
Crispy and tender shrimp dumplings, a mouthful of calcium supplement 2 mouths of eye protection, no rolling skin and no frying, super simple to make!

author:Food supplements
Crispy and tender shrimp dumplings, a mouthful of calcium supplement 2 mouths of eye protection, no rolling skin and no frying, super simple to make!

Recently, a friend left me a message "complaining": don't always make steamed cakes and small cakes, the baby will be tired of eating!

So today I specially made this sunflower shrimp dumpling to change the taste of the babies!

Don't look at it as shrimp dumplings, but don't roll out the skin with noodles, just a few wonton skins can be done~

Crispy and tender shrimp dumplings, a mouthful of calcium supplement 2 mouths of eye protection, no rolling skin and no frying, super simple to make!

And it can be golden without frying or oven, and it is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside!

I used soft and tender shrimp meat with high calcium content and celery. Celery has a high content of vitamin A and carotene, so when combined, it not only supplements calcium but also protects the eyes

A small one, a baby in one hand! Give the baby a small snack, it is so amazing~

Crispy and tender shrimp dumplings, a mouthful of calcium supplement 2 mouths of eye protection, no rolling skin and no frying, super simple to make!

At the end of the article, I also summarized the practice of the oven version and the pan version for everyone, and if you are interested, you must read it!

Sunflower shrimp dumplings reference month age: 12M+

Ingredients: Egg yolks: 1 piece, Fresh shrimp: 60 g, Celery: 15 g, Wonton skin: 10 pieces, Black sesame seeds: to taste

The amount of ingredients only represents the amount of preparation, not the amount added by the baby

Crispy and tender shrimp dumplings, a mouthful of calcium supplement 2 mouths of eye protection, no rolling skin and no frying, super simple to make!

1. Cut the shrimp meat into small pieces, pour into a cooking cup and whisk into shrimp puree.

»Soak the shallots and ginger in water for 10 minutes to remove fishy.

»There are two shrimp lines on the back and abdomen of the shrimp, so remember to remove them.«

Crispy and tender shrimp dumplings, a mouthful of calcium supplement 2 mouths of eye protection, no rolling skin and no frying, super simple to make!

2. Blanch the celery on high heat for 3 minutes, remove and chop, pour into the shrimp puree and stir well.

Crispy and tender shrimp dumplings, a mouthful of calcium supplement 2 mouths of eye protection, no rolling skin and no frying, super simple to make!

3. Take a piece of wonton skin and brush it with water, put the stirred shrimp filling, cover it with a wonton skin and compact it around.

Crispy and tender shrimp dumplings, a mouthful of calcium supplement 2 mouths of eye protection, no rolling skin and no frying, super simple to make!

4. Use a mold to cut out the flower pattern, brush the surface of the flower with egg yolk liquid, and sprinkle with black sesame seeds.

»If there is no mold, you can use the bottle cap and then use a fork to press out the pattern at the edge.

Crispy and tender shrimp dumplings, a mouthful of calcium supplement 2 mouths of eye protection, no rolling skin and no frying, super simple to make!

5. Bake at 120 degrees in a preheated air fryer for 10 minutes.

Crispy and tender shrimp dumplings, a mouthful of calcium supplement 2 mouths of eye protection, no rolling skin and no frying, super simple to make!

6. Finished ~ golden brilliant color, with black sesame seeds, a beautiful sunflower, can definitely attract the baby's attention!

One bite down, crispy and tender, shrimp fresh, celery aroma mixed together, the baby will love it ~ hurry up and do it!

Crispy and tender shrimp dumplings, a mouthful of calcium supplement 2 mouths of eye protection, no rolling skin and no frying, super simple to make!

Production points

● The air fryer needs to be preheated in advance, otherwise it will affect the judgment of the baking time.

● The air fryer can not pad silicone oil paper when using, and there is an exhaust fan above the air fryer, which will suck the silicone oil paper together with the food (except for heavier food).

Other practices

● Pan version: brush the oil in the pan, add shrimp dumplings and brush with egg yolk liquid, turn on medium heat and fry for 3 minutes. Pour in 3 grams of water, cover the pot and continue simmering for 3 minutes, and you're done.

● Oven version: The previous steps are the same, brush the egg mixture and sprinkle with black sesame seeds, put it in the preheated oven, bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes, and finish.

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