao

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Over the past 100 years, our party has led the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country to struggle all the way, written an unprecedented brilliant chapter in the history of the Chinese nation, and created a great miracle rarely seen in the world in the history of human development. Chinese People's Insurance was nurtured and grew under the leadership of the party, and along with the vigorous development of the revolutionary cause, it has a distinct red gene, forming a unique historical characteristics and industry status.

The history of the party in the past hundred years is brilliant, the original intention has not changed, and the mission is on the shoulders. Based on the new development stage, the implementation of the new development concept, and the construction of a new development pattern, people's insurance will inherit the red gene, continue the loyal bloodline, continuously strengthen the political responsibility of "working for the party, operating for the country, insurance for the people, and achieving for the people", and constantly stimulate the effort to promote the "excellent insurance strategy", continue to write new glory, and present the party's centennial birthday with excellent results!


Chinese Life (601628): A leading enterprise in the life insurance industry

Su Hengxuan, Party Secretary and President of Chinese Life Insurance Co., Ltd

Over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has led the Chinese nation to achieve a great leap from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong. Seeking happiness for the Chinese and the people is the original intention of our party that has never changed. Chinese life is linked to the blood of the party, to live and grow together with the country, and to be in the same boat with the people. Wholeheartedly serving the overall situation of national development and wholeheartedly protecting the people's beautiful life is our red gene that will never degenerate and the blueprint for our cause of continuous struggle.

With a century of glory and great achievements, we will unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, take the road of high-quality development, promote the revitalization of national life to a new height, and make new and greater contributions to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country. I wish our great party will always be full of vitality, the motherland will always be prosperous, and the people's lives will always be harmonious and happy!


China Pacific Insurance Company (601601): The first insurance company to be listed in Shanghai, Hong Kong and London

Kong Qingwei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Pacific Insurance Corporation

In 1991, the CPIC was bathed in the glory of the party and the spring breeze of reform and opening up. Over the past 30 years, the company has adhered to the leadership of party building, and continuously strengthened the role of the political core of the party committee, the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. The company focuses on the main business, does fine professionalism, adheres to value, firmly believes in the long term, implements strategic transformation, has been listed in three places, laid out big health, large region, big data, promotes sustainable insurance and green investment, and helps carbon peak carbon neutrality. Along the way, we insist on grasping party building starting from work, grasping work starting from party building, forging ahead with the banner, and forging ahead with roots; adhering to the original source, establishing a firm cause; striving to be the first, building a new and far-reaching; people-oriented, determined to be evergreen.

The picture of the second centenary goal has been unfolded, and we will strive to build a world-class insurance and financial services group with global competitiveness, lead high-quality development with high-quality party building, and continue to struggle for the future.


Xinhua Insurance (601336): The first insurance company to be listed simultaneously on A+H

Li Quan, Party Secretary, Chief Executive Officer and President of Xinhua Insurance

Remember the course of struggle, do not forget the original heart, keep in mind the mission, with the determination to forge ahead, the state of high morale, vigorously carry forward the "Xinhua spirit", highlight the "Xinhua brand", hand over the "Xinhua answer sheet", build a guarantee for a happy life for customers, and add the power of harmony and tranquility to the society.


CITIC Securities (600030): The only securities company in China's securities industry with assets of more than one trillion yuan

Zhang Youjun, Party Secretary and Chairman of CITIC Securities

Looking back over the past century, the Communist Party of China, with the majestic spirit of "daring to teach the sun and the moon for a new day," has led the Chinese people to create an unprecedented development miracle in human history. As a participant and witness in the history of China's financial reform and development, CITIC Securities has always adhered to the leadership of the party, practiced the national strategy and served the real economy. Based on the new era, we will draw strength from the century-old party history, take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, firmly implement the mission of serving the country through finance, and make unremitting efforts to become "the most trusted domestic leading and international first-class Chinese investment bank" by global customers!


CICC (601995): The first Sino-foreign joint venture investment bank in China

Huang Zhaohui, Party Secretary and CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER of CICC

The century-old party has traveled like a rainbow; reform and opening up, vicissitudes and great changes. As China's first Sino-foreign joint venture investment bank, CICC should be born in the tide of reform and opening up, always adhere to the original intention of "taking the country as the heart", grasp the general trend of capital market development, and bravely undertake the heavy responsibility of serving the overall situation of national reform and development. Starting a new journey, not forgetting the original intention, keeping in mind the mission, CICC will uphold the concept of "rooted in China and integrate the world", accelerate the construction of a world-class investment bank, shoulder the important mission of providing higher quality and more efficient financial services for the development of the real economy, and make greater contributions to the prosperity and development of society and the economy and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (600,000): Building a "Panorama Bank"

Zheng Yang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors of SPDB

A hundred years of wind and rain cast a great cause, just when the wind is flourishing. On the occasion of the centenary of the Communist Party of China, on behalf of more than 20,000 PUFA party members and 60,000 employees, I sincerely wish that the great party will always maintain its youth and vitality, stand at the head of the tide, and realize the dream of national rejuvenation.

Over the past 28 years, SPDB has been bathed in the glory of the party, always serving the real economy and demonstrating its responsibility. Standing at the starting point of the new century, we will take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, look at the overall situation, seek the overall situation, be brave and responsible, promote development, seek truth and pragmatism with a lofty attitude, cultivate deeply and meticulously, be good at doing good work, forge ahead, create customers to trust the preferred bank, high-quality blue chips and excellent corporate citizens in the capital market, and strive to create a new situation of comprehensively building a first-class joint-stock commercial bank with international competitiveness!


Industrial Bank (601166): Green Bank, Wealth Bank, Investment Bank

Lu Jiajin, secretary of the Party Committee of Industrial Bank

The history of the party in the past hundred years has been magnificent, and the original intention of the past hundred years has lasted for a long time. Standing at the historical intersection of "two hundred years", reliving the great cause of party building, strengthening ideals and beliefs, IB will take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, be loyal to the party's financial cause, inherit the red gene, gather the strength to forge ahead, practice the glorious mission of "exploring ways for financial reform and making more contributions to economic construction", deeply promote the "1234" strategy, continue to polish the three business cards of green bank, wealth bank and investment bank, and revitalize industry, strengthen national strength and benefit people's livelihood. Continue to write a new chapter in the construction of first-class modern commercial banks! Salute the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party and wish the Party a birthday!


Ping An Bank (000001): digital bank, ecological bank, platform bank

Hu Yuefei, president of Ping An Bank

As the No. 000001 listed company in Shenzhen, Ping An Bank has the same frequency resonance and blood connection with the development of the country, and has been innovating and changing for more than 30 years, and has embarked on a unique and differentiated development path in China's banking industry. Looking forward to the future, standing at the historical intersection of "two hundred years", we will adhere to the leadership of the party, adhering to the 12-character strategic policy of "science and technology leadership, retail breakthrough, and public excellence", focusing on the main business of finance, integrating transformation and development into the original mission of serving the real economy and supporting the national economy and people's livelihood, while creating commercial value, realizing greater social value, and contributing different peace forces to the "two hundred years" goal!


Guotai Junan (601211): A long-term, sustained and comprehensive leading integrated financial service provider in China's securities industry

Guotai Junan Party Secretary and Chairman He Qing

A hundred years of journey, casting brilliant. The 100 years of our party are 100 years of dedication to practicing the original mission, 100 years of laying the foundation for the establishment of the cause, and 100 years of creating brilliant and opening up the future. Under the leadership of the party, the Chinese nation has achieved a historic leap from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong, and we are closer to the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history.

Strive for a hundred years of road, set sail for a new journey. Standing at the historical intersection of the "two hundred years" goal and under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, Guotai Junan will base itself on the two overall situations, carry forward the glorious tradition of the original origin, promote the high-quality development of the company with high-quality party building, accelerate the construction of a "respected, comprehensively leading, and internationally competitive modern investment bank", march forward towards the second centenary goal, and strive to create a new miracle in the new era!


Huatai Securities (601688): A leading technology-driven integrated securities group

Zhang Wei, Party Secretary and Chairman of Huatai Securities

The 30th anniversary of the establishment of Huatai Securities coincides with the centenary of the Communist Party of China. In the past 30 years, under the strong leadership and correct decision-making of the party, with the tide of reform and opening up and the east wind of the development of the capital market, the company has grown from a local securities company to a leading technology-driven comprehensive securities group in China.

New starting point, new journey, we will adhere to the "two consistent" requirements, firm marketization, digitalization, international development strategy, take advantage of the momentum, continue to struggle, accelerate the construction of a first-class comprehensive investment bank with both local advantages and global influence, better fulfill the mission of financial service to the country, and strive to be the light chaser in the new era.


China Merchants Securities (600999): One of only two securities companies in China's securities industry that has been rated as AA for 13 consecutive years

Huo Da, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Merchants Securities

Over the past 100 years, our party has united and led the people to continue to struggle, created a great history, established great deeds, forged a great spirit, and written a magnificent chapter in the development of the Chinese nation. As a state-owned financial enterprise that grew up under the leadership of the party, China Merchants Securities has always taken serving the national strategy and the development of the real economy as its own responsibility, and has gone through an extraordinary 30 years.

Based on the new stage of development, we will always maintain the feeling of "serving the country through finance", actively practice the mission of "boosting China's economic transformation and upgrading, helping social wealth preservation and appreciation", contribute to deepening the structural reform of the financial supply side, and present the centennial birthday of the party with excellent results.


Haitong Securities (600837): Among the securities companies established in The 1980s in China, the only large securities company that is still in operation and has not changed its name and has not accepted government capital injection

Zhou Jie, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Haitong Securities

In 2021, the great Communist Party of China ushered in its centennial anniversary. A hundred years of ups and downs, the vicissitudes of the century. In the past hundred years, the Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people not to forget their original intentions, keep in mind their mission, struggle hard, and compose a magnificent epic.

The hundred years are just the right time. 2021 is the opening year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", standing at the historical intersection of the "two hundred years" goal, Haitong Securities adheres to the scientific grasp of the new development stage, fully implements the new development concept, and actively serves the new development pattern. Adhere to the original intention, bravely undertake the mission, unremitting struggle, always follow the party. There are new achievements in strengthening party building, new deeds in serving the national strategy, and new progress in implementing the Tasks of Shanghai, opening a new journey of high-quality and sustainable development of the company!


GF Securities (000776): A new type of investment bank that has grown up with China's capital market

Sun Shuming, secretary of the party committee and chairman of GF Securities

The 100-year journey is magnificent, and the 100-year-old industry is in the annals of history. Under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, China has made brilliant achievements in economic and social development, socialism has been rejuvenated with vigor and vitality, and the people's living outlook has taken on a new look. China's capital market, which has undergone rapid development over the past 30 years, has also achieved historic breakthroughs and leapfrog development under the strategic deployment of the Party Central Committee.

The best celebration of history is to create a new history. China's capital market will give full play to its role as a hub for promoting the high-level circulation of science and technology, capital and the real economy, adhere to the original intention, bravely undertake the mission, and make new and greater contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!


Orient Securities (600958): Committed to "becoming a modern investment bank with first-class core competitiveness in China and providing customers with comprehensive financial services"

Song Xuefeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Orient Securities

2021 marks the centenary of the Communist Party of China. The hundred-year journey is magnificent, and the original intention of the hundred-year journey has lasted for a long time. Time has witnessed the miracle of our party and the people of the whole country forging ahead and chopping waves, and a small red boat has become a majestic ship leading China to sail steadily and far.

2021 coincides with the opening year of the 14th Five-Year Plan and the launch of the new strategic plan of Orient Securities. The new era has given new connotations to the financial mission, and financial enterprises shoulder the great mission of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the historical responsibility entrusted by the new era. The Party Committee of Orient Securities will lead high-quality development with party building, take "providing high-quality comprehensive financial services for the real economy and social wealth management" as its mission, inherit and carry forward the organizational advantages and cultural soft power of "national advanced grass-roots party organizations", show the responsibility of state-owned financial enterprises, and write a new chapter in the development of financial undertakings!


Zheshang Bank (601916): A national joint-stock commercial bank rooted in Zhejiang

Shen Renkang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Zheshang Bank

With a thousand years of great achievements, it is exactly a century-old style. The Communist Party of China is celebrating its centenary anniversary this year, and at this moment, the sons and daughters of China are all rejoicing, singing praises, and wishing the party's birthday with all their hearts.

Looking back at the past hundred years, the history of the Party is the most vivid and convincing textbook. As a national joint-stock commercial bank rooted in Zhejiang, Zheshang Bank has always unswervingly inspired morale and clear direction with the party's struggle course and great achievements, strengthened its conviction and gathered strength with the party's glorious tradition and excellent style, enlightened wisdom and character with the party's practical creation and historical experience, and wholeheartedly served the real economy and promoted high-quality development.

Under the inspiration of a century of glorious history, we will better transform the party's ideological might into work motivation and practical achievements, and march forward towards a "first-class commercial bank" on the new long march of comprehensively building a modern financial system!


Bank of Zhengzhou (002936): The first "A+H" listed city commercial bank in China

Wang Tianyu, Party Secretary and Chairman of The Bank of Zhengzhou

In 2015 and 2018, Bank of Zhengzhou was listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the small and medium-sized board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, which was the first A+H listing of a national urban commercial bank. Coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, Bank of Zhengzhou is willing to work with all sectors of society to not forget the original intention to seek development, forge ahead in the new journey, continue to contribute to the "Zhengyin Power" in the new century-old cause, and return investors and people from all walks of life with better performance. I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of all the cadres and employees of Bank of Zhengzhou, to pay tribute to the centennial birthday of the Party! I wish the motherland prosperity!


Shaanxi State Investment A (000563): The first listed non-bank financial institution in China

Xue Jimin, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Shaanxi State Investment

In 2021, our party ushered in the centenary of the birthday, this is a moment worth celebrating and remembering every communist, experiencing the sonorous years of revolution, the arduous struggle of construction, the innovative development of reform, facts have repeatedly proved that only the leadership of the Communist Party of China can realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

As the first listed non-bank financial institution in China, Shaanxi Guotou was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in January 1994. In the 27 years since its listing, the company has made a historic leap forward and development. Especially since the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", the company has adhered to the party's overall leadership, adhered to the original intention of financial service entities, and embarked on a high-quality development path.

Starlight does not ask dreamers, time does not live up to the doers. Standing at a new historical starting point, Shaanxi Guotou will continue to carry forward the spirit of hard work, reform and innovation of the Chinese communists over the past hundred years, firmly establish the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", and strive to write a new chapter in Shaanxi's new era to catch up and surpass!


South China Futures (603093): The first futures company listed on the A-share market

Luo Xufeng, chairman of South China Futures

On the journey of a hundred years, the red ship set sail from Jiangnan; the blue wisps of the road, the blessing of China for thousands of generations. On the occasion of this centenary anniversary, South China Futures sincerely wishes that the Communist Party of China will always maintain its youthful vitality! I wish the great motherland eternal prosperity! Looking forward to the next hundred years, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, South China Futures will take the responsibility of serving the country with industry, rich assets and financial power, and constantly strive to escort The risk management capabilities of Chinese entities, continue to shine for the realization of the dream of prosperity and prosperity for the sons and daughters of China, and continue to contribute to the construction of a strong and globally competitive Chinese futures and derivatives market.

(The above rankings are in no particular order)

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