
Baishui County, Shaanxi Is Indeed the Birthplace of Du kang Liquor

author:A painful story

Du Kang wine is the oldest historical wine in China, and it is also produced in Du Kang Village, the cradle of Chinese wine culture, which has attracted countless celebrities from ancient and modern China and abroad to praise it and effectively promoted the continuous development of Du Kang wine.

Du Kang Village is located 50 kilometers south of Luoyang City, where du Kang, a master winemaker of the Xia Dynasty, is said to have made wine. But there is also a reliable saying that Kangjiawei Village in Dayang Township, Baishui County, Shaanxi Province, is the birthplace of Du Kang wine.

Baishui County, Shaanxi Is Indeed the Birthplace of Du kang Liquor

 According to historical data and archaeology, Du kang liquor was indeed brewed in Baishui County, Shaanxi. The former site of Du Kang's wine-making workshop is in Kangjiawei Village, Dayang Township, Baishui County, Shaanxi Province. This village is surrounded by three mountains, beautiful scenery, pine and cypress evergreen, there is a large ditch nearby, the water is clear to the bottom, because Du Kang makes wine on the bank of this ditch, so it is named Du Kang Ditch. There is a clear spring at the bottom of the ditch, and the spring water gushes up from the ground. According to the Qing Dynasty's "Records of Baishui County", "The spring is faintly spewed out, inexhaustible in winter, flowing for four miles, into the Baishui River, and the villagers say that this water still has a wine smell." It is also remembered: "Du Kang took this water to make wine", known as Du Kang Spring. According to the test of the relevant scientific research departments, the water is neutral, the hardness is low, the calcium is less, the impurities are less, the specific weight is heavy, the carbonate-containing substances are high, and the clarity is easy to precipitate. Raw water is sweet and refreshing, and it is indeed the best spring water for sake brewing. Brew wine with this water, especially lubricating the aroma. A long time ago, people built a Du Kang Temple next to Du Kang Spring. In the forty-eighth year of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty (1709), it was repaired again. "On the twenty-first day of the first month of every year, men, women and children go to the temple to worship and cook." Now there is an antique pavilion built on top of the spring, and the babbling water runs through the bottom of the pavilion. At that time, Du Kang absorbed sweet and pure spring water here, carefully brewed wine, drank it, doubled the throat, expelled cold and invigorated blood, strengthened the spleen and stomach, invigorated the spirit, prolonged life, and became famous day by day.

  Legend has it that Du Kang used to make incense mash here and offer it to Zhou Tianzi. After Drinking, Tianzi was very happy and unusual, so he named Du Kang a "wine immortal". Since then, for thousands of years, people have been revering Du Kang as the originator of winemaking, and Du Kang ancestral halls have been built in various places to worship the "Du Kang God". Until the founding of New China, famous wine workshops such as Guizhou Maotai, Shanxi Fenjiu, and Shaanxi Xifeng were still following this custom.

  Du Kang is the "ancestor of winemaking" in the ancient legends of our country. Du Kang, also spelled Zhongning, was born in Kangjiawei, Baishui County, Shaanxi, and was buried here. According to the "Chronicle of Baishui County" during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, "Du Kang, the character Zhongning, was a kang family guard of the county and was good at making wine." It also said: "Du Kang's tomb, fifteen miles west of the county, there is still a relic on the side of the tomb, quite a big cloud." In addition, the location of Du Kang's tomb is marked in the county chronicle map. During the Ming Dynasty, the Dukang Temple was built in Dukanggou. The inscription of the "Creation and Repair of Du Gong Ancestral Hall" established by the Qing Kangxi Dynasty in the forty-eighth year reads: "Du Gong Zhen Kang, the character Zhongning, was born in the county of Kang Jiawei, set up a temple tomb in Yan, the history of examination, good at making wine." In addition, in recent years, the county has found 4 stone tablets, which also record Du Kang's life and winemaking achievements. As for Du Kang's winemaking, du Kang's winemaking is mentioned in ancient books, such as "Shiben", "Lü's Spring and Autumn", "Wine History", "Jiuhao", "Wine Classic", "Warring States Policy", "Things Jiyuan", "Chinese Famous Dictionary" and other books. Shi Zai Du Kang once did "Mu Zheng". Once, "the remaining porridge was discarded at mulberry (mulberry cave)". "Again, there is a strange smell", and found that it is the aroma overflowing after the fermentation of the wine in the mulberry tree cave, "Du Kang tasted and was sweet, so he got the secret of winemaking." Since then, Dukan has been in the business of winemaking. The Han Dynasty Shiben records: "YiDi began to make wine mash, changing the five flavors, and Shaokang (that is, Du Kang) made rice wine." In the Eastern Han Dynasty Xu Shen's "Sayings", it is said: "The ancients, Yi Di made wine mash, Yu tasted it and was beautiful, Sui Shu Yi Di, Du Kang made rice wine." Zhang Hua of the Jin Dynasty wrote in the "Naturalist": "Du Kang is good at making wine." In the "History of Wine", it is said: "Du Kang began to make rice wine." Tao Yuanming's "Preface to the Collected Poetry of Wine" wrote: "Yi Di made wine, and Du Kang polished it." Tang Pi Rixiu's "Wine Bed Poem" Yun: "Drip even has a sound, empty doubt Du Kang language." "Tang Dynasty poet Saint Du Fu, during the Anshi Rebellion, zeng huan family went to Baishui to defect to his uncle Cui Shaofu, and wrote many poems such as "Baishui Old House Happy Rain", including: "Du Kang frequently persuades, Zhang Li does not ask for anything". Su Dongpo's "Poem of Stopping Wine" said: "From now on, Dongpo Room, do not stand Du Kang qi." Professor Shi Nianhai, a famous historical geographer in China, after visiting Baishui County, wrote an inscription for Dukang Distillery in Baishui County: "Dukang Holy Land". For thousands of years, Du Kang has been revered by posterity as the "originator of winemaking" and is popular among the people.

  Du Kang's reputation is great, and there is an interesting story: "Legend has it that Du Kang opened a hotel in Baishui Kang Jia Wei. Liu Ling, a famous scholar in the "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest" in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was famous for drinking alcohol. One day, Liu Ling passed by here and saw a couplet posted on the door of the hotel: "The tiger is drunk in the mountains, and the dragon sleeps on the bottom of two cups." Horizontal batch: "Don't get drunk for three years and don't want money.". Liu Ling looked at it, couldn't help but laugh, and thought to himself, I, a well-known mass wine immortal, have never eaten any wine, and I have never seen such a boast. And let me drink all your wine dry, and see if you dare to go crazy? Then, Liu Ling entered the hotel, and Du Kang raised a glass of respect. Who knows, three cups down, Liu Ling only felt the sky spinning, and sure enough, he was drunk, stumbled home, and was drunk for three years. Three years later, Du Kang went to Liu Ling's house to ask for wine money. Family members say Liu Ling has been dead for three years. Liu Ling's wife heard that Du Kang had come to beg for wine money, and she was angry and hateful, so she grabbed Du Kang and cried that she wanted to fight with Du Kang for life. Du Kang smiled: "Liu Ling is not dead, he is drunk." When they arrived at the cemetery, they opened the coffin and looked at it, and Liu Ling's drunkenness had subsided and he slowly woke up. He opened his sleeping eyes, stretched out his arms, yawned a big yawn, blew out a scent of wine, and said triumphantly: "Good wine, what a fragrance!" This is the story of "Du Kang made drunk Liu Ling" that is still circulating in the folk. So far, on the opposite bank of Du Kang's tomb in Kangjiawei Village, Dayang Township, Baishui County, across a small stream, is liu Ling's tomb, stone masonry. In the book "Du Kang Made Drunk Liu Ling" handed down in ancient times, it is written: "Du Kang, the number of good wines in the world, and the largest amount of wine Liu Ling,...... Drank Du Kang wine three cups, drunk Liu Ling for three years. "Of course, this is exaggerated folklore. But Du Kang wine does have the reputation of "opening the altar incense for ten miles, and drunk three next door".

  Ducan wine is one of the precious heritages of our country. For thousands of years, Du Kang has been regarded as the "grandfather" of China's winemaking, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, but its winemaking method has long been lost.

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