
The aerospace science picture book "Take Me to the Moon" series was officially published

author:China Daily

China Daily, May 28 (Reporter Zhao Lei) On the occasion of the "June 1st" International Children's Day, the "Take Me to the Moon" original aerospace science picture book series ("I Want to Go to the Moon", "Take Me to the Moon", "Home on the Moon") organized and approved by the Second Institute of Chinese Aerospace Science and Industry (208) was officially published, and Ye Peijian, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, people's scientist, Wu Weiren, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, chief designer of China's lunar exploration project, and Zhong Shan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Wu Zhijian, chairman of the China Space Foundation, and many other experts in the field of aerospace and well-known children's reading promoters jointly recommended it. As a space science popularization book recommended by the China Aerospace Foundation, the "Take Me to the Moon" series is the successor to the "Journey to Space" Chinese Manned Space Science Picture Book Series ("I want to go to space", "The spaceship has lifted off", "Hello!). Space Station" after that, the Second Academy of Aerospace Science and Industry of China solemnly launched another original science popularization work.

The aerospace science picture book "Take Me to the Moon" series was officially published

"Take Me to the Moon" popular science picture book series

This book is the first set of the latest reading materials for children to introduce the whole process of Chang'e lunar exploration to children since Chang'e 5 returned to the lunar soil. According to the trilogy timeline of "The Origin and Development of the Moon - China's Chang'e Lunar Exploration Project - Building a Lunar Base", the whole book allows children to clearly and comprehensively clarify the past, present and future of the moon. Guide children to start from a comprehensive understanding of the moon, plant a seed of exploring the starry sky in their hearts, so that children can learn and inherit the spirit of Chinese astronauts chasing dreams, daring to explore, coordinating and win-win cooperation while obtaining aerospace knowledge.

The whole book presents hard-core science popularization through Chinese style, and cultivates children's national pride from an early age. In terms of storytelling, it unfolds in a friendly and cute first-person language, and the storyline twists and turns, telling children stories and letting children learn knowledge. Exquisite painting integrates science with art, and uses vast large-scale scene composition to bring children an immersive reading experience and stimulate children's imagination of the universe more. From Chang'e flying, mid-autumn moon viewing, Qiantang tide watching, to more Chinese stories related to the moon, let children approach the moon from all aspects of life and understand the moon. From Chang'e 1 to No. 5, and then to Tianwen No. 1 with the "Zhurong" rover landing on Mars, take children to feel every thrilling interstellar exploration process. From the training plan of the lunar astronauts to the future manned moon landing, the establishment of lunar research stations, and then to the construction of the lunar base, this book uses a forward-looking scientific vision and fine realistic style illustrations to string together more than 100 lunar science knowledge with interesting pictures and texts, so that children can immerse themselves in the scene, open their minds, and imagine the wonderful life on the moon.

Previously, the "Journey to Space" Chinese Manned Space Science Picture Book Series ("I Want to Go to Space", "Spaceship Lift-off", "Hello!) organized and approved by the 208 Institute for the first time Space Station"), has won many awards such as 2019 Laureate Book, 2019 National Excellent Popular Science Works, and 2019 Influential Picture Book.

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