
How powerful was the Daishan family in the early Qing Dynasty? The Eight Iron Hat King took away 3 of them from his family

author:Brother Yong reads history

Qing Taizu Nurhaci had a total of 16 sons, and Daishan ranked second.

How powerful was the Daishan family in the early Qing Dynasty? The Eight Iron Hat King took away 3 of them from his family

Daisan was born on August 19, 1583, to the mother of Nurhaci's original concubine. Before Nurhaci founded Houjin, he fought for years. The sons, though young, were already riding on horses and participating in the charge. Daishan is no exception. In 1599, Daizen was only 16 years old, but had already followed his father Nurhaci's army to conquer the jurchen Haixi Sibu.

Dai Shan is brave and good at fighting, not afraid of the enemy, and behaves very eye-catchingly. After the war, Daishan was given the title of Baylor.

Dai Shan is in charge of the positive red flag and the two banners of the red flag, and has strong strength in the eight flags. In 1612, when Nurhaci stripped himself of his heir status as the heir of the Great Brother Chu Ying, he ordered Daishan to govern. Daishan became Nurhaci's heir. Later, however, Nurhaci discovered that Daishan did not deal with the relationship between several sons, and that there was a phenomenon of favoritism over the other, so he publicly announced the abolition of Daishan's position as crown prince.

How powerful was the Daishan family in the early Qing Dynasty? The Eight Iron Hat King took away 3 of them from his family

In 1616, Nurhaci proclaimed himself Khan at Hetuala (present-day Laocheng Village, Yongling Town, Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province), establishing the Later Jin Dynasty (the predecessor of the Qing Dynasty). At the same time, Nurhaci canonized the four great baylors, namely the great baylor daishan, the second baylor Amin, the third baylor mang gultai, and the four baylor emperor Taiji. Daishan is the first of the four Baylors, the oldest and the most prestigious.

In 1626, Nurhaci fell ill and died. Because Nurhaci did not determine the successor to the Khan's throne during his lifetime, there was a gap in the succession to the Khan's throne. The four Big Baylors and Azig both had the heart to grab the Khan's position. Among them, Daishan's hope is the greatest. However, after carefully analyzing the situation at that time, Dai Shan believed that he did not have the strength to subdue his competitors, so he accepted the proposal of his eldest son Yue Tuo and took the initiative to support Emperor Taiji to take the throne.

It was with the merit of support that Emperor Taiji trusted and respected Dai Shan very much, and discussed state affairs with Dai Shan, Amin, and Mang Gultai. In 1627, when Emperor Taiji held a New Year's pilgrimage ceremony, he sat in the middle, and Daishan, Amin, and Mang Gultai sat on the left and right. Together, the 4 of them received greetings from the ministers.

How powerful was the Daishan family in the early Qing Dynasty? The Eight Iron Hat King took away 3 of them from his family

In 1636, Emperor Taiji ascended the throne as emperor, and the founding name was Daqing. Emperor Taiji ordered that Daishan be made the Prince of Li and Daishan's eldest son Yue Chen the Prince of Cheng. Prince Li enjoyed hereditary treatment, which is what we usually call the "Iron Hat King".

The first Iron Hat King of the Daishan family was born. The title of Prince Li was passed down for a total of 10 generations and 15 people, and the last Prince of Li was named Mao Ming, who inherited the title in 1929. In the lineage of Prince Li, there was a historian named Zhao.

Zhao tang was the eighth prince of Li, because he publicly insulted Hubu Shangshu as a slave in the royal palace, and was stripped of the title of Prince of Li by the Jiaqing Emperor. Zhao Tang moved to a quiet mansion to live, closed the door, immersed himself in the study of historical materials and documents, became a famous historian, and wrote a note "Miscellaneous Records of the Pavilion", which is of great historical value and can make up for the lack of documents such as "Qing Shi Lie", "Qing Shi Lu", "Qing History Draft" and so on.

How powerful was the Daishan family in the early Qing Dynasty? The Eight Iron Hat King took away 3 of them from his family

The second Iron Hat King of the Daishan family was Yue Chen, the eldest son of Daishan. However, when Yue Chen was made prince, he did not receive hereditary treatment.

Yue Chen, like Dai Shan, is a famous general who has experienced hundreds of battles. However, Yue Chen did not inherit the advantages of his father's old cheng, and his personality was more arrogant, and he was reprimanded many times for offending the Emperor Taiji and was demoted to baylor. In 1637, during an archery performance, Yue Chen did not even shoot 5 arrows, which was ridiculed by the Mongol envoys. In anger, Yue Yu threw the bow in his hand at the Mongol envoys, provoking the anger of the crowd. Nurhaci then demoted him from Baylor to a shell.

How powerful was the Daishan family in the early Qing Dynasty? The Eight Iron Hat King took away 3 of them from his family

In 1639, when Yue Chen led his troops to attack Jinan from the south, he was infected with smallpox and died in the army. Emperor Taiji learned of this and was so grief-stricken that he issued an edict to make Yue Zhen the King of Keqin County. During the Qianlong period, the king of Keqin County received hereditary resignation and became the King of the Iron Hat.

King Keqin became the second Iron Hat King of the Daishan family. There were 13 generations and 17 people (including Prince Cheng) in 13 generations, and the last King of Keqin County, named Yan Sen, inherited the title in 1910.

The third son of Daishan was called Sakhaphos, and the third son of Sahaphos was called Lek dehun. When Lekhedhun was 7 years old, his father died of illness. Lek Dehun gained the trust of Huang Taiji and rose rapidly among the younger generation. After the Qing army entered the customs, Leke Dehun was named the General of Pingnan and fought in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Huguang and other places, making great contributions to the unification of the Qing Dynasty.

How powerful was the Daishan family in the early Qing Dynasty? The Eight Iron Hat King took away 3 of them from his family

In 1648, Lek dehun was made the King of Shuncheng County by the Shunzhi Emperor. In 1652, Lek de Hun died of illness at the age of 23.

During the Qianlong period, the king of Shuncheng County was hereditary and became the King of the Iron Hat. In this way, the third Iron Hat King of the Daishan Family was born.

There were 10 generations and 15 people in the Shuncheng County, and the last Shuncheng County King was named Wen Kui, who inherited the title in 1917. In 1924, out of livelihood considerations, Wen Kui sold the well-preserved Shuncheng County King's Mansion to someone else for 75,000 oceans. Today, the first half of the ShunchengJun Palace has become a high-end restaurant, and the second half has become a house that maintains the style of a courtyard.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, a total of 8 iron hat kings were given, namely Prince Li, Prince Zheng, Prince Rui, Prince Yu, Prince Su, Prince Zhuang, King Keqin, and King Shuncheng. The Daishan family produced three iron hat kings, namely prince Li, king of Keqin County, and king of Shuncheng County.

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