
Excessive fright, resulting in difficulty in excitation, beneficial kidney calm to recover

author:Traditional Chinese medicine is easy to say internal medicine

"Director, I have something special about this situation, I said, don't laugh at me."

It can be seen from this sentence that the patient's mind is more sensitive, and after agreeing to him, the patient tells his experience.

Excessive fright, resulting in difficulty in excitation, beneficial kidney calm to recover

"I was driving a big car, basically only once in half a year, Xiao Beisheng was newly married, the last time I went home, I didn't hold back during the day, just when I was fully engaged in it, I didn't know what was wrong outside, there was a loud noise, I was instantly frightened, I felt that my legs and stomach were soft, and then it was difficult to cheer up, a few months passed, thinking about the situation at that time, I always felt palpitations, I didn't have an appetite for anything, and the urine was often sparsely pulled, like a faucet that was not turned off, Director, what do you say I am in, Is there any hope of recovery? At this point, the patient's emotions are a little nervous, and the eyes have become confused.

Excessive fright, resulting in difficulty in excitation, beneficial kidney calm to recover

I often say that Chinese medicine to see the doctor, looking at the smell and asking, are indispensable, after understanding the basic situation of the patient, but also look at his tongue, this patient's tongue is light, moss white, diagnosis pulse, pulse thin and heavy. Combining his symptoms, tongue and veins, I gave him the identification of kidney deficiency and restlessness.

Because the difficulty caused by panic is not uncommon in the clinic, the kidney is determined to be afraid, afraid of hurting the kidney, suddenly frightened or long-term immersion in fear will hurt the kidneys, after the kidneys are injured, the function can not function normally, there will be a difficult situation.

Excessive fright, resulting in difficulty in excitation, beneficial kidney calm to recover

For example, we ordinary people often say: scared to fart rolling urine flow, is a good example, Chinese medicine believes that the shock is chaotic, fear is the gas, the gas is injected, the blood is followed, the kidney main water, the second stool, after being frightened, the kidney is hurt, the kidney qi is not solid, can not keep the door, naturally all come out.

There is also the fact that the patient's condition is that he is in the yang and is frightened, so it is difficult to excite. The blood of the heart lord is in a dominant position in the internal organs, and in the process of acting, all the internal organs must be controlled and commanded by the mind. The patient is suddenly frightened, the mind is absent, the qi and blood are not controlled, they fall into chaos, and the internal organs and qi and blood lack the command and command of the mind, and naturally cannot be lifted.

Excessive fright, resulting in difficulty in excitation, beneficial kidney calm to recover

This situation should help the kidneys calm down, let the mind settle down, and the kidney qi be sufficient, so this formula was prescribed to him: silkworm silk, dogwood, sichuan break, shayuanzi, calcined keel, calcined oysters, white tribulus terrestris, Yuanzhi, sour jujube kernels, acacia peel, burning astragalus, party ginseng, cohosh, centipede.

After a course of treatment, the patient's palpitations disappear, the urinary situation has improved, and it can also be lifted, but the tenacity is not enough, the original prescription continues to take two courses, the patient's lifting returns to normal, other symptoms disappear, and life is on the right track.

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