
It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

author:Movie sharing coffee

Who can kill superheroes? Probably only superhero capes!

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history
It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

Once upon a time, the cape was the most iconic piece of equipment in the superhero's entire body.

You see even Luthor's line in Batman v Superman says, "The Red Cloak is coming!" ”

disagree? So what do you say is the superhero's most iconic piece of equipment?

What do you say underwear to wear outside?

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history


It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history
It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

(Da Chao: no panties and a little shy ~)

What do you say tights?

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

Autumn clothes and autumn pants have long been obsolete, you see that the old man with the gray silk body has transformed into an armor warrior:

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

Batman: The Dark Knight

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

Batman v Superman

What do you say face mask?

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

It is true that superheroes will still wear eye masks or face masks for the purpose of protecting privacy, protecting faces, and pure handsomeness, but there are also many superheroes who have deleted the masks in the process of live-action adaptations in order to improve recognition.

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

(Of course, Uncle Wolf can't ask for such a handsome mask!) )

Only the cloak, for decades to accompany the superheroes, even if the conditions are not allowed during shooting, the post-p must be p up. It's as if that's what superheroes are all about. (Of course, this is a necessary and insufficient condition, the little spider does not have a cape, right, you bar fine control - said by the protagonist of this article not author)

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history
It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

But there was such a person, she said:

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

"绝对,Absolutely,absolutely,NO CAPES,Inseparable!"

Believe it or not:

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

Thunderbolt head, the cape is hung by the tail of the missile;

Woman of the Wind, the cloak is sucked into the engine blades;

ZhongyuanXia, who is dragged by a cloak on a high-speed elevator;

A powerful man, the cape is hooked during take-off;

Flying down from the sky, and being swept into a whirlwind with a cape...

So, absolutely, can't have a cape!

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

In fact, the bold and playful idea of superheroes being killed by cloaks has also been seen in the comic book god Arun Moore, and Zack Schneider's "Watchmen" has also been presented.

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history


But to say that this kind of boycott of the cloak rises to the level of fashion spirit, it has to be our lady of the dress.

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

"I can't stand you wearing such outdated clothes and going out in chivalry!"

Yes, it is the domineering aunt in front of you who has round glasses.

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

Mrs. Yi, Edna M. E. Mod, aka Moyina. I personally designed all the robes for the super power family, which can meet the requirements of various super powers for clothing.

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

In the story setting of "The Incredibles", Mrs. Yi's old line is to design battle robes for superheroes, but because of the decline of superheroes around the world and forced to become a costume designer, she can't look at this job, thinking that the models are "nitpicking, selfish skinny bamboo poles", and the work is not challenging.

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

"Supermodels aren't super at all!"

So, when the super dad asked her to go out to the mountain to design the battle robe, the veteran suddenly ignited unlimited enthusiasm (of course, the surface still has to maintain an arrogant, elegant and picky public relations image).

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history
It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

Although there is no official evidence, it is generally believed that Mrs. Yi's style is a reference to Anna Wintur, the legendary editor-in-chief of Vogue magazine. That's right, the fashion editor-in-chief played by "Aunt May" Meryl Streep in "The Devil Who Wears PRADA" is also based on Anna.

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

So, there is a diagram like this:

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

(See watermark for source)

The Incredibles won the 77th Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, and 14 years after Rotten Tomatoes freshness, it still holds 97% and grosses $633 million worldwide (less than 100 million on a budget). To say that it is Pixar's highest-grossing movie, not really, but it must be one of Pixar's most classic movies.

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

After 14 years, the Super Power family has returned.

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

Noticed? The poster also has our knife mouth gold heart of the dress lady!

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

Don't add a cape, we'll see you in the cinema on June 22nd.


All said don't wear a cape!

It turns out that the superhero cloak is the most ferocious weapon in history

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