
Pay tribute to the sages, understand Kong Qiu, and be a model in every word and deed

author:On the Tao world

Text/On the Tao of the World Tang Customs

Who is Kong Qiu? Kong Qiu is Confucius. Confucius Mingqiu, the character Zhongni, was a Lu guo in the late Spring and Autumn period. He is a great thinker and educator in ancient China, the founder of the Confucian school, and has been praised by later generations as "the most holy" (a saint among saints), a "master of all generations", and a "saint throughout the ages"!

Pay tribute to the sages, understand Kong Qiu, and be a model in every word and deed

Confucius was originally a nobleman of the Song Dynasty, because he moved to the State of Lu (present-day Qufu, Shandong) to avoid chaos, when Confucius was born, the chaotic Yellow River water suddenly became clear, so he left a historical allusion of "the saint came out and the Yellow River was clear", which has been passed down to this day.

Confucius lost his father at the age of three, his family fell in the middle of the road, and he and his widowed mother were dependent on each other for their lives, and their lives were very poor. In his youth, he worked as a petty officer in charge of granaries and animal husbandry.

Pay tribute to the sages, understand Kong Qiu, and be a model in every word and deed

When Confucius was more than thirty years old, he began to teach apprentices and lectures, and soon became famous. According to (History. Confucius's family records that Confucius's disciples "covered three thousand yans, and there were seventy and two people who were proficient in the six arts."

Confucius broke the tradition of "learning in the official palace" at that time, and "taught according to aptitude", cultivating a large number of talents with both moral integrity and ability, which had a far-reaching impact on future generations.

Pay tribute to the sages, understand Kong Qiu, and be a model in every word and deed

Confucius was admired by emperors and literati of all generations. Nowadays, many movies and televisions such as "Confucius" and "Confucius Spring and Autumn" have been put on the screen.

The Analects were not written by Confucius, nor were they written by one person, nor were they compiled in a moment and a half, but were compiled and compiled by Confucius's disciples Zengsan, Zizhang, Zixia and others, as well as disciples who re-passed on the transmission. It was written around the beginning of the Warring States period.

Pay tribute to the sages, understand Kong Qiu, and be a model in every word and deed

There are countless versions of the Analects. After Confucius's death, his disciples and re-disciples recorded the main remarks of Confucius during his lifetime, as well as the words of Confucius and his disciples or the inter-contemporary questions and answers, and compiled them into the Analects, so that Confucius's thoughts and wisdom could live forever.

During the Southern Song Dynasty, the famous theologian Zhu Xi wrote the "University" and "Zhongyong" in the "Book of Rites" into separate books, and merged them with the "Analects" and "Mencius" into the "Four Books", and from then on, the "Analects" came out as the "Four Books". As a result, the Confucian classic of the Analects became a textbook for the imperial examination by means of the east wind of the Four Books.

Pay tribute to the sages, understand Kong Qiu, and be a model in every word and deed

In the centuries that followed, the fate of the Analects was linked to the Four Books, and with the history of the Four Books. It once became a well-known eminent school, studied by scholars from an early age, and was once denounced as "feudal scum" and became a "poisonous weed" that everyone hated. But it has always been revered as a classic of Sinology!

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