
Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

Spring is here, and of course you have to eat delicious matcha cake! Matcha powder, cake powder ready to !!!

By Dog Patrol


Low gluten flour 45 g

Matcha powder 5 g

3 eggs

Milk 50 g

Salad oil or corn oil 35 g

White sugar 45

White vinegar a few drops

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

1. Prepare the above materials

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

2. Pour oil and milk together

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

3: Stir well with egg pumping and stir into an emulsified shape like the picture

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

4: Sift matcha powder and low gluten flour together into the emulsified liquid and mix well

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

5, the egg white and egg yolk separation, egg white can not be mixed with egg yolk, water, oil and other liquids

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

6: Add the egg yolks to the batter and stir well

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

7, next beat the protein, first drop a few drops of white vinegar into the protein, medium and high speed to send, hit until a large fish eye bubble appears, add one-third of the white sugar.

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

8: Continue until small bubbles appear and add one-third of the sugar

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

9, continue to send, when the delicate lines begin to appear, add the last sugar, low and medium speed, and finally low speed finishing meringos

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

10, sent to this extent, lift the egg pumping has a small sharp corner to appear

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

11: Add one-third of the meringue to the egg yolk paste and mix it well carefully, and then pour the mixed batter into the remaining meringue and mix well

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

12, pour into the six-inch mold, do not stick oil paper in the mold

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

13, light vibration mold, put on the baking sheet, sent to the oven, the upper tube 120, the lower tube 140, baking for one hour

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

14, gradually expanding

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

15, after maturity, quickly take out, first gently shake the mold, and then buckle upside down, and then release the mold after it is cool

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

16, very beautiful and perfect six inch matcha chiffon

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

17, cut open to see, delicate and soft

Beginner's easy six-inch matcha chiffon cake

18. Fluffy and sweet

<h2>Nutritional benefits of low gluten flour</h2>

Nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, remove heat, quench thirst, and treat dirty, irritable, thirst-

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