
Wu Dan took over as CEO of Hero Interactive Entertainment and released an internal letter to Shuling

Wu Dan took over as CEO of Hero Interactive Entertainment and released an internal letter to Shuling

Ying Shuling, chairman of Hero Interactive Entertainment

October 9 news, yesterday the new third board listed company Hero Interactive Entertainment issued an announcement, "The company's board of directors received the resignation report submitted by the general manager Mr. Ying Shuling on October 8, 2021, and his resignation took effect from October 8, 2021, and Ying Shuling continued to serve as chairman after his resignation." The company will convene a board of directors to appoint a new general manager. ”

After the announcement, Ying Shuling also explained the reasons for his resignation in the form of an internal letter and recommended that Daniel take over as ceo of Hero Interactive Entertainment.

Wu Dan took over as CEO of Hero Interactive Entertainment and released an internal letter to Shuling

Wu Dan, CEO of Hero Interactive Entertainment

As of the close of trading on October 8, 2021, Tianjin Dino Investment Management Co., Ltd., Tianjin Dino Brothers Technology Partnership (Limited Partnership), Shanghai Dino Friends Technology Partnership (Limited Partnership), and Tianjin Qingzhou Interactive Technology Co., Ltd., controlled by Ying Shuling and Daniel WuDan, jointly hold a total of 53.4863% of the shares of Hero Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.

The following is the full text of Ying Shuling's internal letter:

Wu Dan took over as CEO of Hero Interactive Entertainment and released an internal letter to Shuling

Dear heroes,

At the board meeting that just finished, the directors approved my request to resign as CEO of Hero Interactive Entertainment (Hero Games), and I will be transferred to the executive chairman of the board of directors of Hero Games, and Daniel Wu Dan will become the new CEO. In the position of executive chairman of the board of directors, I will focus more on the combination of upstream and downstream of the game industry chain and the long-term planning of the partnership system.

Six years ago Daniel and I co-founded Hero Interactive Entertainment (Today's Hero Games), and we strive to be a game company that can make games that impress us and have world-class quality. We then founded Hero Sports VSPN, which aims to become the most influential esports company in the world. Our goals are very ambitious, and we treat our cause and our goals the same hard work and struggle. But our personalities and ways of thinking are very different and very complementary. This difference and complementarity allows us to look at problems from different perspectives in our work and enrich the dimensions of our decision-making. I am also especially grateful to Daniel for helping me better empathize with the team, the hero in the past two years from the game publishing company to the game development company on the road, can not be separated from our strengths, unity, and common overcome one obstacle after another.

A year ago, I hoped that there was someone more suitable than me to improve daily management and ensure the healthy development of the company's product development, I am not a mature manager in the traditional sense, just a young entrepreneur who has the privilege of seizing a little opportunity of the times, I discussed the idea of resignation on a small scale, and proposed that Daniel take over the CEO, everyone is very understanding and supportive. Daniel became president of Hero Games five years ago, based on the esports strategy, sandbox strategy, and iteration of the current sandbox SOC, content game, high-quality numerical game strategy that I proposed. I believe he is ready to lead the way to new opportunities and challenges in the days to come. I hope that you will support Daniel's work in the future, as you have supported me in the past, and I believe that under his leadership, the development of Hero Games will be further improved.

Looking back ten years ago, on October 8, I quit my job from the bank to start a business in the game industry, and the teenager with crazy ideas seemed to be right in front of me, and curiosity and creativity guided me all the way to the present. Today, the hero is preparing for the future of the product, we have more unreleased R & D pipeline will usher in the outbreak and surprise, any hero's small partner's creativity and efforts, in need of more help, we will be patient, open embrace and support.

Do not accept defeat, not satisfied, our goal is always the same, I hope that every little partner of hero game can exert their creativity, rely on your efforts and unity, and make a good game with world quality and impress yourself.

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