
"Lang Evil" in the East China Sea and "Lang Evil" in the South China Sea"

author:Information on Chinese geographical names
"Lang Evil" in the East China Sea and "Lang Evil" in the South China Sea"

Abstract: During the Warring States and Qin and Han Dynasties, the "Lang Evil" located in present-day Jiaonan, Shandong Province, as the location of the "Four Times Ancestral Hall", was once the "East China Sea" port, and it was also the famous capital of the East and Southeast China Sea traffic lines. Qin Shi Huang toured the sea in the east and had a special performance in "Lang Evil". "Lang Evil" is regarded as an important starting point for the "East China Sea". It is said that there are cases of the use of "Lang Evil" place names in the South China Sea. If this statement is true, it indicates the path of opening up the sea route at that time, and should be regarded as a commemoration of the early cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

Keywords: Warring States; Qin and Han Dynasties; Lang Evil; Maritime Transportation; Cultural Exchange

According to the "Book of Sealing Zen" in volume 28 of the "Records of History", Qin Shi Huang, who was soon on the throne, went out on a tour of distant places, and once "traveled east to the sea, saluted the famous mountains and rivers and the eight gods, and asked the immortals to envy the genus of the gate" The "eight gods" mentioned here are the first "God", the ancestral heavenly Qi; the second is the "landlord", the ancestral Taishan Liang father; the third is the "soldier lord", the ancestral temple is you; the fourth is the "yin lord", the ancestral three mountains; the fifth is the "yang lord", the ancestral temple of the temple; the sixth is the "moon lord", the ancestral Lai mountain; the seventh is the "day lord", the ancestral mountain; the eighth place, the place where the shrine is "Lang Evil": "The eighth day 'Four Time Lords', the ancestral lang evil. Lang evil is in the east of Qi, where the age of gai began. Sima Zhen's "Suo Yin": "Case: The Classic of Mountains and Seas" cloud 'Lang Evil Terrace in the Bohai'. Case: It's like a mountain. "Geographical Chronicle": Langxian County has four ancestral halls. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty toured the sea in the east, and also "performed rituals to worship the eight gods." Such a ritual seems to have been performed more than once: "As his name is the spirit of the mountains and rivers and the genus of the eight gods, he has gone to the temple." This act reflects the full recognition and full respect of the emperors from the western plateau for the eastern theological tradition. And "Lang Evil" receives special attention, not only because of its status as the "Lord of the Four Hours" shrine and "in the east of Qi, where the gai years began", but also because of its status as a big port in the "East China Sea". "Lang Evil" is regarded as an important starting point for the "East China Sea". If confirmed, the claim that the South China Sea harbor is called "Lang Evil" can also indicate the path of opening up the sea route at that time, which should be regarded as a commemoration of the early cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

I. The Yue King's Practice of "Curing Lang Evil"

The "Lang Evil County" article of the "Geographical Chronicle" on the twenty-eighth volume of the Book of Han writes about the subordinate county "Lang Evil": "Lang Evil, Yue Wang Sentence Practiced To Rule This, And The Pavilion Platform was raised. There are four temples. The "History of History" volume 6 "Qin Shi Huang Benji" mentions "Lang Evil Platform", Zhang Shoujie's "Justice" quotes the "Chronicle of The Land" Yun: "There is a Lang Evil Terrace in the southeast of Zhucheng County, Mizhou, and the Yue Wang Sentence Practice Guantai is also there." There is a lang evil ancient city in the northwest of Taiwan. "Wu Yue Chunqiu" Yun: "For twenty-five years, the Yue King's sentence was practiced, and he moved to langya, and set up a viewing platform to look at the East Sea, so he ordered Qin, Jin, Qi, and Chu to honor the Zhou Room and the Blood Alliance." That is, the sentence is practiced on the stage. The quoted "Wu Yue Chunqiu", "Taiping Imperial Records" volume 160 quotes a different text: "Yue Wang Sentence practiced for twenty-five years, moved to Langya, set up a viewing platform, and circled seven miles to look at the East Sea." ”

The present edition of Wu Yue Chunqiu, volume 10, "The Tale of Wu Wai", has a record that "the king of Yue has been loyal to his subjects, dominated the Kanto, and raised the viewing platform from the Lang evil, and looked at the East Sea in Zhou Qili", and also wrote: "The king of Yue made people like Muke Mountain, took the funeral of Yuan Chang, and wanted to bury the evil of Lang." Three times through the tomb of Yuan Chang, the tomb is full of wind, flying sand and stones to shoot people, no one can enter. Gou Jian said: 'My former monarch is not moved! And he left. "The relationship of power succession after Gou Jian is: Gou Jian - Xingyi - Weng - Bu Yang - Wu Qiang - Jade - Zun - Kin." As for the pros, there have been eight lords, all of whom have dominated, accumulating two hundred and twenty-four years. The relatives are lost, and the Lang evil is gone, and the Wu Yi is migrated", "Respect and relatives lose the Lang evil and are destroyed by Chu". It can be seen that "Lang Evil" was indeed the political center of the late Yue Dynasty.

Historical documents have seen the evil deeds of Dulang, and there is also the "Bamboo Book Chronicle" volume: "(Zhou) Zhending Wang Yuanyuan 癸酉, Yu Yue migrated to langya. Book VIII of the Book of Yue, "Biography of the Outer Biography": "The eight kings of the eight kings who are close to the above sentences are all Lang Yan, two hundred and twenty-four years old." Book of the Later Han Dynasty, vol. 85, "The Biography of Dongyi Lie": "The yue moved to Lang evil. "Notes on the Water Classics" volume 26 "Weishui": "Lang evil, mountain name also." Yue Wang's sentence is also the homeland of the country. Sentence Practice and Wu, want to dominate China, migrate to Lang evil. Another volume of forty "Gradual Rivers and Waters": "Sentences are all evil." Gu Jiegang attaches special importance to the relevant historical records. Xin Deyong's "Analysis of the Evil Things of the Yue Wang Sentences" has a specific discussion on the matter of "migrating to the capital Lang evil".

In fact, as early as when the Yue King Gou Jian was active in Wuyue, the relevant historical records have revealed the special concern of the ruling ministers around Gou Jian to the "Lang Evil". Wu Yue Chunqiu, volume VIII, "The Legend of Gou Jian Returning to Foreign Countries", has the story of Fan Li helping the Yue King to go to the "Shudu", that is, planning and building the capital city: "The Yue King said: 'The plan of the widow, without a decision, wants to build a city and establish a state, and divides the Li Lu, and wants to entrust it to xiangguo.'" So Fan Li looked at the astronomical method and built a small city in the Purple Palace, with one hundred and twenty-one zhou, and a circle and three sides. The northwestern winged building of the dragon is like the Gate of Heaven. The southeastern stone sinuses to resemble the earth household. The mausoleum gate is reached in all directions, like the eight winds. Waiguo built a city and lacked the northwest, showing his service to Wu Ye and did not dare to block it. The inner to take Wu, so the lack of northwest, and Wu does not know also. The north is called a vassal, entrusting the state of Wu, the left and right are easy to deal with, and they are not allowed to take their places, and the Ming subjects are also subordinate. The city is complete, and the strange mountain is self-generating, langya Dongwu sea zhongshan also. Overnight, it is called Strange Mountain. "Fan Li said: 'The city of the subject is also the one who should be heavenly.'" Xu Tianhu's note: "Kunlun is Guishan Also, two miles southeast of the province." One flew in, one Pauline and one strange mountain. "Yue Jie" said: "Kameyama, Goku to the yudaiya." "Huanyu Chronicle": "Guishan Mountain is Langya Dongwu Mountain, and it moves here overnight." ’”

In the project of building the capital city of Yueguo, the legend "Langya Dongwu Hai Zhongshan" "came overnight", and the generation and dissemination of this mythical story implied that the restoration project planned by Gou Jian and Fan Li at that time was a special concern for "Lang Evil". Later, not only did Gou Jian have a "Lang Evil" business, but the "History of history" volume 41 "Yue Wang Gou Jian ShiJia" recorded: "Fan Li floated out of the sea, changed his name, called himself a bird Yizi skin, cultivated on the seashore, worked hard, and the father and son ruled the property." There is no geometry, resulting in hundreds of thousands of production. The Qi people smelled his sage and thought it was a picture. Fan Li sighed and said, "At home, it will give thousands of gold, and the officials will be the qingxiang, and this cloth is also extreme." Long-respected, ominous. 'But to return to each other, to scatter their wealth, to share with the party of the friends, and to carry their treasures, to go between them, to stop at the pottery, thinking that in this world, there is no way to trade, and to make a living, they can get rich. Although the historical records do not clearly point out the specific location of Fan Li's "floating out of the sea" and "cultivating on the shore of the sea", it can be seen that his basic direction of going north and his efforts to control the "Lang Evil" can be said to be roughly the same.

Second, the Qin Emperor Han Wu's "Lang Evil" trip

Qin achieved unification, and "Lang Evil" was listed as one of the "Thirty-Six Counties". In the twenty-eighth year of Qin Shi Huang (219 BC), after "Dongxing County", "Shangtai Mountain", and "Father Zen Liang", "so that it was east of Bohai, over The Yellow and The Bulge, the Poor into the Mountains, the DengzhiFu, and the Standing Stone Praised Qin Deyan and left". Subsequently, "Nan Deng Lang Evil, Great Happiness, Stay in March." Nai Qian's first 30,000 households were under the evil stage, and he was twelve years old. Make Lang Evil Platform, Standing Stone Carving, Praise qinde, Ming proud". The inscription clearly states of "Lang Evil": "The King of Wei Qin has both the world and is named Emperor, which is the Eastern Soil, as for the Lang Evil." The "Qin Shi Huang" (南登琅邪, 大樂之, staying in March) is the longest-lasting record of his stay outside Xianyang, especially during a long-distance tour. "Twelve years old under the first 30,000 households in Qianqian" is the only example of organizing a migration to the East in qin's forced migration behavior. Its scale is second only to "the world is richer than the 120,000 households in Xianyang". And the "twelve-year-old" person is also a preferential treatment that is only seen in the history of Qin.

In the twenty-ninth year of Qin Shi Huang (218 BC), "Shi Huang Traveled East", after "Dengzhifu, carved stone", "spinning, Sui Zhi Lang Evil, Dao Shang Dang In", once again came to Lang Evil.

In the thirty-seventh year of Qin Shi Huang (210 BC), "he also crossed Wu and crossed from the river." And by sea, north to Lang Evil. Fang Shi Xu And so on went into the sea to ask for divine medicine, and when he was several years old, Fei Duo, fearing reproach, was a deception: "Penglai medicine is available, but it is often suffered by the big mackerel, so it is not allowed to come, and if you want to shoot well, you can shoot it with a crossbow." 'The First Emperor Dreams fights with the sea god, like a human being. Asked Zhan Meng, the doctor said: "The water god is invisible, and the big fish and dragon are waiting." Pray to the shrine now, and this evil god should be removed, but the good god may be done. 'But it is to make the enterer catch the giant fishing gear, and wait for the big fish to shoot it with a crossbow. From the north of Lang Evil to Rongcheng Mountain, Fumi. To the fury, see the giant fish, shoot a fish. Thus merged with Haixi. "This was Qin Shi Huang's last trip, and it was also the most full performance of his enthusiasm for ocean exploration and the will to challenge the ocean." From the north of Lang evil to Rongcheng Mountain", it seems to be understood as a nautical record. As a starting point, "Lang Evil" is worthy of attention.

In addition to the records of the Book of Fengchan, volume 6 of the Book of Han also records the four trips of Emperor Wudi of Han to the seashore in his later years. After Qin Shi Huang unified the world, he made five trips, four of which went to the seashore. Emperor Wu of han far exceeded this record, at least ten times in his life to the sea. The last time he visited the East China Sea, he was already sixty-eight years old. Two of them were: (1) the fifth year of the Yuan Dynasty (106 BC), "north to Lang Evil, and the sea" ;(2) Taishi Three Years (94 BC), "Xingxing East Sea, obtaining red geese, and composing "The Song of Zhu Yan". Fortunately, the sun is a mountain. Climb the fury, float the sea". It is clearly reached the record of "Lang Evil". There is also another time: (3) "(Tai Shi 4) Summer April, Summer April, fortunately, the gods and people in jiaomen palace, if there are villagers sitting in worship." Composed "Song of The Door". Regarding "the gods and people in the Jiaomen Palace", Yan Shigu's ancient note: "Ying Shao said: 'God people, the genus of the Penglai Immortals also.'" Jin Zhuo said: "There is a Jiaomen Palace in Langxian County, built by Emperor Wu." If the Jin Dynasty is not mistaken, then it is another record of Emperor Wu of Han coming to Lang Evil. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty also reflected the special importance attached to this place in the Lang Evil Jiaomen Palace.

3. Naming of "Filling Yi" and "Qizhou" and "Dongyi" waterways

Qin Shi Huang came to Langxi during his first eastern tour in the twenty-eighth year (219 BC), and had a very special move, that is, to "negotiate with the sea" with his entourage of power. Lang evil carved stone record: "The king of Wei Qin also has the world, and his name is the emperor, which is the eastern soil, as for the Lang evil." Marquis Wucheng of Liehou Wang Li, Marquis Tongwu of Liehou Wang Ben, Marquis Jiancheng of Lunhou Zhaohai, Marquis Wucheng of Lunhou, Marquis Wuxin of Lunhou Feng Wuxuan, Qixiang Kuilin, Wang Xie of Qixiang, Qing Lisi, Qing Wang Peng, Fifth Doctor Zhao Bao, and Fifth Grand Master Yang Fancong, and discussed with them at sea. "The emperor of the ancients, the land is not more than a thousand miles, and the princes each guard their fiefdoms, or whether they are or not, invade and riot, and the destruction is not stopped, and the golden stones are carved, so that they can take themselves as the discipline." The five emperors and three kings of the ancient world, with different knowledge and religion, unknown laws, false powers and ghosts and gods, to deceive distant places, are not really famous, so they will not be long. He was not killed, the princes rebelled, and the decree did not work. The present emperor is also within the sea, thinking that the county is a county and the world is peaceful. Zhaoming Sect Temple, body Tao Virtue, honorific title Dacheng. The courtiers recited the emperor's merits and carved them in gold stones as a table. Zhang Shoujie's "Justice": "King Yan left the following ten people from the First Emperor, Xian and the First Emperor discussed merit on the sea, and the stone stood under the Lang Evil Platform, and the names of the ten people were engraved and praised." Why did Qin Shi Huang gather more than a dozen civil and military ministers to "discuss with the sea" and issue a political declaration of Chen Ming's state system and political system? Compared with the record of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty "staying on the sea" in the Book of Fengchan in volume 28 of the "Records of History", it can be speculated that the so-called "sea" here "and discuss on the sea" is likely not to refer to the seashore, but to the sea surface. "At sea" and "under the stage of lang evil" and said that it should also be supported that this "sea" refers to opinions on the sea. The so-called "discussion on the sea" here has already shown the meaning of "Lang Evil" as a harbor. Qin Shi Huang thirty-seven years (210 BC) "north to Lang evil. Fang Shi Xu And others went into the sea to seek divine medicine, several years old, Fei Duo, feared to condemn", with "big mackerel" deception, so "Shi Huang dreamed of fighting with the sea god", and "from the crossbow to wait for the big fish to shoot out", however, "from the north of Lang Evil to Rongcheng Mountain, Fu Saw." See the giant fish, shoot a fish." The so-called "shooting" and "giant fish" plots occurred at sea, "from the north of Lang Evil to Rongcheng Mountain" and "to Zhifu", which should be the personal route of Qin Shi Huang, and "Lang Evil" is the port where it set sail.

According to the Book of Fengchan in volume 28 of the Records of History, "Ziwei, Xuan, and Yanzhao sent people into the sea to seek Penglai, abbot, and Yingzhou. These three gods of the mountain, whose fu is in the sea, is not far from the people, and when it is troubled, the wind of the ship is drawn away. The one who tastes it, the immortals and the elixir of immortality are all in the making. Its objects are all white, and the gold and silver are palaces. Before they arrived, they looked like clouds; and when they arrived, the Three Gods Mountain receded under the water. When it comes, the wind will lead to it, and it will not be able to reach the clouds. The Lord is not content. As far as Qin Shi Huang and the world, to the sea, the words of the alchemists are innumerable. The First Emperor thought that he was at sea and was afraid that he would not be able to do so, so that the men and women of the children would go into the sea to ask for it. When the ship is in the sea, it is all based on the wind, and it is not possible to arrive, and it is possible to see it. The next year, the first emperor returned to the sea, to Lang Evil, across Hengshan Mountain, and returned from shangdang. After three years, You Jieshi was admitted to the Haifangshi and returned from Shanggun. In the next five years, the First Emperor went south to Xiangshan Mountain, then ascended to the Huiji, and at sea, hoping to encounter the miracle medicine of the Three Sacred Mountains in the sea. No, until the dune collapses. Chronology of the Six Kingdoms, volume 15 of the Chronicle of History: "In October (37), the Emperor's Meeting, Lang Evil, and Sand Dune Collapsed. It can be known that the last trip of the First Emperor", "Hoping to meet the Miracle Medicine of the Three Sacred Mountains in the Sea", also passed through lang evil. The fangshi's description of the situation of "Penglai, abbot, Yingzhou" and "three sacred mountains" on the sea and "and to the end, then the ship wind leads away", "when it comes, the wind leads away, it will not be able to arrive", and the new exploration of qin shi huang's instruction that "the ship is handed over to the sea, all take the wind as the solution, know that it has not arrived, and see it", all reflect that the group of alchemists can be called the forerunners of the cause of sea navigation. The "Lang Evil" should be one of the departure ports from the time of King Qi Wei and King Xuan of Qi to qin shi huang to seek the "Three Sacred Mountains". Book XXVIII of the Records of History, "The Book of Sealing Zen": "The Young Emperor said: 'The ancestral stove is to cause things, to give things and Dansha can be turned into gold, gold is thought to be a food eater, it is beneficial to life, and the Penglai immortals in the sea are visible, and if they are sealed, they do not die, and the Yellow Emperor is also.' The subject tasted the sea, saw AnQisheng, and ate giant jujubes raw in Anqi, as big as melons. The immortals of the An period, tong peng lai zhong, the combination is to see people, and the non-union is hidden. So the Son of Heaven began to kiss the temple stove, and sent the alchemist into the sea to ask for the genus of Penglai'an, and the Dansha medicines were turned into gold. And the "Records of History", which records the same historical events, volume XII "Xiaowu Benji", Sima Zhen's "Suo Yin": "Serve The Pious: 'Ancient Zhenren.'" Case: "Legend of the Immortals" Yun: "An Jisheng, the evil man of Lang, sells medicine to the East Sea, and everyone speaks chitose at the time." Zhang Shoujie's "Justice" quotes the "Biography of Liexian": "An Qisheng, Lang Evil Fuxiang Pavilion People also." Sell medicine by the sea. Qin Shi Huang asked for three nights, gave tens of millions of gold, out, in Fuxiang Pavilion, all of them were put away, left a book, and repaid it with a red jade scoop, saying, 'Later Chitose begs me to be under penglai Mountain'. The legend of "Sea", "True Man", and "Immortal" who can "pass through Penglai" is born of "Lang Evil", which also implies the status of "Lang Evil" in the fangshu culture of the coastal area at that time, and the fact that "Lang Evil" is one of the important starting points of such navigational acts.

And "History" Volume VI "Qin Shi Huang Benji" Zhang Shoujie "Justice" quoted in the "Chronicle of The Land": "In the East China Sea, Qin Shi Huang made Xu Fu send virgins and girls into the sea to seek immortals, stopping in this continent, a total of tens of thousands of families, so far there are people on the continent to the huijian city. Wu Ren's "Foreign Map" Yun Qi Zhou went to Lang Evil Wanli. It is also said that the route to "Qizhou" began with "Lang Evil". And the Book of Han, volume 28, on the Geographical Chronicle: "Lang Evil County, Qin Place." Mangyue fill in the blanks. And about the County Linyuan of Langxian County, there is such a text: "Linyuan, Houguo." Mang Yue Fill Yi Pavilion. Naming the place after the so-called "filling" or "Zhenyi" also reflects its geographical status of transportation connecting with foreign countries.

The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, vol. 85, "The Biography of Dongyi Lie", speaks of "Dongyi" and "a gentleman and an immortal country". For the "gentleman" country, Li Xian quoted the "Foreign Map" as saying: "Go to Lang evil for thirty thousand miles." It is also pointed out that the opening of the "Lang Evil" to the "Dongyi" route has been recorded.

As for the route between "Lang Evil" and the Korean Peninsula, the Book of later Han, vol. 76, "Xun Guan Lie Biography Wang Jing", provides clues to the story of Wang Zhong's "floating sea" story: "Wang Jingzi Zhongtong, Lelang Ren also. The eighth ancestor, Ben Lang is not a person. Good Taoism, Tomorrow Text. Zhu Lü rebelled, and king Xiang of Qi plotted to send troops, and asked Yu Zhong. And the king of Jibei Xingju rebelled, wanted to entrust the soldier Shi Zhong, Zhong was afraid of disaster, but the floating sea was in the east of the Lelang Mountains, so he was at home. Wang Zhong "floated in the sea and ran east to the Lelang Mountains", and did not rule out the possibility of directly sailing from "Lang Evil" to "Lelang".

Fourth, the possibility of Nanyang "Lang Evil" memory

The "Twelve Years of Zuo Chuan Zhaogong" mentions the deeds of King Mu of Zhou who "traveled the world in Zhou". The Bamboo Book Chronicle also has a clear record of the Western Expedition of King Mu of Zhou. Sima Qian, in the Records of History, Volume 5, Qin Benji, and Volume 43, Zhao Shijia, also recounts the story of his father driving a westward journey for King Mu of Zhou, seeing the Queen Mother of the West, and happily forgetting to return. The most detailed and vivid record of the deeds of King Mu of Zhou on his westward journey is the Biography of Mu Tianzi. The "Biography of Mu Tianzi" records that King Mu of Zhou led relevant officials and seven people, rode the Eight Horses, made a father and other royal vehicles by the most outstanding drivers, with Bo Yao as the guide, set off from Zong Zhou in the land of Heluo, through Hezong, Yanglu Mountain, Xixia Clan, Heshou, Qunyu Mountain and other places, traveled west to the kingdom of the Western Queen Mother, exchanged friendly words with the Western Queen Mother, feasted and sang, and climbed the mountain to carve stones to commemorate, and then continued to march northwest, hunting in the great wilderness, and then traveling thousands of miles to return to the deeds of Zong Zhou. Many researchers believe that the ultimate of King Mu's western tour of Zhou Mu, according to the book, roughly reached the steppe regions of Central Asia's Kyrgyzstan. Some scholars even believe that Mu Tianzi's westward journey may have left a footprint in central Europe.

Mr. Gu Shi studied the "Biography of Mu Tianzi", and when arguing on the "Ancient Passage of Communication between East and West Eurasia", he mentioned Sun Yat-sen's conversation with him involving "Lang Evil": "You recall that The former Prime Minister Sun Announced Yu Yue: 'The famous scenic spots on the coast of Shandong, China, have lang evil people, and the Nanyang Islands have land known as Langa (Langa), and the Persian Gulf has land also known as Langa (Linga), which is the remnant of the traffic between the East and West Seas, so the three places have the same name. Sun Yat-sen, he recalled, "held a map in English and instructed Yu one by one." Gu Shi sighed, "Huanghuang's last words are still in your ears today, and you can't forget them for a day." He said: "The ancient east-west overland traffic is seen in the Mu Chuan, and it has been revealed. Then those who talk about the history of the transportation of the East and the West nationalities today can not solemnly look at it! Gu Shi then pointed out: "However, the traffic of the ancient East-West Sea Route has yet to be examined. ”

Regarding the "remnants of the east-west sea road traffic" embodied in the place name "Lang Evil", it is indeed worth noting.

The Indonesian port of Lingga may have been said by Sun Yat-sen and Gu Shi that "the Nanyang Islands have land called Langa". The Philippines has the port of Lingayen, which may also be a transliteration of "Langa".

"Written around the middle of the ninth century to the beginning of the tenth century", "one of the earliest works of Arab writers on China", the "Records of Chinese India", says "Langabalous". Chinese translator's note: "The word Langa in the first half of Langabalous is used as a wolf's tooth repair in volume 54 of the Book of Liang; a lingjia xiu in the Biography of the Continuing High Monk, a biography of The Jurchens; a wolf's tooth whisker in the Sui Shu Chi Tu Biography; a Lang Jia Peng in Yi Jing's Biography of a High Monk seeking the Dharma in the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty; a dragon's tooth rhinoceros horn in the Island Yi Zhiluo; a Llangacogam in an ancient Indonesian inscription, or Lengkasuka Balus, or the Kingdom of Polu in the Book of Jia Tan. Some scholars said, "The Wolf Tooth Repair of the Book of Liang has been the earliest translated name of this country in our country. The second is the Continuation of the Biography of the High Monk Gunarata. The second is the Wolf Tooth Whisker in the Book of Sui, the Lang Jia Peng of the Book of Yijing, the LingYa Sijia of the Zhu Fan Zhi, and the Ling Ya Su Jia of the Shi Lin Guang Ji and the Daede Nanhai Zhi. Langsakā, the Journey of Suleiman to the East, is the Arabic name of this country. This is the "Dragon's Tooth Rhino Horn" in "Shima Yi Zhiluo". However, "Island Yi Zhiluo" also has "Dragon's Tooth Gate". Su Jikuo's "Explanation of the Island Yi Zhiluo" wrote: "The Two Books of the Zhu Fan Zhi and the Shi Lin Guang Ji (事林廣記) have a Ling Ya Men (Ling Ya Men). Glenville refers to the Linga Strait (Notes, p. 99, n.2). Shad and Jokyi also refer to the Strait of Linga and the island of Linga (Chao Ju-kua, p.63, n.2). Case: Linga Island, "East and West Ocean Examination" as Long Ya Mountain, with Lingya as Lingga, the opposite of the sound of the extreme. However, it means Lingyamen or Yiyi Chinese name, not transliteration. There is a suspected dragon tooth gate, which was already in the Song Dynasty, and it is falsely known as Lingya Gate. He also said: "The Dragon's Tooth Gate was also known as the vast strait south of Singapore Island and its south in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties. As for the book Dragon's Tooth Gate, it refers to New Kapo Island. Commentators have also considered that the place name "Rhinoceros Horn" may be related to the Marco Polo Chronicle "containing a Locac" or "Lochac" and "Wolf Siga of the Shipographics of the Vubishi Nautical Chart". Commentators believe that "Lingyamen or Yiyi Chinese name, rather than transliteration", its speculation from "Chinese" may be closer to historical truth.

Some scholars explain the "Dragon Tooth Mountain Gate" in the "Manchuga Kingdom" on the volume of the Western Tribute Records: "The Island Yi Zhiluo is the Dragon Tooth Gate, and the cloud: 'The gate is like a dragon's tooth when the two mountains intersect in the shape of a dragon's tooth, and there are waterways between them. 'The Dragon Tooth Gate was at the entrance of the South Strait in present-day Singapore, now known as the Shek Lat Gate, which was necessary along the eastern part of the Malay Peninsula to the Strait of Malacca, so it was called 'Entering the Dragon Tooth Mountain Gate'. The so-called "two mountains intersect like dragon teeth", "dragon teeth" is a mythical and legendary situation, there is no definite form, and it seems unreasonable to imitate "dragon teeth". The possibility that "dragon's tooth" comes from a Han place name does not seem to be excluded.

Perhaps the place name "Linga" is the first thing we think of when we consider the correspondence of the Nanyang region to "Langa" or "Linga". Chen Jiarong, Xie Fang, and Lu Junling's "Interpretation of Ancient South China Sea Geographical Names" "Lingga" article reads: "See the History of the Kings of Pasey, which is said to be the kingdom of Majapahit. The Longya Mountain of the Nanhai Chronicle, the Longya Mountain and the Longya Mountain of the Two Oceans of the East and West Examinations, the Longya Mountain of the "Sending with the Wind", and the Longya Mountain of the Guide to the Fa are all opposites, that is, the island of Lingga I.. in present-day Indonesia. The Dragon Tooth Country of the Sea Road also refers to this island. Feng Chengjun's "History of Transportation in China's Nanyang" said: "Dragon Tooth Gate, Zhu Fan Zhi as Linga Gate, the old cape of Xingjiapo." He also wrote "Lingya Gate" in the "Three Buddhas and QiGuo" article on the "Zhu Fan Zhi", and Feng Chengjun wrote "Linga Gate". Regarding its national conditions, the Zhufan Zhi said, "One-third of the business", "tired of the city, the week is tens of miles." The king goes in and out by boat", and the situation seems to be quite similar to that of the ancient "Lang Evil".

Xiang Da compiled the "Zheng He Navigation Chart" on the "Wolf Xijia" saying: "According to the map, the Wolf Xijia is between SunGuna and Kelantan, or it should be called the Wolf Tooth Xijia, which is the Langka-suka counterpart, that is, the big mud place. The so-called "wolf tooth" of "wolf tooth Xijia" is indeed close to the sound of "Lang Evil".

Another thing that can arouse our association is the record of the Book of Sui, volume 82, "Southern Man Zhuan Zhenla": "Nearby there is Lingjia Po Po Mountain, there is a shrine, and every soldier guards it with 5,000 soldiers." In the east of the city, there is the name of the god Brahma, who sacrifices human flesh. His king did not kill people in the year, prayed at night, and also had a thousand guards. So is the way it is. Worship the Dharma, believe in Taoists, Buddhas and Taoists and stand in the museum. Feng Chengjun's "History of Transportation in China's Nanyang" quotes "each soldier guards it with 2,000 soldiers", and "Lingjia Bowl Po Mountain" is "Lingaparvata Mountain". Among them, information about "shrines" and "believers" also reminds people of the similarities with the "Lang Evil" of the Warring States qin and Han dynasties.

Looking for "Linga" or "Langa" in the Persian Gulf region, only Iran's Lingah Port, or Lingoh, is closer. Some maps of this port are marked with the name "Bandar lengeh". Bandar is the Persian word for "port". However, it is also uncertain whether this harbor was referred to by Sun Yat-sen as "Linga".

Wang Yinglin of the Song Dynasty said in the "General Explanation of Geography from the Preface" that in ancient times, there was often a phenomenon of "two places and one name". There are often cases where old place names are used after migration. People are familiar with the famous story of Liu Bang building "Xinfeng" for the "Emperor Taishang". The article "The Names of Prefectures and Counties are The Same" in the fifth volume of the Rong Zhai Essays says: "First of all, the Central Plains trapped Hu and Xiong, the native remnants, or overseas Chinese lived in the south, so they gathered as Li County." And the state ruled by Fang Bo is still named. That is, as Chen Fangji's "Table of Geographical Evolution of Past Dynasties" is called "following its name and moving its place". Qian Mu also clearly pointed out that "ancient historical place names" "often have people with the same name in different places" and "the same name in different places is not a simultaneous occurrence, nor is it accidental." The ancients did not move often, and from this and that, they often used the old place name Xinyi, such as the Yin people are known as '亳' and the like. Therefore, the theory of contempt is to explore the ancient historical place names, and there are those who can deduce the relics of the migration of ancient peoples. Here, if the same name in a different place has a precedence, the earliest name of the human development in the place must be first, and the name of the late human development is later." "Although the ancients did not say a word about this matter, and the ancient and modern people are not far apart, later generations such as the Wei and Jin dynasties migrated south, and the modern era such as the history of Western colonization, and with reasonable inference, it is credible." Toponymic historians affirm the significance of Qian's "attention" to "the phenomenon of the same name caused by population migration." Qian Mu's "Examination of Geographical Names in History" also juxtaposes "migration of geographical names" with "primitive geographical names" and "history of geographical names", as one of the three principles for the study of toponymy. There are many indications that it is common for immigrants to bring their home names to their new places of residence.

Navigators are also often accustomed to naming places from old knowledge after new geographical discoveries. There are also complex factors, such as "the influence of the emotional color of names, including place names, on people's psychology", that is, the role of local consciousness and homeland complex. We cannot deny the objective existence of historical truth because of such phenomena in the "history of Western colonization" in modern times. In the context of colonialism, the use of place names that were "late in the development of humanities" is also appropriate to be regarded as a geographical symbol, and does not need to be rigidly understood as a manifestation of "Eurocentrism" or some other "isms". The place name "Lang Evil" was already very loud in the Qin Dynasty. It cannot be ruled out that the place name "Lang Evil" spread far away from the Qin Dynasty because of the fleet that set sail here. Although the discussion of the "Lang Evil" in the South China Sea has not yet been able to draw a definite conclusion due to the lack of linguistics, archaeology, geography and other conditions, it should still affirm the significance of the relevant exploration to illustrate the historical progress of maritime shipping and Sino-foreign cultural exchanges that have had an important impact since the Qin and Han dynasties.

P.S. This article was written with the help of Han Shuai and Zeng Lei of the School of History of Beijing Normal University.

Source: Wen Shi Zhe, No. 1, 2012

Author: Prince Jin

Draft: Geng Yao

Editor: Xu Ping

Proofreader: Youhua Liu

Editor-in-Charge: Liu Jiayao

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