
It is said that Li Shaochun's father, Xiao Dazi, talked about the old era that it was not easy for artists to earn money, and he was often extorted

author:Lotus balls

In the old times, entertainers were called the lower nine streams. Although they earn a lot of money, their social status is very low. Some people even said that the social status of artists was not as high as that of prostitutes at that time, which was very detrimental, but it had a certain truth.

Today's artists are called "literary and artistic workers". Those past events in the past, or some words said out, many professionals do not like to listen, but in that era, this is the truth, the old era of artists are called dramas, no matter how much you earn, you seem to be inferior in front of others, which is directly related to the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, the positioning of artists by society.

So although the artists are glamorous and popular on the stage, there are not many times when they are respected and respected in private. Therefore, many artists are opposed to their children learning to sing.

Here, the most extreme person who opposed the most powerful thing was Cheng Yanqiu. When he went to Europe, his mother, Mrs. Toshi and his wife, sent his eldest son to study for the elderly, in fact, there was still a look of learning, which proved that his son was very talented, but when he came back from Europe, he was furious! He immediately sent his son to a foreign country to go to school, and resolutely stopped thinking about it. As a result, this son is more interesting, marrying a blonde foreign daughter-in-law in France, and giving birth to a bunch of yellow-haired, green-eyed foreign grandchildren to Cheng Yanqiu! This matter became a strange talk in Pear Garden.

It is said that Li Shaochun's father, Xiao Dazi, talked about the old era that it was not easy for artists to earn money, and he was often extorted

Peking Opera master Cheng Yanqiu

Then in that era, because the artists had to eat, they had to run the docks. All they actually earn is hard work. So there are some red horns. They made a name for themselves in one place, and the local hooligans began all kinds of extortion to find trouble, and there are many such examples.

Peking Opera master Li Shaochun's father, Xiao Dazi, for a period of time, was red and purple in Shanghai. Because his voice is good, high and bright, although the singing is almost charming, it is also famous for his martial arts skills, and he is also famous for acting in Liantai. Then this kind of continuous stage play is actually more similar to the current TV series. Stories are connected one after the other, and this characteristic is actually very different from the performance form of the Beijing Dynasty School Peking Opera, which does not pay much attention to the story. Haipai's Peking Opera has absorbed a lot of drama things, in any case, their purpose is to attract the audience to watch, so it is very popular with the audience in the Shili Yangchang!

In fact, the general audience will also watch a safflower hilarity. Which artist makes the hilarity more eye-catching, then who do they hold!

Xiao Dazi, whose original name was Li Guichun, was born on September 5, 1885 in Baxian County, Hebei Province, to a poor family of hired workers. At the age of 13, he left home privately to sing "Yongshenghe" to learn Hebei Zizi, and at the age of 23, he changed to learning Pi Huang. His play path is very wide, and the Zizi drama "Back to Jingzhou", "South Heavenly Gate", "Butterfly Cup", "Mulberry Garden Club", Pi Huang drama "Dumuguan", "Falling Horse Lake", "Serial Set", "Wind Wave Pavilion" and so on are his masterpieces and masterpieces. His liantai plays "Jiang Ziya Selling Noodles", "Mud Horse Crossing Kang Wang", "Tanuki Cat for Prince", "Playing Gold Bricks", "Sun Pang Douzhi" and so on have a particularly high attendance rate and are very popular with the audience.

It is said that Li Shaochun's father, Xiao Dazi, talked about the old era that it was not easy for artists to earn money, and he was often extorted

Li Shaochun, the son of Xiao Dazi, performs "Ning Wuguan"

He has been traversing the major stages in Shanghai for decades, laying an extremely deep foundation for acting, and is also very rich in the economy. Some people even said that "Mei Lanfang comes to Shanghai once every few years, and no matter how much silver he packs, it is not as good as Xiao Dazi", which makes sense.

However, you have more money, so some people will start to worry about you. In Shanghai, an adventurer's paradise. It is not a good thing that you are rich and rich, and you have no power and no power, and sometimes it will even bring him panic and annoyance continuously!

It was also about one day in the late autumn and early winter of 1920 in the Gregorian calendar, Xiao Dazi was sitting idly drinking tea at home, when suddenly a family member came in and handed him an anonymous letter.

Dr. Lee Qiang Chun:

Letter is not different, because the little brothers are too many, are some helpless people, seeing that the cold winter is coming, we brothers do not even have a pair of shoes, the big guys know that your old man's home in Shanghai big stage, the monthly package of silver has 3600 pieces of ocean, nothing else, please see the letter, quickly prepare 3000 pieces of ocean, send this to the north east of the Mud City Bridge, see a person wearing a top hat on the side of the bridge, please put these money in front of this person, you don't talk, turn around and leave, otherwise the gun has no eyes! Remember! In addition, I must remind you that you are not allowed to go to the patrol room to call the police, nor are you allowed to expand things, and you are not allowed to ask someone to protect you, otherwise we will also shoot!

It is said that Li Shaochun's father, Xiao Dazi, talked about the old era that it was not easy for artists to earn money, and he was often extorted

Simulate a ransomware letter

Xiao Dazi was terrified after reading this letter. How can this be done? This is headless and brainless, and I don't know what kind of hooligans come to blackmail. But he thought about it for half a day, the dock that should be worshiped, the gift that should be given, and the head that should be prostrated have all been sent to the bump, how can this happen? He was overwhelmed! So he asked his old friend Barrister Fan Gang to come to his house to discuss the matter.

Fan Gang, as a person, is relatively sociable. He is a black and white person, who can walk away and can speak. Therefore, he and Xiao Dazi said, "Brother Guichun, don't worry about this matter. Go to the patrol house to report the crime, but you can't make a noise, you can't let these thieves know. ”

However, they had just finished reporting the case, and the next day they received another letter, and as a result, Xiao Dazi opened it and looked at it, and there was a bullet wrapped in the letter, Xiao Dazi was startled, his hand was shaking, the letter and bullets all fell to the ground, and he sat down on the ground and did not slow down for half a day.

At this time, the family and his daughter-in-law came to help him up, even the crying belt shouted alarmed a lot of friends and people in the class, everyone came to ask about the situation, they were very angry, so you said no, just fight with this gang of wang bastards!

At this time, Fan Gang came over and said: "Don't mess around, I have a method, I don't know if it works or not."

So the crowd began to arrange according to Fan Gang's idea, and the big guys first wrapped it in straw paper disguised as paper money. Then pack it into a suitcase. The coachman, disguised as him, dressed as him, is sent to the north and east of the Mud Castle Bridge as promised.

It is said that Li Shaochun's father, Xiao Dazi, talked about the old era that it was not easy for artists to earn money, and he was often extorted

The coachman carried a suitcase full of straw paper to the appointment

The coachman carried a suitcase full of straw paper and pressed a top hat, and when he was about to walk to the bridge, he saw a man with a top hat waiting there, so he walked in and put down his bag and turned around, watching the person with the top hat pick up his bag and go north. The coachman shouted, "Catch the thief," and before the words could be heard, seven or eight people who had just been arranged in advance by Fan gang sprang out from all directions, flew over, and threw the man in the top hat to the ground, and the crowd immediately twisted him into the patrol room. As a result, when I entered the police station, I learned that these were not big hooligans, but some small street gangsters, who were red-eyed and small and earned more money, so they came up with this kind of damage and extortion.

However, Xiao Dazi finally turned the danger into a disaster this time, and there was no mistake, but it also frightened him a lot, and he did not ease up for a long time.

It is said that Li Shaochun's father, Xiao Dazi, talked about the old era that it was not easy for artists to earn money, and he was often extorted

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