
Dongfang Shuo: Yang Tian laughed and went out, why should he be concerned about a thousand knots

author:Tang poems, Song poems, ancient poems
Dongfang Shuo: Yang Tian laughed and went out, why should he be concerned about a thousand knots

Author: Mu Xi, Source: Tang Poetry song poetry ancient poems (ID: tsgsc8)

Shi Xian Li Bai looked down on many people, but only worshipped one person, and even compared himself to himself:

Exchange the number of heavens for a flying dragon horse, and forgive the coral white jade whip.

The world does not know the Oriental Shuo, and the Great Hidden Golden Gate is who is immortal.

Yes, this person is Dongfang Shuo!

In Chinese history, Dongfang Shuo is a strange man, known as the ancestor of eight major fields such as cross-talk, feng shui, riddles, archaeology, peach culture and Chinese folk culture.

He was a famous literary scholar of the Western Han Dynasty, similar to Sima Xiang in the period, and was known for his rhetoric.

He is a miscellaneous scholar who makes good use of various art forms. Liu Xun discussed nearly 10 kinds of various genres of Oriental Shuo in "Wenxin Carved Dragon", such as "Discernment", "Interpretation", "Zhu Meng", "Miscellaneous Texts", "Commentaries", "Zhao Ce", and "Secretaries".

This man was erudite, comical and wild, witty and versatile, and intellectually entertaining, and was deeply pleased by Emperor Wu of Han. Emperor Wu always believed that The Eastern Shuo could defeat Zhang Liang by winning a thousand miles, governing the country and the people could be compared to Xiao He, and Xiongcai Wu could be higher than Han Xin.

However, Dongfang Shuo's humor and antics are means, not ends, he is for the sake of grace, not for flattery.

What he hoped for was not to make Emperor Wu of Han like his funny and witty, but to make him willing to listen to advice. Under his arrogant appearance is a heart that worries about the country and the people.

The Tang Dynasty calligrapher Yan Zhenqing once praised his high wind and bright festival and said: "Life is beneficial to people, and death is harmless to people." ”

Dongfang Shuo, as a generation of wizards, people's impression of him seems to mostly stay in various novels, folk tales rendered cynical, funny and alternative stories, while the real Oriental Shuo is submerged in the depths of history...

Dongfang Shuo: Yang Tian laughed and went out, why should he be concerned about a thousand knots

Good is like water with compassion

Karma Rinpoche once said: Compassion of kindness, wisdom of goodness.

Emperor Wudi's grandmother had always lived in the palace, and Emperor Wudi of Han was very attached to her when she was a child. Time is fast, the grandmother is getting old day by day, her actions are not good, and her speech is also very instigative.

Emperor Wu of Han began to dislike her and decided to let her out of the palace.

The grandmother had lived in the palace for decades, and outside the palace, it was a completely strange and frightening place for her.

Most of her life has been dedicated to the Yellow Emperor and the trivial affairs in the palace, her family has long been heard nothing, and how to survive when an old lady leaves the palace is a problem.

However, Emperor Wu of Han was helpless to speak, and after being sad, she and Dongfang Shuo mentioned the matter and wanted to seek help.

Dongfang Shuo waved his hand, turned and walked away. The old lady was even more sad, saying that people's hearts are flesh, how can the people she meet are all iron hearts?

A few days later, it was time for the grandmother to leave the palace. Dongfang Shuo suggested that Emperor Wu of Han send her a gift, but the good guy was fed to her.

Emperor Wudi of Han felt that it made sense, and it seemed too unkind not to send it.

Walking to the front of the palace, Emperor Wudi of Han saw the trembling figure of the ricket, and his heart suddenly softened. He remembered the scene of his childhood in the arms of his grandmother, and remembered that every time he was sick, the nurse did not sleep for several days and nights. He was attached to the smell of her body and at one point thought it was his mother's smell.

"Milk Lady", Emperor Wudi of Han shouted from behind, and Milk Lady looked back at Emperor Wudi of Han twice, and her eyes were full of tears.

Dongfang Shuo shouted from the side, "Old lady hurry up, the emperor doesn't need you to feed anymore, what are you still doing here?" ”

At this time, Emperor Wudi of Han could not help but cry, remembering that he had grown up eating the milk of his grandmother, and now that she was old, she should have provided for her, how could he drive her out of the palace like this.

Besides, the grandmother did not make a mistake in the palace, how could she treat an old man so cruelly, so she left the nurse behind.

The best strategy is never clever words and devious schemes, but awakens the inherent goodness and conscience of the human heart.

Wang Yangming said: There is no goodness and no disgusting body, and there are good and malicious movements. Knowing good and knowing evil is conscience, and removing evil for good is a special thing.

The master only creates momentum, lets the target produce psychological changes on its own, and finally makes the desired behavioral decisions.

Although Dongfang Shuo's personality is "impure teacher in words and impure in deeds", what he thinks of being pure and good in his heart is still for the benefit of Cangsheng!

Zhao Pingjun killed people, he calmly advised. Shanglin Yuan was built, and he borrowed the ancient persuasion of the emperor. Although he did not have the title of Marquis of Worship in his lifetime, his name was still passed down from the Western Han Dynasty. Even Sima Guang's Zizhi Tongjian also recorded his five sayings, which were not excessively applied to him through the talents of heaven and earth.

He hid in the dynasty, but he still obeyed his heart, established a heart for heaven and earth, established a destiny for the people, and was as good as water, and the moisturizer was silent.

Dongfang Shuo: Yang Tian laughed and went out, why should he be concerned about a thousand knots

Humor is calm and does not show sharpness

"Fortune Theory" has a saying: Wood shows in the forest, the wind will destroy it, the sharp edge will be exposed, and the people will not be!

Many people say that Dongfang Shuo is just a clown around the emperor, but in fact, with the wisdom of Dongfang Shuo, if it is too revealing, it will suffer greatly.

Once, an animal that resembled an elk broke into the palace, and no one present could name it, so Emperor Wu of Han summoned Dongfang Shuo.

Dongfang Shuo looked left and right, this is clearly a deer! But he said, "I know what kind of animal this is, but ask the emperor to give me a meal first." ”

After eating and drinking, he said, "Please ask the emperor to give me a few more acres of fertile land." Emperor Wu of Han agreed again.

Dongfang Shuo shunkou named the deer "Fangs" and explained seriously: "As soon as the teeth appear, it means that other countries are coming to surrender, which is a good sign!" ”

At that time, the victory of the Han Dynasty over the Xiongnu was already the trend of the times, and a year later, the Xiongnu did come to surrender.

This operation of his not only saved the face of the emperor, but also pleased the emperor. And pretending to be greedy for food and fields is to make himself not too sharp, after all, so many important ministers do not know, they can not be too popular.

In his later years, Emperor Wudi of Han hoped that he would live forever.

One day, when he was chatting with Dongfang Shuo, he mentioned: "The photo book says that the longer a person's nose is under the nose, the longer his life span will be; the 'among people' is one inch longer and can live for a hundred years." I don't know if it's true or not? ”

Dongfang Shuo heard this, knowing that Emperor Wudi of Han was dreaming of immortality again, and immediately laughed loudly.

Emperor Wu of Han saw that Dongfang Shuo seemed to have a sarcastic intention, and shouted angrily: "You actually dare to laugh at me!" ”

Dongfang Shuo replied respectfully, "How dare I laugh at the emperor?" I was laughing at Pengzu's face! ”

Emperor Wudi of Han was puzzled: "Why are you laughing at Peng Zu?" ”

Dongfang Shuo said: "It is said that Peng Zu lived for eight hundred years, if it is true that as the emperor said, one inch long of 'people' will live a hundred years old, and Peng Zu's 'among people' should be eight inches long, then, isn't his face too ugly?" ”

When Emperor Wudi of Han listened, he couldn't help but laugh out loud, and he also understood that the words in the photo book could not be fully believed.

Talking people make people laugh, and people who can't talk make people jump. Dongfang Shuo was witty and witty, which made the angry Emperor Wu of Han turn his anger into joy and happily conceded defeat.

This is a unique skill of Dongfang Shuo, always able to play an unexpected effect in an unexpected way, not only to make Emperor Wu of Han happy, but also to make himself retreat.

Dongfang Shuo's "Verse of commandments" has:

The wise are in the world, and Mo is still in the middle.

You're wandering, following the Tao.

Shouyang is clumsy, and Liu Hui is a worker.

Eat a full meal and live instead of farming.

Cynicism, the time is not right.

There is nothing more precious about a wise man's attitude toward the world than conformity to the Middle Way.

Humorous and calm, naturally in line with the middle way.

Therefore, although gentlemen like Boyi and Shuqi are high,around, they appear stubborn and clumsy in dealing with the world. Don't know how to be humorous and flexible, and suffer a lot.

With the change of all things and timing, Oriental Shuo can respond to changes with the most humorous and timely way of dealing with the world.

The humor of the measure and the subtlety of not showing the sharp edge are the best umbrellas.

Dongfang Shuo: Yang Tian laughed and went out, why should he be concerned about a thousand knots

Great wisdom is foolish

In the "Records of History", it is recorded: "(Dongfang Shuo) took a young woman in Chang'an, a good woman, and took a woman who was one year old, and abandoned it, and even took a woman." The money given is given to the woman. ”

Dongfang Shuo used all the treasures rewarded by Emperor Wu of Han to marry a young and beautiful woman in Chang'an City. For more than forty years, the young and beautiful women of Chang'an City were married one after another by him.

One year, Emperor Wu of Han decided to reward his courtiers with raw meat. At that time, hundreds of officials stood outside the main hall and waited for the meat division officer to come, but the meat division officer was delayed, and the weather was hot, and the group of courtiers sweated and cried bitterly.

Dongfang Shuo was also among them, he really couldn't stand these cumbersome etiquette, he actually walked directly over, took the knife himself and cut a piece of meat, turned around and left.

Everyone condemned him for not understanding etiquette, but Dongfang Shuo laughed and said, "Princes, on such a hot day, I can't stay any longer, I'll take a piece first, and you'll wait slowly!" ”

This matter later reached the ears of Emperor Wu of Han, and the next day, he ordered Dongfang Shuo to make a review in front of the hundred officials.

Dongfang Shuo made a review in front of everyone: "Dongfang Shuo, Dongfang Shuo, how rude it is for you to cut the flesh yourself!" But you don't cut much flesh, and how incorruptible you are! And how benevolent it is that you take the meat back not to eat it yourself, but to give it to your wife! ......”

As Dongfang Shuo spoke, Emperor Wudi of Han couldn't help but laugh, and the entire hall was filled with laughter.

Finally, Emperor Wu of Han said, "Okay, Dongfang Shuo, I'll let you review, why are you still boasting about yourself?" ”

Dongfang Shuo smiled and scratched his head in embarrassment: "Emperor, you don't know, there are many women in our family, I have this little salary, and it is indeed a bit stretched to raise them!" ”

Emperor Wudi of Han nodded, and then asked him, "Did you hear that you have many women, and the number of them will exceed that of Yuan?" ”

Dongfang Shuocheng was sincerely afraid: "Rumors, rumors are just rumors." There were a few women in the palace, but they were all chaff! His Majesty's women are all fairies, and the subject does not dare to compare with His Majesty. After saying that, he knelt on the ground and prostrated his head.

Emperor Wudi of Han laughed.

Is Dongfang Shuo a womanizer? No, this kind of operation of his was only deliberately insulting himself, in order to make Emperor Wu and his ministers think that he was a sex ghost with no political ambitions and no desire to make progress!

During the reign of Emperor Liu Che of the Han Dynasty, he not only promulgated and implemented the "Tui En Order", but also seized 106 knights under various pretexts, causing the power of the princes and princes to decline day by day.

In addition, Liu Che also appointed Zhang Tang and a number of other cool officials to supervise the imperial court ministers and crack down on lawless and powerful people in various places.

In the more than half a century of Liu Che's reign, the danger coefficient of the officials of the current dynasty was very high, and few people were able to start and end well and serve such a tyrannical emperor as Emperor Wu of Han.

Dongfang Shuo seems to be an exception, he is known for his rhetoric, he has not made much achievements in politics, and the largest official is only a thousand stones of Taizhong Doctor.

However, he had long been a close vassal of Emperor Wu of Han, and he had provoked the emperor many times, but he was still in danger.

Lao Tzu said: "Great wisdom is foolish, great cleverness is clumsy, big sound is loud, and elephants are invisible." ”

Wise and foolish people often look stupid and clumsy, but in fact unfathomable, they understand human nature and are good at management, which is where the wisdom of Dongfang Shuo lies.

"Lu Dust is in the world, avoiding the Golden Horse Gate." In the palace, you can hide from the whole body, why go deep in the mountains, under the SongLu. ”

In the face of other people's doubts, Dongfang Shuo in the "History" replied in this way, that is, the so-called "great hidden in the dynasty".

Dongfang Shuo: Yang Tian laughed and went out, why should he be concerned about a thousand knots

Walking on thin ice, laughing at life

Dongfang Shuo's funny humor and arrogance do not contain a sober edge at all times, and its sharp edge is always stabbing at the treacherous villains and fainting things of the current dynasty.

He worries about the country and the people, and he is proud of the world. In politics, he is outspoken and dares to take responsibility.

All his life, he risked his life to accompany the king, and waged an irreconcilable struggle against the traitors who brought calamity to the country and the people.

Whether it is cynicism, comical absurdity or seclusion and idyllic nothingness, these are just Dongfang Shuo's disguise of his protective clothing, unveiling this veil, we see a person with literary talent and greatness, who is full of ambition but has never met in his life.

But the torrent of history is rushing by, people remember his wisdom and talent, history has witnessed his greatness and ambition, from this point of view, Dongfang Shuo's life is also brilliant.

In a lifetime, there are more worries and less pleasures.

Yang Dai once said: There is no satisfactory life, only a life that looks open!

The poem by Li Bai at the beginning is indeed interesting. Whether Emperor Wu really didn't know Dongfang Shuo, we don't know.

But I think that he is not only a who is different from ordinary people, he is also a dashing person who walks on thin ice but laughs at life.

"I laugh from the sky and let it blow in the southeast, south, and northwest; I stand still and do not change the path of life." May you and I encourage each other!


Mu Xi, whose real name is Li Sha, is a member of the China Electric Power Writers Association and has been engaged in news writing for many years. His works have appeared in the central media "People's Daily", "Xinhua News Agency", and the shaanxi provincial media "Huashang Bao", "Shaanxi Daily", "Backbone", "Northern Literature", "Yuehan Book Club" and other magazines. Only with the use of daily life, thinking with the lead is not exhausted, time to disclose the truth, the text is the most touching. Disclaimer: This article is original, unauthorized, please do not reprint other platforms.

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