
From "nothing" to "top stream", Wang Jianlin relies on red business? Red "top stream" to take the ground "different red" to avoid "heavy" on "light"

author:Wind and financial news depth

When you love a city and wander through it from time to time, not only your soul, but even your body, will become so familiar with these streets that years later, in a wave of sorrow, perhaps caused by the sad falling snow, your legs will automatically lead you to one of your favorite hills.

— "My Name Is Red" Pamuk

Chen Tingting

On October 11, 2021, the autumn in Yan'an was more severe and intense than in previous years. On this day, the crowds were crowded, the red flag was hunting, and Wanda Group announced the official launch of the strategic cooperation with FAW Hongqi here.

It is already impossible to count the number of times That Wang Jianlin has set foot on the land of Yan'an, and this time it was a cluster of new Hongqi cars that came to Nanniwan Airport to pick up the plane.

Yan'an has a unique significance for today's Chinese businessmen. In the "Twenty-two Military Regulations of Zhejiang Merchants" circulated, the first one is to watch the CCTV-1 news broadcast, in order to grasp the economic bureau, we must pay attention to the political situation, which is the best barometer for Chinese businessmen. The spirit of Yan'an is the general direction that merchants must firmly grasp when sailing ships.

At a summit in Xi'an in 2017, Ma Yun said: "At the most difficult time of my life, I went to Yan'an, where I meditated for a few days and made a decision that seems very remarkable and successful today to establish Taobao. ”

If Yan'an is the starting point for Ma Yun to build a business empire, then for the former richest man, Wang Jianlin, it is a turning point in his life.

When Wang Jianlin took the key to the Hongqi car handed over by Xu Liuping, chairman of China FAW, he said emotionally that he would personally take the lead, and all senior executives above the vice president of Wanda would change to Hongqi cars.

This scene is not a prelude, but an echo, and it is the dignity of Wang Jianlin's return to the public eye in the past four years under the light of the spirit of Yan'an.

From "nothing" to "top stream", Wang Jianlin relies on red business? Red "top stream" to take the ground "different red" to avoid "heavy" on "light"

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="50" > red "top stream"</h1>

In January 2017, Wang Jianlin, who had not yet understood the "sound of the strings" of the Yan'an spirit, was still the richest man in the country that year. At that time, he was full of spirits, and at the annual meeting, he showed his voice and sang a song "Nothing". Netizens have praised: "The real estate developer who can't sing is not a good richest man, this is still the richest man with a musical dream!" ”

Unexpectedly, in less than half a year, it became a slur, and it was really "nothing". In July of the same year, Wang Jianlin "broke his wrist" to deleverage, he packaged 13 "Wanda Cultural Tourism" projects and more than 70 hotels to sell to Sun Hongbin and Li Silian, dumped a considerable part of Wanda Plaza to Zhu Mengyi, gave the department store to Suning, and sold the Changbai Mountain Resort to Sun Xishuang.

The 13 cultural tourism projects sold, including Wanda City and amusement parks around the world, are the "heart meat" that Wang Jianlin values most, and Wang Jianlin calls Disney for this, and has set Wanda the goal of becoming the world's largest cultural tourism enterprise within five years.

People in front of the red fried chicken, in the blink of an eye, all hands over to people, people began to sigh "Wanda is not working", "the richest man is not working". A documentary filmmaker told Fengcaixun that a documentary about the richest man who had been filming for several years had been forced to stop, and the investment in previous years had been wasted.

When the laurel of the "richest man" no longer appeared under the magnesium lamp, careful netizens found that the streets and alleys of Yan'an had more than a businessman named Wang Jianlin.

On April 16, 2019, after Wang Jianlin arrived in Yan'an again, he went straight to Yanchuan County and rushed to Liangjiahe for the first time. He visited under the guidance of the docent and took a group photo in front of the banner "Shaanxi is the root, Yan'an is the soul, Yanchuan is my second hometown" and the former residence of Zhiqing.

Two days later, on April 18, 2019, Wanda Group launched China's first red-themed Wanda City in Yan'an. This Wanda City, located in yan'an high-tech zone, overlooks Baota Mountain in the distance. The project covers an area of about 1,900 acres, with a total investment of 12 billion yuan, and its Chinese tourism investment of about 4 billion yuan, which is known as a collection of patriotic education, tourism and vacation, intangible cultural heritage display experience, including red theme blocks, red theme indoor parks, red theme theaters, resort hotels and other content.

At that time, Wanda said that the project would be used as a gift project in Yan'an to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the patriotic education party. Yan'an Wanda City will highlight the theme of red culture, and the building as a whole adopts the architectural characteristics of the Yan'an Revolution period, setting up 4 theme blocks of revolutionary culture, military entertainment, traditional intangible cultural heritage, and passionate years, as well as 5 squares representing the red theme of different periods in Yan'an.

"With a high sense of historical mission and social responsibility, Wanda Group will carry forward the spirit of Yan'an and build Yan'an Wanda City into a new brand of national red tourism." Wang Jianlin's words resounded throughout the yellow land.

On April 22, 2020, Yan'an Red Street Red Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. was registered and established. By June 12 this year, Yan'an Red Street was officially opened. According to the data disclosed by Wanda Group, on July 12, Yan'an Red Street opened for a full moon, and the cumulative passenger flow in the first month exceeded 2 million.

It is worth noting that in October this year, in a red light of flag dancing, the first phase of Yan'an Wanda City JinhuaFu officially ushered in the delivery of the house. The income from the residential part has injected a steady stream of cash flow into Yan'an Wanda City.

This year coincides with the centenary of the founding of the party, 2021 has been determined by many places as the "year of red tourism", red tourism ushered in multiple dividend blessings, Xinhua Ruisi data show that in this year's "May Day" netizen travel choices, "red tourism" heat value as high as 93.14. According to Ctrip community data, red tourism increased by about 7 times during the May Day period compared with the same period in April. Compared with the same period in 2019, Ctrip's order volume for red tourist attractions increased by about 375%.

On the supply side of the tourism market, new routes and new ways of playing "red tourism" continue to emerge, which are deeply integrated with ecological tourism, humanistic tourism, folklore tourism, research and study tourism, etc., forming a new tourism format. Xibaipo, Shaoshan, Yan'an, Jinggangshan, Jiaxing... These places have become highly concerned red tourist destinations.

With the east wind of red tourism, the weather, place, and people are readily available, yan'an red street became a hit, and Yan'an Wanda City became wanda's red "top stream" as desired.

After just two years of paving, Wang Jianlin's house was "red" and his car was also "red", and under the background of the spiritual back plate of Yan'an, Wang Jianlin, who was not the richest man, appeared even more red.

People say, "Wang Jianlin returned", returned with the spirit of Yan'an, no longer sing karaoke, no longer think about "a hundred million small goals". He drew a red tourism road map on the one hand and restarted the cultural tourism industry; on the other hand, he drove a red flag car and made great efforts to "make the high-end national automobile brand bigger and stronger".

From "nothing" to "top stream", Wang Jianlin relies on red business? Red "top stream" to take the ground "different red" to avoid "heavy" on "light"

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="51" > "different red"</h1>

What the heart desires, the eyes see. Under the guidance of the red spirit, Wang Jianlin waved his finger, and Wanda Nadi was also different from "red".

Prior to Yan'an, in 2018, Wanda signed a cooperation agreement with the People's Government of Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, planning to invest 10 billion yuan to develop and build a Wanda Red Cultural Tourism Project and two Wanda Plazas. The Wanda Red Cultural Tourism Project covers an area of about 67 hectares, which will become a key project for Zunyi to build a famous red cultural heritage base in China according to Wanda's vision.

On October 14 this year, the zunyi public resources trading center state-owned construction land use rights listing and transfer results were announced, Wanda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. bid 1.56 billion yuan for Renhuai Municipal Party Committee Party School North Side A1, Renhuai Municipal Party Committee Party School North Side A2, Renhuai Municipal Party Committee Party School North Side A3, Renhuai Municipal Party Committee Party School North Side A4, Renhuai Municipal Party Committee Party School North Side A5 and Renhuai Municipal Party Committee Party School North Side B A total of 6 plots.

The total transfer area of the 6 plots is about 368,000 square meters, of which the A5 plot on the north side of the Party School of the Renhuai Municipal Party Committee is located in the Huangjiatian Community of Luban Street, and the remaining 5 plots are located in the Shangli Community of Luban Street.

From the perspective of land nature, plot B on the north side of the Party School of Renhuai Municipal Party Committee among the 6 plots is commercial land, with a transfer period of 40 years, and the remaining 5 plots are compatible commercial land for urban residential land.

In fact, since October 2018, Wang Jianlin has taken Zunyi as a starting point and planned to invest as much as 160 billion yuan in cultural tourism projects in Lanzhou, Yan'an, Guangzhou, Dalian, Chaozhou and Shenyang.

Since 2021, Wang Jianlin, known as a "labor model", has arranged the itinerary to the fullest. Including the opening of Yan'an Red Street on June 12, Wang Jianlin personally attended the scene, and on the same day, he was received by the relevant leaders of the Yan'an Municipal Party Committee.

On April 29, Wanda Group, Moutai Group and Renhuai Municipal Government of Guizhou Province signed an investment cooperation agreement to invest in the construction of a large-scale urban commercial complex project in the Southern New Area of Renhuai City. The project is scheduled to be completed and opened by the end of 2022.

According to incomplete statistics, since the beginning of this year, Wang Jianlin has visited jilin, Guizhou, Zhuhai, Tianjin, Changchun, Dalian, Chengde, Meishan, Zhaoqing and other places, focusing on the local investment layout of "New Wanda" or further deepening or expanding the field of cooperation.

When the richest man is no longer "floating", but is back to the businessman Wang Jianlin, there is also the scene at the beginning of the article.

From "nothing" to "top stream", Wang Jianlin relies on red business? Red "top stream" to take the ground "different red" to avoid "heavy" on "light"

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="41" > avoid "heavy" is "light"</h1>

Wanda has changed, not only the change in the mentality of the founder of the company, not only the transformation of the business model, but also the turn of the product attitude.

Today's Wanda, the focus of the industry on Wanda Commerce, Wanda Culture, Wanda investment 3 areas, the investment direction from foreign to domestic, from heavy to light, this is a major change in Wanda's transformation in recent years.

In the process of becoming "light" in assets, the asset-light transformation of Wanda Commercial Management is the most thorough.

As of the end of September this year, Wanda Commercial Management has opened 58 asset-light projects. There are 166 Wanda Plazas under construction, of which 128 are light assets, and the projects under construction basically meet the plans of Wanda Commercial Management for the next 3 years and open no less than 50 Wanda Plazas every year. In 2020, Wanda Commercial Management is expected to sign 65 to 70 asset-light projects throughout the year. It is understood that in the future, there will be no less than 60 "asset-light" Wanda Plazas signed each year, and Wanda Commercial Management will be completely asset-light.

On September 29, Wanda Commercial Management officially announced that from 2021, Wanda Commercial Management will no longer develop heavy assets, that is, it will no longer invest in and hold Wanda Plaza properties, and fully implement the asset-light strategy.

The "light assets" of Wanda Commercial Management refers to the fact that Wanda does not produce funds from Wanda Plaza, only exports brands, is responsible for design, construction and operation, and distributes the proceeds. In other words, Wanda Commercial Management no longer develops "heavy assets", that is, it no longer invests in and holds Wanda Plaza properties.

On October 18, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management Group Co., Ltd. (i.e. Wanda Commercial Management) was approved for the overseas initial public offering of shares, and the CSRC issued a notice of acceptance, which means that Wanda Commercial Management has entered the substantive stage of the Hong Kong stock IPO.

It's a cool autumn! Wang Jianlin's autumn has been better than anyone else's. Compared with the rock middle-aged who sang "Nothing", Wang Jianlin, who was dyed red from the inside out, is obviously more in line with the personality of the military and can better understand the essence of the red business.

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