
Qian Qi's masterpiece, the dust is washed away, the realm is extremely high, and it is unforgettable after reading

author:Yun Shui Xinyu

Li Bai likes to drink, no wine is not happy, fighting wine poetry hundreds of articles; and Bai Juyi loves tea, and personally opened a tea garden. He often travels to the mountains and forests, drinking cool mountain springs, which can be described as the most enjoyable life. In the winter leisure, brew a cup of fragrant green tea, while tasting, while reminiscing, not only smell the tea, but also see the poetry.

After Huang Tingjian drank a cup of tea, he once said happily, his mouth could not speak, and his heart was happy and introspective. Qin Guan also did not hesitate to praise words, tea Shi Jia Mu Ying, its fragrance is Tianyu. Wandering in the depths of the dense bamboo forest, lingering in the warm dreams, the heart is full of light joy, shallow honey, but also feel the tea fragrance attacking people, the true feelings overflowing. The following introduces a masterpiece of Qian Qi, the dust is washed away, the realm is extremely high, and it is unforgettable after reading.

Qian Qi's masterpiece, the dust is washed away, the realm is extremely high, and it is unforgettable after reading

Tea feast with Zhao Ju

Tang Dynasty: Money up

Takeshita forgot to say to the purple tea, Quansheng Yuke drunk Liu Xia.

The dust washed away, and the sound of a tree cicada was oblique.

Qian Qi's masterpiece, the dust is washed away, the realm is extremely high, and it is unforgettable after reading

Qian Qi, who has fallen in the first place many times, Tang Tianbao has been a soldier for ten years, and one of the ten talents of the Great Calendar. He is longer than five words, and his subject matter is mostly depicted in scenery and gifts, and a few works are sentimental and chaotic. This poem writes that the poet and his friend Zhao Ju held a tea banquet together, and the poet liked to drink tea very much, so he couldn't help but describe the scene of drinking tea and the feeling after it, so that the reader was also leisurely fascinated.

The opening sentence uses the story of Shantao, one of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest, "Takeshita forgot to speak to purple tea". Shan Tao and Ji Kang, Ruan Zhi and others are friends with the bamboo forest, and there is a contract of forgetting words. The poet and Zhao Ju understood each other, and there was no need to say much about each other, and they were also very tacit, implying that they were close friends.

Qian Qi's masterpiece, the dust is washed away, the realm is extremely high, and it is unforgettable after reading

The second sentence shows the scene of friends drinking tea in the bamboo forest, "Quansheng Yuke drunk Liuxia". Purple tea, also known as purple shoot tea, is very expensive, and also alludes to its noble status and extraordinary conversation.

When they forgot to say anything, they drank this purple shoot tea like a drunkard, which was completely better than the Daoist monks who drank the immortal wine that flowed like a rainbow. The poet adopts a contrasting technique to set off the beauty of purple shoot tea, which also shows that the poet's hobby is not to drink wine, but to drink tea, showing his own idyllic embrace.

Qian Qi's masterpiece, the dust is washed away, the realm is extremely high, and it is unforgettable after reading

The third sentence specifies the benefits of drinking tea, "dust washed away is difficult to exhaust." The poet chatted with his friend and drank tea leisurely. So drink tea, wash the dust heart, sweep away the world, and feel away from the hustle and bustle, the whole body is relaxed and pleasant, there is really a sense of ethereality.

And this beautiful realm, as well as the indescribable interest, is difficult to say! The author's use of "washed out" and "difficult to exhaust" once again shows that the poet loves tea and is full of great interest in it.

Qian Qi's masterpiece, the dust is washed away, the realm is extremely high, and it is unforgettable after reading

After the poet came to the bamboo forest, he enjoyed the environment here, the surrounding is quiet and quiet, the air is extremely fresh, and sometimes there are birds passing by, but it is more quiet and abnormal. They drank tea until the sun shadow tilted to the west, but they were not willing to leave.

Suddenly, the poet heard the sound of cicadas from the tree next to him, but he felt more tranquil, so he happily chanted the last sentence, "A tree of cicadas is slanting." At this time, the twilight is everywhere, the bamboo is more peaceful, the poet drinks tea and gradually enters a better state, and his heart feels even more intoxicated.

Qian Qi's masterpiece, the dust is washed away, the realm is extremely high, and it is unforgettable after reading

Looking at this poem of Qian Qi, it is otherworldly and extremely high. Tea has the effect of purifying the heart and awakening the brain, and also makes the drinker's heart detached and removes all troubles. "Takeshita" indicates a state of elegance; "forgetting words" is more like the birth of a Zen family. The "sound of cicadas" is also an extraordinary symbol, the cicada drinks dew and does not stain the heart. Through these specific images, the author vividly shows the elegance and tranquility of tea drinking, and also gives people profound inspiration.

Although the bamboo forest is not as fragrant as in the peach blossom garden, nor is there a still stream like the Villa of the Lingchuan River, there is a gentle breeze, and there is a tea fragrance, there is no intrigue, no fame and reputation, not only can make the mood idyllic, but also can forget the troubles. Life is simple, but it can be long-lasting; simple and light, but more flavorful.

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