
Li Yundi's relatives and friends, they have the right to silence Li Yundi's relatives and friends, they have the right to be silent

author:Han Haoyue

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > Li Yundi's relatives, teachers, and friends, who have the right to silence</h1>

Han Haoyue

After Li Yundi was detained by the Chaoyang police in Beijing on suspicion of prostitution, public opinion was in an uproar, as a public figure, Li Yundi's mistakes, there is not much room for justification, under the constraints of existing laws and people's requirements for celebrities, Li Yundi should also pay a price for his actions. But in this incident of national concern, there are still some things that make people feel that something is wrong, which is worth a sober thinking.

The first thing that went wrong was that media reporters continued to call Li Yundi's father's phone and WeChat audio. At the same time, there are also Li Yundi's Dan Zhaoyi. Li Yundi's father's phone was called, but it was not answered, but Zhaoyi's phone was connected, and after hearing the relevant information, he hung up the phone, but he couldn't stop the phone from calling continuously, but Zhaoyi finally took a stand.

Li Yundi's father was right not to answer the phone, as a father, he really has no suitable words to say about such a big thing that happened to his son. Confucius once said, "The father is hidden for the son, the son is hidden for the father, and it is straightforward to go straight to it", and it is reasonable for the father to lash out at the mistakes made by his son, from the aspects of history and culture, from family affection, and so on. If you have a little impression of Confucius's words, this phone call should not be made to Li Yundi's father.

Li Yundi's relatives and friends, they have the right to silence Li Yundi's relatives and friends, they have the right to be silent

However, the first time Zhaoyi hung up the phone, he was described as "greatly angry", he may be angry for the behavior of his disciples, or he may be harassed by the phone in the middle of the night and lose his temper, which requires a statement to the reader that Dan Zhaoyi's anger cannot be attributed to the former in a vague way. People who really know how to respect should know that the first time the phone is hung up, that is, the interviewee has clearly expressed his willingness to accept the interview, and the continuous phone call not only constitutes harassment, but also has the suspicion of forcing a position, as a respected educator, in addition to the statement of "very unexpected, very painful", what else can he say?

Li Yundi's father and mentor, they all have a right that has been ignored, or even trampled on, that is, the right to silence. Although the right to silence is defined differently in the judicial practice of various countries, it is generally recognized that the right to silence is a kind of human rights. In the courtroom, the offender still has the right to silence, so as an ordinary person, he should have and defend this right with dignity. No one can use the "public right to know" to persecute people in grief and despair, and to put words out of their mouths to meet the needs of communication.

The second wrong place is that "Wang Lihong Studio" forwarded a Weibo post from the police, and the retweet read: "Fancy anti-fraud, the police uncle not only has a golden eye of fire, but also sings well." This microblog seems to have nothing to do with the Li Yundi incident, but because the forwarding time is after the Li Yundi incident, it leaves a lot of room for speculation. Li Yundi and Wang Lihong were once a popular CP combination, and even rumored that they were "homosexual", at that time, although both of them denied it, they could not stand the spoofs and consumption on the Internet.

Now the Weibo forwarded by "Wang Lihong Studio" seems to have the factor of justifying its own name, but because it uses the words of "anti-fraud" and "fire-eyed golden eye", it is also suspected of "falling into the well". As a former partner and good friend, "Wang Lihong Studio" forwarded Weibo in such a tone at this sensitive moment, which is obviously inappropriate.

In fact, wang Lihong also has the necessity of remaining silent. Although some people will pay attention to whether Wang Lihong will express his views on this, this does not mean that Wang Lihong must express his views on this. Especially under the premise that there is no strong voice requiring Wang Lihong to express his position, by forwarding Weibo to "tactfully" and "implicitly", although the purpose of "drawing a clear line" has been achieved, it always gives people an impression that it is not sharp enough. Such a statement cannot add points to Wang Lihong's personal image.

While many netizens criticized Li Yundi, some netizens remained silent. Similarly, not expressing an opinion on the Li Yundi incident is also the right of netizens to silence. Some commentators believe that "not forwarding Li Yundi's paragraph is the most basic dignity of civilized people", which is also from an angle, exploring the protection of rights that a person should have even after making a mistake.

The hot spot of the Li Yundi incident will eventually pass, but in the process of progress of this incident, some disturbing phenomena have appeared and should be vigilant. The mistakes of the individual should be borne by the individual, and should not be expanded to hurt his relatives and teachers, and this rationality and common sense must be defended. (Posted in Phoenix Entertainment Review)

Li Yundi's relatives and friends, they have the right to silence Li Yundi's relatives and friends, they have the right to be silent

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