
The garage is full of loopholes, the developer and the construction party are busy fighting lawsuits, the owner: we only care about when to change it

author:Xiaoxiang Morning News

After moving in for a while, some owners living in Shangpin Fucheng, Chenzhou, found that there were many problems in the underground parking lot of the building: the walls were seeping water, the rusty steel bars were exposed, and the floor slabs were filled with yellow mud, causing them to look "full of holes". In the face of these safety hazards, the owners are worried that due to the unstable building materials and construction, the real estate will be crushed by the car after a long time.

On September 11, a reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News's "Mange Rights Protection" column (weChat: xxcbwq) contacted the developer and construction party of Shangpin Fucheng real estate. Mange learned that the two sides are currently in the stage of litigation due to various problems such as construction progress, project quality, and project funds.

The owner said that he did not care who lost the lawsuit and who won, only cared about when the problems in the underground garage could be rectified in place. The person in charge of the developer also said that the rectification of the underground parking lot will be handled in the future.

The garage is full of loopholes, the developer and the construction party are busy fighting lawsuits, the owner: we only care about when to change it

The underground parking is fraught with problems and the owners are worried about safety hazards

Mr. Feng is the owner of Building 1 of Chenzhou Shangpin Fucheng Building. In his impression, the underground garage of the building has always been full of problems. "The walls are seeping water, there are cracks in the walls, and I see bare steel bars in many places, and some of them are rusty."

Water seeping walls, bare steel reinforcement rusting, and yellow mud filling are common problems reported by some owners. In February 2021, Mr. Hu of Building 2 lived in the building, and he found that there was water seepage on the east wall of the negative first floor of the underground parking lot, "In fact, it is okay to seep a little water, but there are multiple places that seep water, there must be a problem." "In addition, Mr. Hu also said that there are many holes in the floor slab on the first floor of the underground parking lot, many steel bars are exposed, and some steel bars are rusty." After the steel bar is exposed and rusted, it will become very fragile, the service life will be shortened, the durability will become worse, and it will not be able to withstand the weight at all. ”

Mr. Li, who lives in Building 3, said that there are four floors in the underground parking lot, and each floor has water leakage. "Not only that, but we also found that in some places such as floor slabs, the construction party actually filled with yellow mud, and then smeared cement on the outer layer, and the mud could be cut with their hands." Mr. Li said that the whole building has 4 floors underground and 26 floors on the ground, and the owners are afraid that after a long time, the floor slabs will be crushed by the car.

In response to the above problems, the owners have consulted with the developer many times before, the most recent consultation was in mid-August 2021, and the developer's response was to "contact the construction party". "We hope that the developer will send someone to rectify as soon as possible and repair the problematic underground parking lot." Mr. Hu said.

The garage is full of loopholes, the developer and the construction party are busy fighting lawsuits, the owner: we only care about when to change it

The testing party determined that there were certain quality problems in the underground parking lot

Is the developer responsible aware of this? Zhou Jingyun, head of Hunan Jingyun Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., said in an interview that the construction of the building began on June 15, 2015, when it was contracted by Chenzhou Xiang'an Construction Co., Ltd. From entering the site to leaving the site, the construction team had three major shutdowns. In 2017, when she was walking on the third floor of the underground parking lot, yellow mud fell on the roof.

"Later, I found out that the construction personnel of the construction party were not actual filing personnel and were not qualified." Zhou Jingyun said that on September 28, 2017, the Chenzhou Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau verified that the illegal subcontracting and subcontracting of Chenzhou Xiang'an Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. in the Shangpin Fucheng Project was true after filing a case investigation, and the Bureau would impose administrative and economic penalties on the company in accordance with the law.

Due to the many problems in the project, the developer hired the staff of Hunan Huda Civil Engineering Inspection Co., Ltd. to test the building. In the test report issued on September 1, 2018, the "Suggestions" section shows that the layered thickness of the floor slab and the thickness of the protective layer do not meet the requirements of the specification, and there are phenomena such as the concrete pouring on the bottom floor of the floor is not dense, the steel bar is exposed, and there are more damaged surfaces on the bottom surface of the first floor slab that are blocked with mud.

In 2021, the company again conducted tests on buildings. According to the report, the main structure of the basement of the project is accumulating and intensifying, and if the key defects and major quality problems are not dealt with in time, it will have a serious impact on the safety, durability and usability of the structure, and the safety and quality problems should be immediately formulated and dealt with according to the requirements of the Chenzhou Construction Project Quality and Safety Supervision Station, and the serious safety hazards should be dealt with in a timely manner.

The garage is full of loopholes, the developer and the construction party are busy fighting lawsuits, the owner: we only care about when to change it

There is a legal dispute between the developer and the construction party, and rectification is still being negotiated

On the afternoon of September 11, Mange called the person in charge of Chenzhou Xiang'an Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. Daniel Zhang, who said that there was no subcontracting outsourcing of the project, and the construction was carried out by the company's internal personnel, which was a "labor problem for employees". "The actual construction person Li Meisheng is also an employee of our company, he is the project manager of the project, we ignored the labor subcontracting aspect, and signed a contract with a worker surnamed Duan in the name of the other party, but he did not have the qualification of the labor service company, and later we were fined 300,000 yuan by the Housing and Construction Bureau because of this matter." Daniel Zhang said.

For the yellow mud that appears on the floor slabs and other parts, Daniel Zhang said that the floor slabs of the underground parking lot are hollow roof technology. "It's equivalent of a beamless structure, the interior is empty, and it must be filled with concrete." Daniel Zhang said that the people in his own construction unit left the site in 2018, "To be honest, we don't know where the yellow mud came from, nor do we know who wiped it." ”

Daniel Zhang said that the construction site area is relatively large, and the phenomenon of exposed steel bars is also there. "This is a common quality disease, maybe we did not do it in some places during the construction process, this phenomenon is there, but it has no impact on the overall structure." For the phenomenon of wall water seepage, Daniel Zhang said that water seepage is also a common quality disease, "Next to the building is a mountain, (wall) completely impermeable water is not possible." Daniel Zhang also revealed that for some reasons, the construction party and the developer are fighting a lawsuit.

Man Ge learned that the developer and the construction party of the Shangpin Fucheng real estate had different opinions on issues such as construction quality, progress, and project payment, and made a bad fuss and eventually went to court. The developer said that because the construction party had illegal outsourcing subcontracting, unqualified quality and three unexplained shutdowns, it was reasonable to terminate the contract with the construction party. The construction party said that there was a huge disagreement with the developer on the settlement of the project payment.

For who loses and who wins the lawsuit, the owners do not care, they are concerned about the rectification of the underground parking garage. Previously, due to the freezing of the developer's account, the quality of the building has not been rectified. On September 11, Zhou Jingyun, the head of the developer, said in an interview with reporters that he would help solve the rectification problem of the underground parking lot.

At present, regarding the rectification of the underground parking lot of Chenzhou Shangpin Fucheng Building, many people are still negotiating.

Xiaoxiang Morning Post reporter Man Yankun reported from Changsha

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