
Explore the 5,000 years of China - Kong Qiu travels around the world

author:Cocoa Casino

Kong Qiu traveled around the world

In the fierce battles of Wu, Chu and Vietnam, the country of the Prince of Zhongyuan also underwent earth-shaking changes.

In 5110 BC, the monarch of the State of Lu, Duke Lu Zhao, was exiled by Ji Sun Yi and made Gong Zhao's son Song the monarch. This is Lu Dinggong.

Explore the 5,000 years of China - Kong Qiu travels around the world

From then on, Lu Dinggong became the symbolic monarch of the Lu clan, and the power of the Lu family was in the hands of the three doctors. They are Ji, Sun, Meng, Sun, and Shu Luo.

However, although these three doctors were in the process of governing the country, they were slowly stolen by their courtiers.

The problem of the Chinese-Israeli ritual observance is the most serious.

Ji Sunsi's vassal Yang Hu seized the opportunity to seize the real power of the Ji Sun clan and attempted to destroy the Ji Sun, Meng, Sun, Uncle, and Sun clans and replace them.

Ji Sunsi fled to Meng Sun, the territory of Wuji.

Explore the 5,000 years of China - Kong Qiu travels around the world

Meng Sun Wuji had a teacher named Kong Qiu. It was something he had anticipated since he was a child. Therefore, Meng Sun sent troops in advance and ambushed the soldiers under the guise of craftsmen. Around his territory. Therefore, Mencius sent troops ahead of schedule, ambushing the soldiers as a craftsman. Around his territory.

Just as Yang Fu hurriedly caught up with Ji Sun's clan, Mensun Wuji's ambush quickly defeated Yang Hu.

Kong Qiu, Zi Zhongni, Lu Guoren.

In 515 BC, his father Liang He's uncle was the Great Auxiliary of the I Ching, and his uncle Liang He was the Great Auxiliary of Zou Yi The ancestral pool was southeast of ZouCheng. Shandong, but his father died early. Family life is very poor.

His mother solemnly raised him.

He never tired of learning, was very knowledgeable, and took in many disciples. Eventually, very quickly, these disciples spread throughout the world of the princes, and Confucius soon became famous in the world of the princes.

Confucius believed that a gentleman must rule the country with virtue and only with talent.

At the same time, kings, healers, the masses, fathers and sons all need to prove that they need to perform their duties without complaint or regret.

From a thinking point of view, he suggested Ren.

Explore the 5,000 years of China - Kong Qiu travels around the world

Rationalize doctrine.

Compassion means having moral values, loving others, and courtesy. It is to pay attention to one's own inner development and use it to restrain oneself.

In the area of education, he advocated indiscriminate education. That is, everyone is educated, regardless of his background, his own students have different backgrounds, different backgrounds, and he practices an effective, uninterrupted view, which I have been doing.

When it comes to learning methods, he sometimes learns to learn, knows what he knows, and claims that what he doesn't know is what he doesn't know. These are the valuable experiences and mottos of future generations.

At that time, some princes wanted to hire Confucius, but some of Confucius's views were clearly opposed. It was contrary to the prince's interests in the doctor.

Explore the 5,000 years of China - Kong Qiu travels around the world

For example, it could be a monarch. It only holds the key to the doctor's seizure of power, the division of the country, and the seizure of power by the prince. How could they possibly adopt Confucius's political ideas?

Confucius had to travel the world back to Lu because no country appointed him.

When Confucius was 50 years old, he encountered the Yang Hu Rebellion. Confucius reminded me of Mencius's warriors, so he stopped Yang Hu's rebellion.

Meng Sun Wu ji recommended Kong Qiu to the Xiangguo priest Sun Si to become the Sikong of the Lu Kingdom

One day in 496 BC, Duke Lu Ding asked Kong Qiu to accompany Duke Lu Ding to the Oracle and Qi Jing Guild Alliance.

Oracle is currently in Laiwu, Shandong Province. Thanks to Confucius's meticulous planning and vigilant response in the face of danger, the plot of the State of Qi to humiliate and kidnap Lu Dinggong by taking advantage of the opportunity of peace and alliance was completely bankrupt

After duke Huan of Qi returned to China, Confucius was promoted to the rank of Grand Sikou, that is, the chief magistrate in charge of justice, in recognition of him.

In Oracle's public contribution to Lu Dinggong, Kong Qiu took the opportunity to show his revenge. At the same time, he also helped Lu Ding to put an end to the rebellion of Sun Si's vassal Bow Mountain. Support the governance of sun ceru.

Three months later, Lu's appearance changed significantly.

Under the rule of Confucius, change is taking place

Qi Jinggong was very nervous

Daisuke confused to give Jinggong an idea, picked a group of beauties and moon palaces to give to Lu Dinggong, indulged in indulgence, and let Confucius stay away. It worked. Since then, Lu Dinggong has been enjoying himself day and night and ignoring the government.

Kong Qiu felt that Lu Dinggong was really desperate, so he led some students to travel to various countries again.

He traveled from Jianzhou, Songzhou, and Zhengzhou to Qinzhou one by one.

I was about to go from Chen to Caizhou. King Zhuang of Chu knew him and sent someone to invite him.

I also led some students on trips to other countries.

Explore the 5,000 years of China - Kong Qiu travels around the world

He sent troops to stop Confucius on the road and besieged him for three days and three nights.

Confucius was shocked for three days and hungry for three days.

On the fourth day, the Chu rescue team arrived. They got out of their predicament and came to the Chu kingdom.

However, the ministers of king Chu could not accept Confucius and eventually had to return to the kingdom of Lu.

After returning to the Chu state, Confucius grew older and finally gave up thinking about political issues. Literally write a book that teaches your students.

"Zhou Yi", "Shushu", "Book of Song" and many other ancient cultural classics.

Every month he sorted out the contents and turned them into Analects.

He has taught 3,000 students and disciples, of whom 72 are the most famous and outstanding.

The most valuable thing is that, according to Luzhou historians, he sorted out and edited the books of the Spring and Autumn periods in the form of chronology.

This book chronicles the major events in our history, from 722 B.C. to 481 B.C., in the two hundred and forty-two years of our history.

This period is often referred to as the Spring and Autumn Period.

Concho died in 479 BC. According to the classification of Chinese history by later generations, the Spring and Autumn Period of China's ancient kingdom in 770 BC was Zhou Ping

Also known as 476 BC, it is the 44th year of the Zhou Dynasty, which is four years after his death. Confucius entered the Warring States period in the social history of our country

Confucianism later evolved into Confucianism, and Confucianism became the founder of Confucianism

Later generations called him Confucius because confucius contributed to our ancient culture.

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