
Cai Yong, the most unfortunate talent in the Three Kingdoms, was brilliant but was killed by Wang Yun because of a sigh

author:The Secret History of Fish and Sheep
Cai Yong, the most unfortunate talent in the Three Kingdoms, was brilliant but was killed by Wang Yun because of a sigh

Text: Wang Jinyuan

In the environment of feudal society, it is difficult for literati to have a good ending, which is almost an iron law, and the more everyone is, the more tragic the ending. Cai Yong, a famous scholar of the Eastern Han Dynasty, used his floating life to make a vivid footnote to this.


Cai Yong can be described as a world wizard, a generation of everyone. In the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Cai Yong was "erudite and knowledgeable, good at lexicography, numerology, astronomy, and magic rhythms". It's versatile. When Cai Yong was young, he became famous in the world, and several eunuchs in the palace heard that Cai Yong was good at playing the piano, and tried their best to summon Emperor Huan of Han to the palace to perform skills. Perhaps out of disdain for the eunuchs, after many days of entanglement, Cai Yong was repeatedly urged by the local officials to go on the road, but he reached the halfway point and returned home on the grounds of illness.

Most of the literati were high and conceited, and Cai Yong was no exception, repeatedly refusing the orders of the imperial court to summon, until the age of 37, he looked at the face of Situ Qiaoxuan and became a subordinate. Qiao Xuan was a famous minister of the Eastern Han Dynasty, who was quite appreciative of Cai Yong and strongly recommended, and soon after, Cai Yong moved to the governor of Heping County, realizing the dragon gate jump from official to official. Cai Yongzhi was in charge of learning rather than doing things, and did not do it for a few days, and then Cai Yong was summoned to worship Langzhong, in the National Library, Dongguan School Book, and after a short time, he was promoted to Yilang.

During the school period, feeling that there were too many errors in the ancient classics of Guanzang, Cai Yong played the "Six Classics" with his colleagues. After receiving the approval of the Han Ling Emperor, Cai Yong shook his spirits, and it did not take long to complete it. Then, he personally wrote the Zhengzheng Six Classics on the stele with a Zhu pen, and asked the craftsmen to carve them on the side of the door of Taixue, which is said to be the first stone sutra in China. After the beauty of the book, the stone stele was erected, and there were countless circles of powder on the day, and the imitators watched endlessly, and when the time was not enough, more than a thousand cars arrived, and the streets were blocked. It can be said that this is the highlight moment of Cai Yong's life.

The ideal in Cai Yong's heart is to govern the country and the world, not just to be serious. After being promoted to a parliamentarian, Cai Yong, who had a belly full of learning, repeatedly went up and down. Others first flattered Emperor Yao Shunyu, and then broke the topic to say things, and when they said things, they were also twisted and turned, implicitly euphemistic, and then they pretended to be self-deprecating. Cai Yong, on the other hand, every time he goes to the book, he first quotes the scriptures, quotes from the side, sprinkles on the side, shows a piece of literature, and then goes straight to the theme, or points out the country and mountains, or directly chen the shortcomings, or attacks the magnates, and names and names, the firepower is fully open, and a posture of giving up me and others. As a result, it offended a large number of powerful ministers in the DPRK. Soon, Cai Yong was imprisoned and planned to abandon the city for questioning. After several "iron fans" in the palace repeatedly complained, in the end, they were "reduced to death by one class, and moved to Shuofang with their families". Fortunately, nine months later, in the face of amnesty, Cai Yong was spared and allowed to return to his original hometown.

Cai Yong, the most unfortunate talent in the Three Kingdoms, was brilliant but was killed by Wang Yun because of a sigh


Cai Yong was preparing to leave for his hometown, and Wang Zhi, who had long admired his name, set up a banquet to send Cai Yong off. Half drunk, Wang Zhisheng danced and wanted to come to the "Jingdong Drum" to praise Cai Yong, and his hot face rubbed on the cold ass, which was ignored by Cai Yong. Wang Zhi was the younger brother of Wang Fu, a hot waiter in front of the emperor, who had always been arrogant and conceited, and wanted to be subservient and elegant, rubbing celebrities, and dipping a little starlight, but unexpectedly lost face in front of everyone, so he became angry and ashamed, revealed his true appearance, and scolded: "You are a prisoner, you dare to look down on people with dog eyes!" Cai Yong stood up, shook his clothes, said nothing, and walked away with his head held high.

Whether it is vassal style or rubbing his name, Wang Zhi set up a banquet, which was originally out of goodwill, or at least not malicious. If you want to clear the heights to the end, you can find a reason not to go, since you put down your body, it shows that Cai Yong acquiesced to Wang Zhi's kindness. During the banquet, Wang Zhi not only prepared fine wine and delicacies, but also specially performed a program for Cai Yong in the middle of the banquet, which is what a big face. According to common sense, Cai Yong should say something, even if he says a few words against his heart, it is better to accept it, and it is appropriate for others to be reasonable to themselves. But it should not be, but Cai Yong played Qinggao at this time, and as a result, he smashed a good deck of cards.

Wang Zhi harbored a grudge in his heart, and soon secretly played the emperor, saying that Cai Yong "let go of his grievances and slandered the imperial court", Yunyun. Cai Yong understood that the eunuchs and magnates in the DPRK had long been offended by themselves, and whether they returned to their hometowns or the dynasty, they would not have their own good fruits to eat, so they did not do one thing and did not stop, and immediately left Wuhui and other places for twelve years. This can be said to be one of the few wise moves in Cai Yong's life.

Although it is a fugitive, these twelve years can be regarded as the happiest time of Cai Yong's life, and he has also pushed his artistic life to the extreme. Once, Cai Yong passed by the outside of Huiji City, saw the roof of a high pavilion in the east of the sixteenth rafter bamboo structure peculiar, thought that it can be made a flute, it refers to friends, friends are also curious, immediately take it off, make a flute, and sure enough, the flute sound is unique.

Once again, Cai Yong, who was reading a book, overheard a piece of paulownia wood bursting in the fire, immediately decided that this was a rare piece of good material, reached out and picked it out of the fire and took pleasure to make a harp, took a play, and the sound was wonderful and extraordinary.

Cai Yong, the most unfortunate talent in the Three Kingdoms, was brilliant but was killed by Wang Yun because of a sigh


This occasional or twice, coupled with the reputation of the past, has brought countless hardcore fans to Cai Yong's circle. Once, an "iron fan" prepared a sumptuous table of wine and dishes at home and sent servants to invite "Cai". When Cai Yong came to the door with the servants, he suddenly heard a burst of pianos coming from the room, listening carefully, there was a faint sound of slaughter, Cai Yong was shocked, thinking of his identity as a fugitive, thinking that the house was set up under the "Hongmen Banquet", and immediately withdrew. The servant saw the situation and hurried into the door to report. The master got up and chased after cai yong, saw Cai Yong, and asked why. After a few words, Cai Yong had to tell the truth. When they returned to the room, the guests who played the piano smiled bitterly: "When I played the piano, I saw a praying mantis dancing with its teeth and claws to pounce on the cicada, the cicada will not fly, I have a feeling in my heart, I don't feel that it is transmitted to the strings through the fingertips, this may be the so-called piano for the heart, right?" Cai Yongguan smiled: "Exactly, exactly." ”

In 189 AD, the Han Ling Emperor died, Dong Zhuo took the opportunity to steal the throne, specializing in imperial politics, heard that Cai celebrities were glorious in the southern country, and wanted to summon him to his subordinates to show off his glorious image. At that time, Dong Zhuo was recognized as a thief in the world, how could Cai Yong not know? Therefore, after many recruitments, Cai Yong was repetitive and resigned to illness. Unexpectedly, he angered Dong Zhuo and said: If you should not be called, you will destroy the family. As a last resort, Cai Yong had no choice but to answer the order, so he was appointed by Dong Zhuo as the acting priest, and was immediately promoted to the imperial history of the shi, the zhishu of the imperial history, and the shangshu, and within three days, he was promoted to three levels in a row.

The following year, Cai Yong was again worshipped as a general of Zuo Zhonglang, moved the capital to Chang'an with Emperor Xian of Han, and soon after, he was given the title of Marquis of Gaoyang Township. Dong Zhuo not only put a series of top hats on Cai Yong, but also "humbly" sought Cai Yong's opinion on many things, and somewhat absorbed some innocuous suggestions from Cai Yong. Every time there was a banquet, Dong Zhuo invited Cai Yong to participate and asked him to help with the drums and pianos. Seeing that Dong Zhuo took himself as a "dish" like this, Cai Yong knew that he was grateful to report and did his best to drum and play the piano.

Dong Zhuo's purpose is to usurp the throne, and the conscription of Cai Yong is nothing more than a sample of the scene, in Dong Zhuo's heart, Cai Yong is a vase, small is small can give some face, big is a big wrong is another matter. Therefore, when Cai Yong expressed his views on some principled issues, most of them were rejected by Dong Zhuo, and Cai Yong was once quite depressed. Once, he told his cousin Cai Gu that he wanted to repeat the same trick and play a game of running away. But Cai Gu poured a basin of cold water on his head: "You are a celebrity, you look like a star, who in the world does not know the king, want to hide, it is difficult!" It is estimated that Cai Yong was only talking, and seeing that Cai Gu's attitude was like this, Cai Yong, who was quite popular, quickly dispelled this idea.

Cai Yong, the most unfortunate talent in the Three Kingdoms, was brilliant but was killed by Wang Yun because of a sigh


In 192 AD, Dong Zhuo, a thief in the world, was killed by Situ Wang Yun. Soon, in the conversation with Wang Yun, Cai Yong unconsciously talked about Dong Zhuolai, remembering Dong Zhuo's various preferential treatment for himself, and couldn't help but be emotional, and his eyes were faintly red. Wang Yun was furious and reprimanded Cai Yong on the spot, but he was still angry, and he simply took Cai Yong into custody and prepared to punish him. Cai Yong returned to His senses, immediately apologized, and was willing to punish him with wiping his forehead and amputating his feet, so as to continue the history of Han and make meritorious contributions to the crime. Several friends in the DPRK and China also came to the rescue, but unfortunately, Cai Yong was eventually unable to escape the fate and was still beheaded by Wang Yun at the age of sixty.

The literati and politicians of feudal society are two different ways of existence and living, with different logics and paths of life. The literati take aesthetics as their interest, rich in emotion, naïve and romantic, obsessed with fantasy, imaginative, ethereal, and surging in their chests with poetic feelings and thousands of weather. Politicians, on the other hand, pursue fame and fortune, name and fortune, namely, wife and son, Guangzong Yaozu, full of brains and calculations, teeth in their stomachs, for the sake of profit, they can abandon family affection and righteousness, or even everything.

In the final analysis, Cai Yong is a playful literati or literary hero, a person of will, a rookie in politics, if he can rest assured in the text, he can shine brightly and shine for thousands of years. However, he had to cross the slash and step into the political circle of thorns and tigers, and finally not only buried his artistic youth, but also put on his head, which made people sigh.

Planner: Fish and Sheep History Producer: Fish Boy

Author: Wang Jinyuan Production: Eat hard disk bar, developed mosquitoes

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