
Monks and nuns will be arrested, how will Zheng Banqiao be judged? The closing words were hilarious

author:Give history a lifebuoy

When zheng banqiao is mentioned, I think the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is his identity as a poet. After all, many friends have learned his "Bamboo Stone" when they are in school. Among them, the spirit of Zheng Banqiao's bamboo "thousands of grinding blows and strong strength, Ren'er's east, west, south, and north winds" is still impressive. In addition to his identity as a poet, Zheng Banqiao was also a famous painter in the Qing Dynasty and an important representative figure in the "Eight Monsters of Yangzhou", which was well-known throughout the country at that time. But what many people don't know is that Zheng Banqiao actually served as an official and achieved remarkable political achievements. Today, Xiaobian will introduce you to a case that occurred during Zheng Banqiao's tenure.

Monks and nuns will be arrested, how will Zheng Banqiao be judged? The closing words were hilarious

Zheng Banqiao, formerly known as Zheng Xie, the word Kerou, the number of Li'an, also known as The Banqiao, so people call it "Mr. Itabashi". He was born in the thirty-second year of Kangxi, and was admitted to Xiucai in the fifty-second year of Kangxi, raised a person in the fourth year of Yongzheng, and entered the army in the middle of the first year of Qianlong. In the spring of the seventh year of Qianlong, Zheng Banqiao, who had been waiting for many years, finally officially entered the army and became the Zhi County of Fan County. During his tenure in Fan County, Zheng Banqiao attached importance to nongsang and observed the people's feelings, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. Because of his outstanding political achievements, zheng banqiao was soon transferred to Weixian Zhi county.

In the same year, a great famine occurred in Shandong, so that the phenomenon of cannibalism occurred in Weixian County. Zheng Banqiao immediately opened a warehouse for disaster relief, worked in a big way, built a city and built a pond, and recruited hungry people from near and far to eat and go to work. After some treatment of Zheng Banqiao, Weixian finally survived the difficulties and gradually recovered its vitality. One day, Zheng Banqiao was handling official business at Yamen, when suddenly the local security guard near Chongren Temple took the villagers to tie up a monk and a nun, Wuhuada, into the county ya.

Monks and nuns will be arrested, how will Zheng Banqiao be judged? The closing words were hilarious

Zheng Banqiao asked what is going on? Di Bao said: "These two people have committed adultery, broken the rules of the Buddhist Gate, and hope that the county lord will severely punish them." According to the law of the Qing Dynasty at that time: "Monks and nuns with the crown of criminals and adulterers, at the head of the temple's Temple, two months of shackles, and a hundred rods." But Zheng Banqiao did not listen to Di Bao's one-sided words, but sent someone to investigate. After some investigation, Zheng Banqiao learned that the monk and the nun were originally a pair of young lovers, but the woman's parents felt that the man was poor and planned to marry their daughter to Di Bao as a concubine. In order to protect her love, the woman became a nun in the Great Compassion Temple. The man was also grateful for the woman's infatuation and became a monk at Chongren Temple.

Originally, the two of them ate and prayed to the Buddha, and there was no bondage. But the reunion at the Weixian kite meeting rekindled their old feelings. When they have a private meeting, they are accidentally seen and learned by the land security guard. Ji Bao felt that his face was damaged, so he took them to the county court. After Zheng Banqiao knew the causes and consequences, he immediately made a judgment, ordered the two to become relatives, and wrote a poem as a closing statement: "Half a gourd and half a scoop, and together a good peach." From now on, the wind rules are silent, and then knock on the door and the moon is shadowy. Birds are happy with time and space, and the lotus flowers are quiet and delicate. Who hooked up with the affair case, remember the Zheng Banqiao that year. ”

Monks and nuns will be arrested, how will Zheng Banqiao be judged? The closing words were hilarious

In this closing statement, Zheng Banqiao begins by pointing out the two parties with playful sentences, "half gourd and half scoop", symbolizing the two large bald heads of the monk and the nun. "Bring together a good peach", referring to their green plum bamboo horses, allowing them to get married. "From now on, the wind rules are silent, and then knock on the door of the moon shadow Haruka" means that from now on they are a legal couple, and there is no need to secretly date three times in the middle of the night. "Birds are pleasing to time and space, that is, color, and the lotus flower is quiet and delicate" shows that the seven emotions and six desires are human nature, which is normal. Finally, he added his own name to prove the affair. And because Zheng Banqiao's closing words are too funny, people can't help but laugh after watching it, and some people laugh even more.

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