
Typos in influencer attractions? The "Lang Evil Old County" was questioned

author:Langya News Network

Langya is the old name of Linyi is well known. However, some citizens have recently questioned a plaque that reads "Lang Evil Ancient County" when playing in the ancient city of Yizhou. Why is the plaque "evil" instead of "lyre"? Is there also a typo in such a historical and cultural place?

Scenic response: The word "Lang Evil" is well documented.

Yizhou ancient city is open to the public free of charge during the Spring Festival this year, attracting a large number of citizens to visit, the scenic spot was built according to the urban pattern of Yizhou in the Ming and Qing dynasties, which restored the landmark architectural landscape of Yizhou City such as Yizhou Fuya and Pingyetai, and the antique buildings made the citizens who came to visit also feel immersed, and it has become a new Internet celebrity punch card.

Typos in influencer attractions? The "Lang Evil Old County" was questioned

The Liu Stele in Puzhao Temple, the former residence of Wang Xizhi

Typos in influencer attractions? The "Lang Evil Old County" was questioned

"Many Pagoda Tablets" Tang Dynasty Yan Zhenqing

Is there any typo on the plaque of "Lang Evil Old County"? The reporter came to the Yizhou Ancient City Scenic Area with questions.

"It's true that a lot of tourists have reacted to this problem to us." Li Guodong, director of planning of the operation section of the Ancient City Scenic Area in Yizhou, told reporters that the construction of the scenic spot is involved by a group of experts, who are responsible for ensuring that the entire scenic spot will not make historical and cultural mistakes, and the use of the word "evil" is also studied by experts.

"The reason we use this 'evil' is because it is well documented." Huang Keyong, an expert in the history of the scenic spot, explained to reporters that in the oldest way of writing, "Langya" is the writing of "Lang Evil".

Typos in influencer attractions? The "Lang Evil Old County" was questioned

In the Han Dynasty, Lang and evil were printed

According to records, after the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty unified the six kingdoms, he divided the world into thirty-six counties, and Langxian County was one of them. In order to consolidate unification, he made many tours, and carved inscriptions in the stones at Yishan, Taishan, Langxiantai, Zhifu Island, Dongguan, Jieshi, Huiji, etc., singing praises for himself, of which the Most Stone Carvings in Langyuetai are the most, but due to their age, only remnants of stone carvings remain. During the Qing Jiaqing period, a peasant under dazhu Mountain cultivated the land with a Han Dynasty seal, a silver turtle button, a square, and a white text known as the "Lang Evil Phase Seal", which is now hidden in the Palace Museum in Beijing, which is now unearthed in the earlier period with the word "Lang Evil". In addition to the xiangyin, there are also unearthed Han Dynasty Houyin, Dianshu Lingyin, and Taishouyin, which are also engraved with the word "Lang Evil". "In addition to this, some literary works have also left a lot of evidence."

Huang Keyong showed reporters the photos of ancient books he collected, and many traces of "Lang evil" could be seen. The ancient Chinese geographical masterpiece "Notes on the Water Classic" records: "The homeland of the Yue King' Gou Jian is also the country." He wants to dominate China and migrate to Lang evil. Yan Zhenqing, a great calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in the "Duo Pagoda Stele", "Chao Yi Lang, Judge Shang Shu, Wu Bu Ren Wai Lang, Lang Evil Yan Zhen Qing Shu." In the "Jiliu Stele" in the Puzhao Zen Temple in Wang Xizhi's former residence, there are also words "Lang Evil Linyi People". It can be seen that in the earliest way of writing, it is to write "Lang Evil".

"Langya" and "Lang evil", which is right or wrong?

Since "Lang Evil" has been written since ancient times, what is "LangYa"? "In fact, experts and scholars in the Linyi area still recognize the writing method of 'Lang Evil', because it has been written in this way since ancient times." Experts from the Linyi City Local History Office told reporters, "Although the mainstream way of writing now is to write 'Langya', like Chuzhou City in Anhui Province, there is a Langya District, but tracing back to the source, 'Lang Evil' is the earliest way to write." ”

For this statement, the reporter also got confirmation from Sun Li, a professor at the School of History and Culture of Linyi University. "This cannot be said to be right and who is wrong, but it can only be said that this 'evil' without the 'king's word' is commonly used in ancient documents and inscriptions." She explained to reporters that the origin of the name "Lang Evil" is said to be the name of Jiang Ziya for a small mountain on the coast of Qingdao during the Western Zhou Dynasty, "Lang" means Qingyuzhu, and "evil" is a tone word, which has no actual meaning. After that, "Lang Evil" began to be officially used as a place name, and with the change of dynasties, the Lang Evil area slowly migrated to the current Linyi area. The commonly used "" character only began to appear in the late Southern Dynasty, because of the appearance of famous families such as the Wang, Yan, and Zhuge clans in the Lang evil area, coupled with the emergence of celebrities, people used to add a "next to the king character" in front of the "evil", which also became "晵". However, this kind of customary usage is also very rare, only in the individual epitaphs, literature will appear, the mainstream writing method is still based on "Lang evil". The Kangxi Dictionary of the Qing Dynasty also included the character "卽": "琅琊, 卽琅邪, place names." The real popular use of "Langya" was after the founding of the People's Republic of China, but also to distinguish it from the pronunciation of the word "xié" and standardize the pronunciation of Mandarin. "Therefore, it cannot be said that 'Lang Evil' is a typo, on the contrary, it is still the most commonly used way of writing in ancient times."

"This is a matter of word reform, and there is no way to distinguish between right and wrong." Huang Keyong said, "This is also an evolutionary process. He said that the reason why the scenic spot decided to write "Lang Evil Old County" is that it is still necessary to respect history, and Linyi, as a famous historical and cultural city, is also a common obligation of everyone to carry forward traditional culture.

Song Tianjian, trainee reporter of Linbao Rong Media

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