
As soon as you eat pig's blood, you pull black stools, is the toxin in your lungs discharged? Before eating, I can see that many people believe in "pig blood detoxification", is it actually true? Since pig blood cannot be detoxified, why is it that the large discharge is black? Is eating pig blood good for the body?


"Mom, did you boil pig's blood again?" The whole house is full of this smell. Li Li shouted as soon as she got home from school.

Li Li's mother, Ms. Liu, usually likes to cook pig blood for her family to eat, because she has heard others say that eating more pig blood can go to dust and clear the lungs, and can also help detoxify, plus pig blood is cheap, so she has to go to the market almost every day to buy a little back.

But Li Li does not think so, she feels that pig blood is an ordinary food, does not have the effect of detoxification, and eats every day, has been tired of eating, and now as soon as she smells the taste of pig blood, she feels like vomiting.

Pig blood is a common ingredient, does it really have detoxifying properties?

As soon as you eat pig's blood, you pull black stools, is the toxin in your lungs discharged? Before eating, I can see that many people believe in "pig blood detoxification", is it actually true? Since pig blood cannot be detoxified, why is it that the large discharge is black? Is eating pig blood good for the body?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > many people believe in "pig blood detoxification", is it actually true? </h1>

The taste of pig blood is tender and smooth, and there are a variety of ways to eat, is a kind of food that many people love to eat, about pig blood, there is such a legend, saying that eating pig blood can detoxify, because after eating pig blood will discharge black stool, representing that the toxins in the body are discharged, is this true?

In fact, it is unscientific to say that eating pig blood can detoxify, and the reason why black stools are excreted after eating pig blood is a normal phenomenon produced by the human body after digesting pig blood, and it has nothing to do with toxins.

In fact, "diet detox" is all fake. Many people think that our body will constantly produce toxins, so we need to eat some foods with "detoxification" effects, but "detoxification" is only a marketing concept and has no scientific basis.

The famous medical and health website in the United States mentioned: Don't waste money and time to detoxify the body, because no matter what you eat, our body itself is a detox expert with a perfect "detoxification system".

Only the intake of nutrients is balanced, coupled with moderate exercise, can make the body's "detoxification system" work well, and there is no need to eat extra food to help the body "detoxify".

As soon as you eat pig's blood, you pull black stools, is the toxin in your lungs discharged? Before eating, I can see that many people believe in "pig blood detoxification", is it actually true? Since pig blood cannot be detoxified, why is it that the large discharge is black? Is eating pig blood good for the body?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" >When pig blood cannot be detoxified, why is the large discharge black? </h1>

Many people think that since pig blood cannot be detoxified, why does it excrete black stool? In fact, eating pig blood will discharge black stools, because the iron content of pig blood is high, and its existence form is heme iron, which is easily digested and absorbed by the human body.

After eating pig blood, some iron elements cannot be absorbed by the small intestine, and the remaining iron that has not been absorbed will become iron sulfide under the action of microorganisms, and when iron sulfide is discharged with food residues, it will react with the stool, resulting in black stool.

In addition to pig blood, pork liver, spinach, beef liver and other foods also contain iron, and black stools will appear after eating. In fact, in addition to being related to food, the appearance of black stool may also imply some diseases.

The most common cause is gastrointestinal bleeding, black stool is also accompanied by fatigue, dizziness, pale face and other symptoms, it may be gastrointestinal bleeding. It may also be a disease such as gastrointestinal cancer or ulcers, acute hemorrhagic gastritis, etc.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="39" > eat pig blood, is it good for the body? </h1>

Pig blood is rich in nutrients, rich in iron, calcium, protein, etc., and eating some pig blood in moderation has certain benefits for the body.

Prevention of iron deficiency anemia: the iron content of pig blood is relatively high, the iron content per 100 grams of pig blood can be as high as 45 mg, which is many times higher than pig liver and eggs, and the iron ions in the human body and the iron ionization in pig blood are the same, which is easier to be absorbed by the human body.

As soon as you eat pig's blood, you pull black stools, is the toxin in your lungs discharged? Before eating, I can see that many people believe in "pig blood detoxification", is it actually true? Since pig blood cannot be detoxified, why is it that the large discharge is black? Is eating pig blood good for the body?

Prevention of constipation: pig blood has a laxative function, the plasma protein of pig blood can be digested and decomposed in the intestine, and the residue that is not digested can absorb a large amount of water, playing a role in smooth intestinal laxative.

In addition, pig blood contains copper, zinc and other trace elements, with anti-aging and improve immunity effect, the elderly often eat pig blood can delay aging; pig blood contains lecithin, can inhibit the harm of low-density lipoprotein to the human body, has a good effect on the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

Although pig blood is good, there are some noteworthy places, and the daily consumption is about 150 to 200 grams, and it is appropriate to eat 2 to 3 times a week.

The cholesterol in pig blood is high, which is easy to aggravate hypercholesterolemia, resulting in dizziness and headaches, so patients with hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and coronary heart disease should eat less.

Pig blood is easily contaminated in the process of collection, so when buying pig blood, learn to distinguish what is good pig blood, what methods can help identify good pig blood?

Look at the color: good pig blood should be dark red, if it is found that pig blood is a particularly bright red color or the color is gray and cloudy, it is inferior pig blood;

Smell: Good pig blood smells a faint smell of blood, but inferior pig blood smells no;

As soon as you eat pig's blood, you pull black stools, is the toxin in your lungs discharged? Before eating, I can see that many people believe in "pig blood detoxification", is it actually true? Since pig blood cannot be detoxified, why is it that the large discharge is black? Is eating pig blood good for the body?

Press the elasticity: gently press the pig blood with your hand, good pig blood is easy to break, elastic, inferior pig blood is not easy to break;

Check the stomata: When purchasing, you can check the cross-section of pig blood, the cross-section of good quality pig blood is relatively rough, and there are many irregular stomata, but the stomata of the cross-section of inferior pig blood are few, and the cut surface is flat and smooth.

In short, pig blood does not have a detoxifying effect, but it is undeniable that pig blood does have high nutritional value, and moderate consumption has certain benefits.


[1] "It's Normal to Pull Black After Eating Pig's Blood". Health Times.2019-04-26

[2] "The body comes with its own "detoxification system" Diet "detoxification" is all flickering". China Women's Daily.2021-01-06

[3] "Beauty And Skin Care, Pig Blood". Health Times.2015-10-18

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